What might the Templars have been looking for? Where could Osorkon obtain such treasure so early into his reign? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. Ebooks available on iPad, Kindle, Kobo or Nook. Go figure? NY 10036. Solomon is referred to a few times in this story. "Archaeologists and historians are not sure whether the Ark of the Covenant was stolen, destroyed, or hidden" .. archaeologists and historians are not even sure the whole story, from Moses to Salomon, did ever happen. Just leaving them, those teaching, learning answers thus, remain under our noses :(. ( CC BY 2.0 ). Despite debate about how much archaeologists can trust the Bible as a historical source, Ben-Yosef added that it's very possible David and Solomon existed and at times, may have even exerted some control over the Timna Valley mines. The people cried out for relief to their new king but rather than reduce their load, Rehoboam took the counsel of young, hot-headed agitators and decided to double-down on the cruelty declaring, “I will make your yoke heavier, and I will add to it. Solomon’s Temple Treasure found after it had been lost for 2000 years. The myths of King Solomon’s Mines are an enduring, if elusive, feature of the United Monarchy era, but where were they located? Christopher Columbus believed he had found Ophir in Haiti, and Sir Walter Raleigh in the jungles of Surinam. (Photo R Ellis.). In the Hebrew Bible, the third king of Israel, Solomon, is depicted as a wise, powerful, and immensely wealthy king, who ruled between 965 BC and 925 BC. G-D, #Mishkan4FeetBelowHeelstone Centuries later, 'Solomon in all his glory' would become St Matthew's yardstick for riches untold and magnificence unsurpassed. We might ask the same question about the United Monarchy, which similarly sprang from the relatively impoverished Judges era and suddenly became the wealthiest and most influential monarchy in the region. Solomon is mentioned again, as the owner of a silken carpet kept in a sandalwood box in the treasury of Toledo. New York, The legend has constantly been revived and re-invented to fit the times. There would have been no point in taking any of these items unless there was a reasonably secure market for this produce, and we know that the primary market for this plunder was Tanis because many of these artifacts were reused in the Tanis tombs. The legend of Ophir's boundless riches lives on. Solid evidence has once again been unearthed proving that passages from the Bible were based on actual historical events. Under her reign, Egypt prospered. His family had long searched for Solomon's secret. He travelled to Ethiopia and came across hellish craters in the ground where desperate men, women and children risked life and limb to find grains of gold dust. Study Unravels the Mysterious Origins of Nomadic Mongolian Empires, 8,000-Year-Old Child Remains Discovered With No Limbs, Speculum Alchemiae: Secret Underground Alchemy Lab Discovered in Prague During Flood, The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe, The Amazons: The Real Female Fighters Dispelling Myth & Legend, Myrmidons: The Fiercely Loyal and Unstoppable ‘Antmen’ Army of Achilles. Neanderthals and Humans Were at War… For 100,000 Years! For it appears that the king's slave workers there were not extracting gold, but something rather more prosaic - copper. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. as they reached the mountain-side, A wondrous portal opened wide, As if a cavern was suddenly hollowed; And the Piper advanced and the children followed, And when all were in to the very last, The door in the mountain-side shut fast. But that is where the clues stop and the trail goes cold. Irving, W., 1832. And while it is true that precious metals could be melted down and reworked, much of the funerary furniture and relics in these tombs were marked with the owner’s name and could easily have been traced back to the tombs from which they were stolen. Hurdy Gurdy Man: Rock Star of the Medieval Music Scene, The Discovery that Revealed Ancient Humans Navigated the Seas 130,000 Years Ago, Hy-Brasil: The Legendary Phantom Island of Ireland, The Mystery of Egyptian Tomb KV55 in the Valley of the Kings, Buried for One Thousand Years: The Eerie Graveyard of the Vikings, How A Handful of Yamnaya Culture Nomads Became the Fathers of Europe, The Enigmatic Argimusco Plateau: A Glimpse into Sicily’s Distant Past, New Duckbill Dinosaur Evidence Shows That Dinosaurs Crossed Oceans. Actually Solomon was married to an Egyptian princess so yes the wealth was merged. Alternatives to this suggestion have some scholars convinced that Ophir can be found along the coastline of the Red Sea, likely in Ethiopia. There had been an invasion of the Meshwesh, who established the 22nd (and 21st) dynasties in the Nile Delta—the Tanis pharaohs of Egyptian history and the United Monarchy of the Tanakh. 1/3 of the wealth will go to the egyptian people ‘Send to pharaoh ... concerning them, and send also to the vizier our master that a means of sustenance be provided for us.’  (Strike Papyrus Ro2, 3-5.). I have arranged with my partner Mohamed El Sherif in Egypt to start excavation. Hurdy Gurdy Man: Rock Star of the Medieval Music Scene, The Discovery that Revealed Ancient Humans Navigated the Seas 130,000 Years Ago, Hy-Brasil: The Legendary Phantom Island of Ireland, The Mystery of Egyptian Tomb KV55 in the Valley of the Kings, Buried for One Thousand Years: The Eerie Graveyard of the Vikings, How A Handful of Yamnaya Culture Nomads Became the Fathers of Europe, The Enigmatic Argimusco Plateau: A Glimpse into Sicily’s Distant Past, New Duckbill Dinosaur Evidence Shows That Dinosaurs Crossed Oceans. But the most important gift of all was gold. A tribe in Ethiopia is known as the Afar people. His drinking cups were made of it; he had 300 shields beaten from it. It does so today, hoarded as security in our troubled times, and it did 3,000 years ago, when King Solomon, the ruler of Israel, accumulated it in abundance. 'Thy cheeks are comely with plaits of hair,/ Thy neck with strings of jewels./ We will make thee plaits of gold/ With studs of silver.'. It is said that Alexander used 7,000 pack animals to transport the Persian treasures back to Athens, and no doubt much of that treasure originally came from Egypt. When, lo! In this story, the governor of Morocco, Musa Ibn Nasyr, was in command of the invading force, and ordered Tariq Ibn Ziyad, one of his Berber vassals, to lead the vanguard. The archaeologists said the palace complex they've unearthed could only have been built by a king with substantial resources, one like Solomon. My tabernacle (mishkan) containing My ark of My covenant is located 1.2 meter (4 feet) under My stone which My stonehenge builders refused; My heel stone. A seven-branched candelabra of gold hung above his royal seat. A team of archaeologists has discovered a palatial building in Gezer, Israel, which the discoverers named "Solomon's Palace," according to New Historian. He was an epic lover with a reputed 700 wives and 300 concubines. In historical records, Solomon is portrayed as a king with an extreme amount of wealth. And according to the records from Tanis, the scale of this looting was simply prodigious. We’re the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Naupa Iglesia: An Egyptian Portal in the Andes? Ancient Origins © 2013 - 2020Disclaimer - Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy - Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. The spectacular building was constructed over 3,000 years ago, in the tenth century BCE, according to the archaeologists. Three adventurers lead an expedition into darkest Africa in search of the treasure of King Solomon, and on the way encounter hostile natives, volcanoes, dinosaurs and a … Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. General Wendebauendjed's funerary cups from the tomb of king Psusennes I at Tanis. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. ( Log Out /  Follow us @livescience, Facebook & Google+. Pharaoh Shishak “…took the treasures of the house of Jehovah and the treasure of the king’s house. *”Where Did Solomon’s Gold Go? He took everything…” (2 Chronicles 12: 9). His father in Sudan. Amon-Ra in Karnak Egypt. "And yet because the people were living in tents, they would have been transparent to us as archaeologists if they had been engaged in an industry other than mining and smelting, which is very visible archaeologically.". This is "a" king David..not "the king David.". But the majority of this great wealth has been dispersed across the continents over the centuries and millennia. This fictional account of a journey into the heart of Africa was heralded on billboards as 'the most amazing book ever written'. [Online]Available at: http://thedailybeagle.net/2013/02/14/treasures-of-the-temple-of-solomon/, Zolfagharifarid, E., 2014. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. ( Public Domain ), Ralph Ellis was trained in surveying and computer science. With this magical ring, Solomon was able to command demons to do his bidding. Featured image: The mysterious whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant has long captured the attention of archaeologists and treasure-seekers alike. But, then, everything about him was magnificently exaggerated. And yet the Tanis collection is every bit as wealthy and wondrous as the Tutankhamen exhibits, with solid gold and silver artifacts of superb craftsmanship. New evidence that links the vast copper mines in southern tip of Israel to the reign of King Solomon has been discovered, archaeologists report.

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