The Senate can remove the president from office – the president cannot remove a Senator; the Senate ratifies the president’s Cabinet; all financial issues have to start in the House of Representatives and Congress can reject a president’s proposed budget. Mrs. Thatcher lost the support of both her Cabinet and the Conservative Party when she was seen as being too over-bearing and out of touch. The head of government is the prime minister. Tony Blair has yet to have a serious challenge to his position as party leader. However, all he needs to do to sow the seeds of his own political downfall is to lose the support of those Labour MP’s at Westminster. For example, the U.S. has a 4-year limit for presidents and a max of two terms. PM’s use Cabinet Committees (the PM chairs several of these), bilateral meetings with individual ministers, the No. Those powers would increase dramatically over time—particularly in periods of national crisis—which led historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., to describe the modern office as the “imperial presidency.” Still, there remains some separation of powers: the U.S. president cannot directly introduce legislation, and Congress retains the power of the purse. The Prime Minister clearly has an abundance of powers at his disposal. A former Cabinet colleague, Mo Mowlam, has made these accusations and has also stated her belief that Cabinet meetings are a farce as they are no more than sessions whereby Blair is agreed to. The president has a central role in the Russian political system, while the Prime minister acts only as a chief administrator of the government. Congress has also had an input with the Senate approving a $34.4 billion rise in defence spending to assist in the president’s campaign against terrorism. The Office of Prime … In parliamentary systems, presidents—if they exist—serve as largely ceremonial heads of state. In this event, the president may be called upon to formally dismiss the legislature and schedule fresh elections. The French presidency under the Fifth Republic wields considerably more executive power than its American counterpart, although it can still be partially checked by opposition parties in the National Assembly (lower legislative house). In Jordan, the monarch plays a much more active role in government and the armed forces are under the monarch's power. The prime minister’s role is largely that of convention, a creation that has crept its way into the framework of British constitutionalism over centuries. What happens should this occur? Leaders of colonial councils were called presidents, as were the heads of some state governments. However, this is not so as there are constraints on his power. In the case of a dictatorship presidency, they might just take on the title of president. The concept of a president as a dual head of state and head of government had its origin with British colonial administrative structures in North America. Knowing the difference between a president and prime minister can be tricky, especially, when the powers given to each can vary greatly depending on the government. The House of Commons, on the other hand, has frequently complained that it is being side-lined by not having a full debate about the issue. Michel Ray earned a B.A. However, they have limited power of the government. A president, on the other hand, is the head of state. The powers of Congress and the Supreme Court are used as a balance to the power a president might accrue in his time in office. The Cabinet as a collective body, it has been argued, has been reduced to a clearing house and ratifier of decisions already taken. The PM’s potential impact on policy-making is therefore enormous and a pro-active PM like Mrs. Thatcher intervened extensively in departments and left her personal imprint on an array of policies from local government, education to privitisation. Leaders of a country go by many names. The president of America is frequently referred to as the world’s most powerful person.

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