degradation. or future productive capacity of soil as a result of human 1. I got an A on my final paper which really helped my grade. The resources get depleted and the quality of … How do microbes reduce the environmental degradation caused by chemicals ? (v) Pollution of air has created respiratory diseases in humans of all parts of the world because harmful gases imbalanced the composition of atmosphere. Suggest any three steps to minimize the environmental degradation caused by the industrial development in India. (ii) Addition of greenhouse gases in atmosphere is responsible for increase in temperature. Environmental land use conflicts amplify environmental impacts. Soil degradation causes include agricultural, industrial, and commercial pollution; loss of arable land due to urban expansion, overgrazing, and unsustainable agricultural practices; and long-term climatic changes. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. the executive (president and vice president). Land degradation means: 1. In the following, the types, causes, effects and solutions for environmental degradation are examined. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. This can be understood by following points :-, Consequences of environmental degradation do, not respect national or state boundaries and can be seen in other parts of the country or world. oldeman. 3 billion acres land world wide had been seriously degrade Less vegetation cover Past and present human intervention in the utilization and manipulation of Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries and can be seen in other parts of the country or world. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Discuss the role of NTPC in paving the way to control environmental degradation. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Soil erosion is a natural process that removes soil from the land. Natural hazards are excluded as a cause; however human activities can indirectly affect phenomena such as floods and bush fires. Let us check what environmental degradation is, its causes and effects. 70% of agricultural land suited for raising livestock or crops is already degraded in Africa (FAO, 2011). Facing this terrible ecological and economic scenarios, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the “Sustainable Development Goals” in 2015, which comprise a target to combat desertification and restore degraded land. "hotspots" ofland degradation and "brightspots" of land improvement, and recommended policy action to reduce degradation and promote land improvement. Effects focus on atmosphere, human health and nature.Environmental degradation means reduction in the quality of the environment due to man made and natural factors. Degradation is currently affecting 25% of Earth's land and 40% of Earth's agricultural land. We have a growing population of people on earth.As mentioned above, land and soil are resources that we use to not only regulate the environment, but use to extract or produce other resources for that growing population of people.We will need more production or better efficiency in the future from out land resources, not less.We use land to: 1. human induced soil degradation was published on 1990 (ii) Addition of greenhouse gases in atmosphere is responsible for increase in temperature. This issue is no longer a regional or national issue. The ultimate goal is however to attain self sustainability whereby environmental and production potentials are supported by self-regulating processes within the system. Loss of natural fertility of soil because of loss of nutrients. Chapters 7 and 8 are concerned with the economic and social consequences of land degradation: its implications for the community as a whole, and thus for governments, and its effects upon the people, the rural population of the areas affected. At its worst, land degradation can result in … Conversion of agricultural land in non-agricultural uses is one of the main reasons to follow. Soil erosion and land degradation through various means further affect the physical viability of the soil profile and the environment in terms of solid, water, air ratio as well as chemical and biological balances. UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME,1993 It will create additional pressure on the land resources of exporting regions. Unep’s project GLASOD was implemented and (iii) Addition of chlorofluoro carbons in atmosphere is responsible for ozone depletion in Antarctic region. Grow food, grow fibres, raise livestock 2. The aim is to achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. 2 This paper synthesizes the discussions and rec ommendations ofthe workshop. The pollution of land has calamitous consequences especially concerning the survival of animals and humans and the quality of soil and water. Why the land is Land degradation also interrupts the regulating and provisioning services of ecosystems, in particular nutrient cycling, the global carbon cycle and the hydrological cycle (GEF 2006). Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries. Hello! Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. The land degradation processes include soil erosion, nutrient depletion, salinization, desertification and soil acidification or alkalinisation. since world war II. Consequences of environmental degradation donot respect national or state boundaries and can be seen in other parts of the country or world. (i) Land degradation affects the agricultural productivity of land as well as food security. “Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries”. I recommend everyone to give them a try. 1. Chapter 2 summa rizes perspectives on the global trends and effects of land degradation. 7 Serious Effects of Land Pollution. If you are looking for trusted essay writing service I highly recommend ⇒⇒⇒ ⇐⇐⇐ The service I received was great. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Degraded land reached approximately half the Earth's agricultural land. It affects every part of the world whether it is developed or developing country. “Environmental degradation has been seen everywhere.”. x��]ٓ��q/�j�Ԓ�EҔ��+Q�~�� 9�G�J��߬<9��\�SV��g�Lw����$-�"���`0Gwϯ���U�(}Ն?���^��������b����_���5&�7������O_�����W/w�6�8Z���j���Wè��]����7�o�fP�W���ah�Й���p34C�}���6�k�p}F?�9�ئ����燱Qnh���Íi�0����Nz����e�ވ6�w�n�f�Ck��q�M�w����Gm�/ʏM�p?>�`ih���|��D��Uױ>=���+s������'�V]?J��Yzl
�>�ql��n�~�2��������k�/�����O��?\���4�٫��&�z�����8o�fT��&,N����~���̖����� ُ.�F]4�>j}�1z���!.�J�ӄ�ʱ�Rןn\���5:��+ߢ�t����5�1�)�9�ը]�v���b���z������~s=��}b��. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Do you think that in today’s context national boundaries are overcome by global issued ? Although source region of CFC can be any part of the world, it is a serious issue of concern for whole world. As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. environmental resources are having unexpected consequences such as soil Land Degradation Processes. It is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Learn more. Mention the reason, when can General or National Emergency be declared and three consequences of emergency be declared under Article 352 of the Constitution? The environmental consequences of land degradation are vast, including amplified soil losses, water quality deterioration, biodiversity decline and degradation of ecosystem services and corresponding values, especially if actual land uses disrespect capability (natural use), in which cases land is in a state of environmental conflict. Renewable Energy : The United Kingdom Approach, No public clipboards found for this slide. Land degradation is the major consequences of direct interference of human activities in the natural phenomenon. 2. You'll be glad you did. The global cost of land degradation just looking to agriculture approaches US$ 500 billion/yr. 4 0 obj <>stream %���� Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, I have searched hard to find a reliable and best research paper writing service and finally i got a good option for my needs as ⇒ ⇐, I think you need a perfect and 100% unique academic essays papers have a look once this site i hope you will get valuable papers, ⇒ ⇐, Hi there! Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Soil degradation is the loss of land’s production capacity in terms of loss of soil fertility, soil biodiversity, and degradation. It will create additional pressure on the land resources of exporting regions.
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