var addy83671 = 'ptaenquiry' + '@'; Sea Dumping Act – This is an official piece of legislature that vastly limits the amount of dumping allowed in the ocean. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The procedure for giving such notice is by affixing the same at a conspicuous place or near to the obstruction or the harbour below the high tide. What is the key to their success? Ways to Prevent Pollution. The Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act suffers from various drawbacks in spite of being one of the earliest acts which were being passed by the Indian Parliament to control the pollution of water. | Powered by. What's your embarrassing list of the mobile phones you've owned? Under the Indian Constitution, the judiciary has given a liberal interpretation to Article 21 of the Constitution of India and included the right to clean water and environment under the ambit of Article 21, Article 48, Article 51(g) of the Constitution of India. Ask a Question. Once water is contaminated, it is difficult, costly, and often impossible to remove the pollutants. What Are The Best Ways To Control Water Pollution? Another duty imposed by this Act upon the person is that no person shall, knowingly enter into any stream in a manner so as to impede the flow of water or in any other way causes pollution of water. Various laws and policies are being framed to control the pollution of water through numerous ways. document.getElementById('cloak83671').innerHTML += ''+addy_text83671+'<\/a>'; The explanation of this situation can be given through an illustration. Establishing new parks and protected areas, Current park closures, fire and safety alerts. The EPA also implemented a Pollution Prevention Program to reduce the use of natural resources, limit the use of hazardous materials and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Use the toilet as a garbage bin by flushing tampons, sanitary napkins, condoms, cotton buds and cigarette butts down the toilet. Old mobile phones are like kisses from Grandma: you'd rather forget they happened. The Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activity concentrates on the regulation and reduction of wastewater, marine litter and nutrient loading. NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. Use the minimum amount of detergent for cleaning outside. Pour paint, solvent or cleaners in the gutter or where they may enter drains. Overuse chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) that could be washed into stormwater from the garden or yard. On a larger scale, consider speaking up against industries that dump waste into local streams, rivers, and beach fronts … Various judicial decisions throughout the history of Fundamental Rights have paved a way to the broad concept of Right to Life. You can click on this link and join:, [1] “www.environmental laws of India/Water Act”, [2] “Section 24 of the Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act,1974”, [3] “Lasya Popanda, Right to clean water, Legally Services India”, [4] “A Study of Water Pollution,Kapileshwar Sharma,PL Nayak”, [5] “Article 262 of the Constitution of India”, [6] “Case study on the Damodar Valley Region”, […] Cooperation, the agricultural sector had undergone a change. With the view of keeping a check on the functioning of this valley, Damodar Valley Corporation was established. Often the waste from the industries is being disposed of into the rivers which pollute the river to a significant extent. Local councils and the NSW State Government are successfully tackling sources of beach pollution in a range of ways. The Union of India, the Supreme Court, held that the right to clean water is a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. The Act empowered the land revenue collector of Bombay to issue a notice to remove the nuisances or obstructions which exist below the high water mark. I... Water, though indispensable, and playing a pivotal role in our lives, is one of the most badly abused... What Are The Solutions To Water Pollution? How do I tell my boyfriend that he doesn't satisfy me when he thinks he does? Below are just some of the ways in which Australia is fighting back against water pollution problems. Stabilise and replant areas of disturbed soil. The nature and amount of pollutants in freshwater determines the suitability of water for many human uses such as drinking, bathing, and agriculture. Clean fresh water is a precious and limited resource that is necessary for life. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Disposal of wastes by the factories, industries, dumping of various toxic and poisonous substances into the river has been found to be the deep root cause of the increasing pollution of water in the country. Water is considered to be a very precious resource possessed by the country. Here are some things you can do: Stop Smoking. Minimize or eliminate your use of pesticides, herbicides and. Daily activities can have a huge effect on water pollution, and by making a few changes we can help water stop being polluted and create a superior society.You should learn about the flow of water. What updates do you want to see in this article? Put vegetable scraps, tea leaves, coffee grounds or eggshells down the sink. A, a resident of Chandigarh, goes near a reservoir and voluntarily puts a toxic substance with an intention to cause harm to the environment and in consideration pollutes the water. Here are some related questions which you might be interested in reading. The government should keep a check on the functioning of reservoirs, streams, lakes and a body should be established to monitor the working of the government. Educate yourself and get involved in local community water resource issues. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You, your friends and family can also make a difference to the health of our waterways. Play an active role in reducing water pollution by conserving water at all time. In conjunction with six other state agencies, the MPCA is working to identify the outcomes we expect to achieve over the 25-year life of the Clean Water Fund. The Damodar Valley has been among the most flourished river basins which the country has witnessed since time immemorial. Opt not to print. Read more about us. There are many measures being taken to reduce the amount of water pollution present in ocean water in and around Australia. Clean fresh water is a precious and limited resource that is necessary for life. Though many acts have been passed by the Parliament to control the pollution of water still, there is an urgent need for preventing our streams, reservoirs ,rivers, lakes from being polluted. Section 277 of the Code provides for the punishment to be given to the person who commits an offence of fouling of a public reservoir or a public spring voluntarily shall be liable to be punished with imprisonment of three months or with a fine of 500 Rupees or with both. To promote the proper implementation of the Act, Section 24[2] of the Act imposes a duty upon a person to refrain from allowing any poisonous or noxious matter, as determined by the standards laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board, into any stream or sewer or on the land. But, bleach, paint, paint thinner, ammonia, and many chemicals are becoming a serious … This email address is being protected from spambots. //