On a failed save, it takes 1d10 psychic damage per psi point spent and can’t see anything more than 10 feet from it until your concentration ends. While focused on this discipline, you and allies within 10 feet of you who can see you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Like the Psychic Warrior, the Psi Knight is a fighter subclass that augments their physical attacks with telekinetic strikes and mental barriers and use their psionic powers to do cool fighter things. Feat of Strength (2 psi). You transform your body, gaining traits of different beasts. "Sorry for themess.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell deals an additional 1d8 psychic damage.

Psychic Focus. If you already have darkvision with that range or greater, increase its range by 10 feet. Each psionic discipline is associated with a Mystic Order.

As a reaction when you take piercing or slashing damage, you cause acid to spray from your wound; each creature within 5 feet of you takes 2d6 acid damage. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 poison damage per psi point spent and is poisoned until the end of your next turn.

In 2nd edition, Psionicists gradually gain access to additional disciplines as they advance in level. You delve into a creature's mind forcing it to make an Intelligence saving throw. While focused on this discipline, you have darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Psychic Crush (7 psi).

Some options let you spend additional psi points to increase a discipline’s potency. Each creature within 60 feet of you that can see you suffers disadvantage on any checks using the Perception and Investigation skills. You gain one of the psionic disciplines of the Psion class, gaining the attached psionic feature and psionic power, but you do not gain use of any associated spells when gain a Discipline from this feat.

Until your concentration ends, any enemy within 60 feet of you that can see you must spend 1 extra foot of movement for every foot it moves toward you. Hurling (1-3 psi points): The target is knocked +10 feet in a direction of your choosing for each point spent. Click here to edit contents of this page. Each creature in that area must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 8d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If a character passes a saving throw against this ability, they have advantage on saving throws against it for next 24 hours. A creature is immune to this ability if it is immune to being charmed. Nomad Discipline If it is a thrown weapon, it returns to your grasp each time you make any attack with it. While focused on this discipline, you gain the ability to use your You can only select the Hammering modifier when you use it in this way. When recreating a spell through a Psionic effect (using a Psionic discipline to cast the spell) the spell has no Material or Verbal components, but using any psionic ability requires Somatic components and causes the Psion to vibrantly glow with the otherworldly psionic energies they are controlling. A shape shifter or disguised creature makes a Charisma (Decepction) check against your Psionics save, on failure you can see their true nature in their aura. The construct ethereal again if it drops to zero hit points. Psionic Devotion. Mental Barrier.A carefully built thought repetition wall which exposes only that small area. During this time, the target can’t take reactions, and it takes 1d8 psychic damage at the start of each of its turns. Crown of Rage A variant rule, known as "psionics are different," enforces a separation between the two systems; this rule also provides an intermediate step where each system has a diminished effect upon the other (for example, making a dispel check against an opposing energy would take a −4 penalty, and creatures with spell resistance gain power resistance equal to their spell resistance minus 10). Occluded Mind (2 psi). You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to Telepathic Intrusion (you can add multiple modifiers). As an action, you create an invisible, insubstantial wall of energy within 60 feet of you that is up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick. You assault the mind of a creature you can see directly. A creature must make this save whenever it attempts to pass through the wall, whether willingly or unwillingly. In 4th edition, the Monk uses the psionic power source.

Awakened Discipline On a failed save, the target believes one statement of your choice for the next 5 minutes that you communicate to it via telepathy. Perfect Focus must be a debilitating effect to not break the game. You gain the ability to suppress the glow and somatic component of a Psionic Power. Unfortunately less transcendent minds frequently cannot understand the greater truths they have learned and may view a Transcended Psion as a bit... peculiar.

You develop a minor grasp of psionic power, either uncovering an innate potential within yourself, through contact with a psionic source, or through training. When you use Enhancing Surge targeting yourself, you can choose to make your Strength or Dexterity ability score equal to your Intelligence modifier ability score until the start of your next turn.

The Mystic was found in Dungeons and Dragons' Unearthed Arcana back in 2017 and was a class completely dedicated to Psionics. The air in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point becomes deathly cold and saturated with moisture. Armored Form (6 psi; conc., 1 min.). It must make a Charisma saving throw. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or take 1d8 psychic damage. As an action, you exert an aura of sympathetic power. At the end of the minute, you can use an action to force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. As a bonus action, you gain two benefits until the end of the current turn: you don’t provoke opportunity attacks, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Each creature in that area must make Constitution saving throw.

Crush (1–7 psi). At the start of each of a target’s turns before your concentration ends, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. Consider how your psion keeps their powers in check, and how much their power bleeds into their everyday life. Fortunately your Psychic Blades do not require you to have your talent die available.

The attack is a cone-shaped wave of force 1/2" diameter at its source and 2" diameter at its terminus (6" distannce).

You can spend a number of Psi Points equal to half your Psion level (rounded up) at a time (for example, at level 5, you can spend 3 psi points on psionic power or cast a spell with a cost of 3 psi points). You can find additional Psionic Disciplines in the Psion: Expanded Options document here!

Psychic Backlash (2 psi).

Immortal Discipline Prerequisite: Projection and Transposition Disciplines.

Physical Surge once more lasts for 1 turn instead of 1 minute. If no duration is specified, the effect of the option is instantaneous. In 2nd edition, each power is tied to an ability score (generally Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom); in 3rd edition, each discipline is tied to an ability score; and in 3.5 edition, all powers use the same ability score: either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma depending on the manifester's class.

Starting at 6th level, when you deal damage with a Psionic Discipline power you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage dealt. In addition, you can move each target that fails its saving throw to any unoccupied space touching the line.

In combat, roll for its initiative, and choose its behavior during its turns. The psionicist was renamed to the "psion" and more closely resembled the magic-using sorcerer in terms of combat ability, and a new character class, the psychic warrior, was introduced.

When you summon a Psi crystal, you can store a fragment of your personality, that you can then release by shattering the crystal. When your Psi Crystal is within 30 feet of a creature that takes damage, you can use your reaction to shatter the crystal releasing that emotion and causing the creature to take additional damage equal to your Psion level. After you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you fails a saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll your, Mind Flayers: Scourge of Worlds Mind flayers, also known as illithids, are horrific, alien humanoids that lurk deep within the Underdark. Area Protected: If the defense mode has an area of protection beyond the individual, it offers its defense, or the defense used by any individual within its radius, whichever is better.

You gain a mindsight of 15 feet, allowing you to see creatures with an intelligence of 6 or higher within range as if by blindsight. Wings sprout from your back. On a successful save, the target takes half damage from the attack but suffers no additional effects that would normally be imposed on a hit.

As a bonus action, choose up to three creatures you can see within 60 feet of you.

The next attack you make with it before the end of your turn ignores the target’s armor, requiring no attack roll.

Whenever the frightened target ends its turn in a location where it can’t see you, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. How did you become a Psion?

Perhaps their powers were latent or perhaps their destiny had been that of a normal creature until powers were suddenly thrust on them. Starting at 10th level, you can see a creature by its mind.

Rather than learn powers upon level gain like Psions, erudites may theoretically use any psionic ability by "copying" another person or a psionically-infused item.

With two failed saving throws, it lasts for 24 hours. Psychic Inquisition

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