... the waves of this world, and to ford its rivers; those by which the saints sat down and wept when they remembered Zion, [943] and Chebar's flood, whence ... /.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter xlvi paula and eustochium.htm, Light through Darkness ... Daniel in the court of Babylon, through Ezekiel on the banks of the Chebar, the Lord in ... will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in ... /.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 38 light through darkness.htm, The Greater Prophets. Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. In the OT Chebar occurs eight times in the expression נְהַר־כְּבָ֑ר. Ezekiel’s Chebar. unearthed at Nippur. gl:Río Khabur


It has given its name to a distinctive painted ware found in northern Mesopotamia and Syria in the early 2nd millennium BCE, called Khabur ware.

The Babylonian cuneiform nāru denotes either “canal” or “river”; but כְּבָ֑ר is not to be identified with חָבֹ֛ור (2 Kings 17:6), a river which rises in upper Mesopotamia and finally flows into the Euphrates near Kierkesion. Some older biblical commentaries identified the Chebar with the Khabur River in what is now Syria. Nāru kabari was indeed a “great canal” which branched off from the Euphrates above Babylon, flowed sixty m. SE, through Nippur, and finally emptied back into the Euphrates near Erech. Two dams, Hasakah West and Hasakah East, have been constructed on tributaries to the Khabur between Ra's al-'Ayn and Al-Hasakah. On the fifth of the month—it was the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin— the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, by the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians. Ezekiel received his visions while living near there (Ezek 1:1, 3; 3:15, 23; 10:15, 20, 22; 43:3). What is the significance of Damascus in the Bible? In classical times the river was known as Chaboras. This is prob. The rivers were banked out and the inundation regulated by means of canals. The Khabur River Project, begun in the 1960s, involved the construction of a series of dams and canals.

The tributaries to the Khabur are listed from east to west. Let the map include the Tigris, Euphrates and Chebar Rivers.

ku:Xabûr (Firat) Several important wadis join the Khabur north of Al-Hasakah, together creating what is known as the Khabur Triangle, or Upper Khabur area. Find out more here. $3.99 a month for 40+ study tools. In Sumerian mythology, the Habur is equivalent to the River Styx in Greek myth. Most of these wadis only carry water for part of the year. ca:Khabur The book refers to this river eight times in total. Important ancient sites such as Tell Halaf, Tell Brak, Tell Leilan (ancient Shekhna) and Urkesh, have been excavated in the Khabur river basin. Chebar. [4] The Khabur Valley, which now has about four million acres (16,000 km²) of farmland, is Syria's main wheat-cultivation area.

This is the living creature that I saw by the river of Chebar.

Today after centuries of neglect this artificial watercourse is dry. The northeastern part is also the center for Syria's oil production. Whether Chebar was dug with the forced labor of Jewish captives is unknown. An opinion that has much to support it is that the "Chebar" was the royal canal of Nebuchadnezzar, the Nahr Malcha, the greatest in Mesopotamia, which connected the Tigris with the Euphrates, in the excavation of which the Jewish captives were probably employed. ar:خابور (نهر) Excerpt from the Lexham Bible Dictionary, the most advanced Bible dictionary. The Babylonian equivalent (nāru kabari) of Ezekiel’s phrase appears on two contract tablets (from 443 and 423 b.c.) arc:ܚܒܘܪ Paula and Eustochium to Marcella. The region of the Khabur River is also associated with the rise of the kingdom of the Mitanni that flourished c.1500-1300 BC. ko:하부르 강 The Arabs refer to it as Shaṭṭ en Nîl (“the river Nile”). The symbolical poesy of the church compares them with the four rivers of Paradise, and ... the prophet saw in his exile on the banks of the Chebar, symbolize the ... /.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 78 the four gospels.htm, Letter Xlvi.

An hydrogeological study". This is the living creature that I saw by the river of Chebar.Torrey's Topical Textbook, And V the Kingdom Undivided and the Kingdom Divided ... Assyria and Babylon. | GotQuestions.org.

A portion of these captives were deported to the banks of the Chebar. I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. Nebuchadnezzar settled a colony of Jewish exiles on the banks of the Chebar (Ezek 1:1); and Ezekiel saw his earlier visions as he ministered here (1:1, 3; 3:15, 23; 10:15, 20). Although the Khabur originates in Turkey, the karstic springs around Ra's al-'Ayn are the river's main source of water. The best value in digital Bible study.

Pronunciation of Chebar with 2 audio pronunciations, 2 meanings, 8 translations and more for Chebar. Three dams have been constructed in the Khabur Basin as part of a large irrigation scheme that also includes the Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates. The course of the Khabur can be divided in two distinct zones: the Upper Khabur area or Khabur Triangle north of Al-Hasakah, and the Middle and Lower Khabur between Al-Hasakah and Busayrah.

The Khabur River is the largest perennial tributary to the Euphrates in Syrian territory. A canal in Babylon. Whether Chebar was dug with the forced labor of Jewish captives is unknown. Burdon, DJ, Safadi, C (1963).
Although the Khabur originates in Turkey, the karstic springs around Ra's al-'Ayn are the river's main source of water. Prise de Jérusalem par Hérode le Grand.jpg, https://religion.wikia.org/wiki/Khabur_River?oldid=132790, Some or all of this article is forked from. Torrey's Topical Textbook.

A third dam, Hassakeh South, was constructed on the Khabur 25 km south of Al-Hassakeh.

There the hand of the Lord was on him.

... as then, goes before his people, opening for them in their extremity "rivers in high ... 16); and lived with other captives at Tell-abib on the Chebar (perhaps the ... /.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxii the greater prophets.htm, The Iranian Conquest History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, V 9. One of Babylonia's grand canals, Naru Kabari, is now favoured, which may be identified with modern Shatt en-Nil.[3]. The reservoir of this dam has a capacity of 0.7 km3.

The capacity of the reservoir of Hasakah West is 0.09 km3; that of Hasakah East is 0.2 km3.

Ezekiel 10:15,20 And the cherubim were lifted up. New International Version (NIV). 1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. The Khabur joins the Euphrates near the town of Busayrah. CHEBAR ke’ bär (כְּבָ֑ר; LXX Χοβάρ; Vul. The Khabur is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 5:26 as the "Habor". An unidentified stream of water “in the land of the Chaldeans” (Ezek 1:3), i.e., in ancient Babylonia. I saw, even according to the vision which I saw when I came to destroy the city, and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I ... /.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the holy city or the.htm, Rivers of the Abundance of Grace in Christ, Rivers of the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit, Rivers: (Drying up of) of God's Judgments, Rivers: (Fruitfulness of Trees Planted By) of the Permanent, Rivers: (Steady Course of) Peace of Saints, Rivers: Banks of Frequented by Wild Beasts, Rivers: Useful For: Supplying Drink to the People, And V the Kingdom Undivided and the Kingdom Divided.
ja:ハブール川 How to say Chebar in English? means length).

The Book of Kings further relates how Israelite captives from Samaria were then settled near Gozan (Tell Halaf) on the Chebar river's banks by Shalmaneser V who reigned from 727 to 722 BC, as son and successor of Tiglath-Pileser III, (2 Kings 17:6, 18:11). See Map 4, also Bible Atlas. After the Babylonians rose to dominance in the early 6th century, the Judaean priest and prophet Ezekiel proclaims to have been "by the river Chebar among the exiles...in the land of the Chaldeans", when "the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God" (Ezek.1:1,3).

The Kebar or Chebar Canal (or River) is the setting of several important scenes of the Book of Ezekiel, including the opening verses. To the banks of this river some of the Israelites were removed by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:6). The Khabur River is the largest perennial tributary to the Euphrates in Syrian territory. "Policies, plans, practice, and prospects: irrigation in northeastern Syria". The latter's location in northern Mesopotamia is also believed to be irreconcilable with Ezekiel's residence in Chaldea. Two cuneiform inscriptions excavated at Nippur have however thrown doubt on the identification of this ancient River Chebar (or Kebar) with the present day Khabur River (Nahr el-Khabur). cs:Chabur The Books of Kings and The First Book of Chronicles in the Old Testament recount that Tiglath-Pileser III who ruled 745–727 BC as King of Assyria, captured Israelites from east of the Jordan.

Ezekiel 10:15,20And the cherubim were lifted up. According to the Bible he lived at a place called Tel-abib which was by the River Chebar or (grand canal) Ezek 1:1-3.


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