The Franklin County ConspiracyBlue Ridge moonshining found itself in the national spotlight with the so-called Conspiracy Trial of 1935.Read More Here, The Great Moonshine Conspiracy Trial of 1935The Great Moonshine Conspiracy Trial of 1935 resulted in the indictment of 80 people involved in the illegal production and distribution of moonshine whisky in Virginia.Read More Here, Moonshine Capital of the WorldFranklin County, VA has been tagged as the Moonshine Capital of the World for its special brand of liquor and the large amounts produced by the county.Read More Here, Common Blue Ridge Moonshining TermsI bet you didn’t know these terms were a part of history.Read More Here, The art of making moonshine lives on in the hills of the Blue RidgeThis is the second of a series of online travel stories based on a recent trip to Roanoke, Va. and the Blue Ridge Mountains area.Read More Here, Franklin County Distilleries | 25156 Highway 220, Boones Mill, VA 24065 | 540.334.1610 |, Bar & Grill Hours: Monday to Thursday 8AM–9PM | Friday 8AM–9PM | Saturday 8AM–9PM | Sunday 11AM–7PM| Closed Christmas Day. There are. In response, lots of citizens chose not to license their distilleries or pay taxes on the resulting liquors. The third moonshine distillery to open in the county, Finally, if you’re visiting Southern Virginia, plan a stop at, in Mecklenburg County, run by one of the grandsons of the legendary Bondurant brothers. Considering this was also our first time to Rocky Mount the map was very helpful. Between 1930 and 1935 local still operators and their business partners sold a volume of whiskey that would have generated $5.5million in excise taxes at the old 1920 tax rate. The third moonshine distillery to open in the county, Law’s Choice, does not have a tasting room open to the public, but distills their moonshine in Franklin and sells it at select ABC stores throughout Virginia.Finally, if you’re visiting Southern Virginia, plan a stop at Bondurant Brothers Distillery in Mecklenburg County, run by one of the grandsons of the legendary Bondurant brothers. Contact the business for more information about recent service changes. Virginia at the time of these brothers would come to be known as the wettest county in the world. In Virginia’s mountains, a few bootleggers were quite wealthy, earning tens of thousands of dollars in cash while the Great Depression was in full swing. Boones Mill has always been a historical crossroads and place of cultural exchange. Steeped in history and tradition and rooted in quality local craftsmanship, the brand for FCD is strong. If a moonshiner ran, the agents would chase them down, but most of the time, the men caught red-handed would give up without a fight; violence was a rare result for moonshine raids at the time. Jim Smith, a prisoner Richards was transporting to the county jail at the time, was also killed, but Smith had nothing to do with the conspiracy. The cold mash moonshine produced at this distillery is a neutral spirit that makes for a perfectly balanced cocktail. But the real story is what’s happening here — in the cultural chokepoint of Franklin County: Boones Mill, Virginia. The distillery is in the small town of Boones Mill, famous for being home to the Bondurant brother’s store during Prohibition, where the bootlegging brothers and their associates would transfer moonshine for national distribution. The Morning Delivery DECEMBER 19, 1930 Surviving the Shoot-out Moonshine Continues Forrest Bondurant Nov. 21, 1901- Dec. 4, 1965 Heroes or Anti-heroes Before long, three of the cars reach the narrow wooden bridge NASCAR might not have acquired many drivers from Virginia’s illegal moonshine trade, but one such driver who did come from this background was Wendell Oliver Scott, a Black American racer from Danville’s “Crooktown” section. Tourism and the export of local heritage products are vital to the town’s growth and development. We are blessed and lucky to be ‘here and now.’ Boones Mill is truly “Your Blue Ridge Gateway,” and is quickly becoming a destination with its export of its most significant local heritage product — legal moonshine. Just down the road, Martinsville hums as a hotbed for NASCAR, a sport birthed from the transport of illegal corn liquor, and which attracts a large fan base that cherishes the history from which it sprung. For Virginia Citizen And Business Services Visit for their ruthlessness and passion for moonshining in Franklin County Virginia. Food, History, Southern Virginia, Virginia Mountains / May 1, 2020 by Patricia Keppel / 1 Comment Updated: Nov 4, 2020. .css-1o5pw2t{width:24px;height:24px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;position:relative;overflow:hidden;top:-0.1em;fill:rgba(187,186,192,1);}.css-1o5pw2t::before{position:absolute;display:block;left:0;}.css-1o5pw2t::after{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;}.css-1o5pw2t svg{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;fill:inherit;display:block;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;}.css-1o5pw2t:hover,.css-1o5pw2t:focus{fill:rgba(117,114,128,1);}. Check out our articles about, , and stay tuned for more But Did You Know… history articles to learn about some of Virginia’s most amazing untold stories. Laws were passed during this time to make rural distilleries illegal, and in the following years, Virginia counties one by one banned both the production and sale of spirits. Scott began his driving career as a taxi driver, but would also use his skills as a fearless driver and a knowledgeable mechanic to haul illegal whiskey, which would help him become the first and only black driver to win a major-league NASCAR race.

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