To be hired, candidates must qualify for the licenses of eligibility exams and meet all requirements of the hiring county. Auditing of weighmaster operations and records for compliance with California codes and complaint investigation. Expiring licenses may be renewed, at the request of the license holder, without further examination if the holder is employed in any county agricultural or weights and measures position, with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, or with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
The new County Licensing Program online examination system is available across the state. Inspecting and testing various types of retail, industrial, farm and specialty scales for accuracy within established tolerance limits and for compliance with specifications and use requirements. Statewide policies relating to county agricultural or weights and measures programs.
Applications received before or after the registration period will need to register for a future exam cycle.Paper exams will be administered twice a year, during the dates below: All first-time applicants, if they have not done so, must submit their transcripts and be approved to take our exams two weeks before the registration period ends to Many counties allow reciprocity with other counties however, you will: Need to file for and go through the specific county’s application process and pay their fees, NOT have to take that county’s exam as long as you meet the county’s specific score requirements, Pay a fee to maintain your license each year, You plan on working in one large county or city, You can get reciprocity in surrounding counties, There is an exam offered almost every week in various counties (so you don’t have to wait months). Failure to provide this advance notice, and not appearing for an exam, will result in fee forfeiture and necessitate re-applying for the exam in a future cycle. A minimum rating of 70 percent must be achieved on each exam for a passing score. Each county has fees associated with their specific licenses. A fee of $75.00 will be charged for the administration of each exam. Throughout California — there's something on the menu for everyone!
Promotional means that applications are accepted only from current employees. Exams will typically be administered at the Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures office located in each county. All counties in Florida offer unique licensing exams for a variety of trades.
Licenses are valid for five (5) years unless revoked.
Candidates unable to present an examination notice may not be allowed into the exam. You must have a county license in order to pull permits in that specific county (example, in order for a contractor in Hillsborough County to pull a permit for a project in Manatee, that contractor must have a license to perform general contracting duties in Manatee County after passing that county’s exam). Candidates noticing the program at least fourteen days before the scheduled testing date will be rescheduled during the current cycle or postponed to the next exam cycle at the discretion of the Licensing Program. Candidates wishing to reschedule exams must notify the County Licensing Program at least fourteen (14) days before the scheduled testing date.
For most entry-level positions, the examination will have two parts: a written test and an interview.
Civil Service Exams. While the CDFA is tasked with overseeing the testing and licensing of potential candidates, each county is responsible for hiring and determining the qualifications of its own employees. Candidates not employed by a county will be scheduled in the county in which they reside. Inspecting and testing electric watt hour measuring devices, principles of electricity, and electrical safety.
(2:46), Canine inspectors at shipping facilities help detect undeclared produce and plants in packages, to prevent the introduction of invasive plant pests into California. Candidates will receive notice of the exam location, date, and time at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the exam date. In Florida, county exams are sponsored by each individual county. Counties may require additional experience or education beyond that of the licensing exam requirements. Prometric, Gainesville Independent Testing and PROV are the companies that provide and oversee the trades licensing exams for each county. Expiring licenses may be renewed, at the request of the license holder, without further examination if the holder is employed in any county agricultural or weights and measures position, with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, or with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Other personal effects, including purses, backpacks, and cell phones will not be allowed in the exam room and should be stored in a secure location prior to arriving for testing.
(0:36), Take a tour of all the Golden State has to offer. Candidates must qualify under at least one of the following criteria to be admitted to the exam: Candidates registered as senior students, in an accredited four-year college, in one of the qualifying disciplines listed above may be admitted to the exam; however, a license will not be issued until proof of graduation is provided by the applicant. Pass. In order to take a civil service exam, you must complete an Orange County Application for Examination / Employment (PDF) and file within the announced filing period. All counties in Florida offer unique licensing exams for a variety of trades. Prometric, Gainesville Independent Testing and PROV are the companies that provide and oversee the trades licensing exams for each county. Appeals of exam results must be submitted, in writing, to the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture at 1220 N Street, Sacramento, California 95814 within thirty (30) of the mailing of the Notice of Exam Results to candidates. To be considered, appeals must include the exam title, date of exam, and basis of appeal.
Responsible quality or quantity control work in the production of consumer commodities. Weather . (The 80 hours of management and/or supervisory instruction shall be in addition to the educational training which could be used to qualify for the Deputy County Agriculture Commissioner license. Candidates wishing to reschedule exams must notify the County Licensing Program at least fourteen (14) days before the scheduled testing date. No fee refunds will be issued to qualified candidates. Each county may administer examinations based on need and proctoring capacity, but no more frequently than every 30 days. A NON-REFUNDABLE application processing fee is required. Separate exams are given for each subject area. Appeals must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, 1220 "N" Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. We will help you prepare for the Florida County Contractors Licensing Exams.
Qualified candidates submitting applications during each registration period will be scheduled for testing in the corresponding administration period indicated below. Canine inspectors at shipping facilities & airport terminals from Sacramento to San Diego detect undeclared produce & plants in packages, to prevent the introduction of invasive plant pests. Failure to provide this advance notice, and not appearing for an exam, will result in fee forfeiture and necessitate re-applying for the exam in a future cycle. Therefore, for each county license you hold, you will and must pay separate fees to those individual counties.
Tests your ability to read and interpret written material. Structure and function of county government. All exams will consist of multiple-choice questions testing the candidateâs knowledge of applicable subject matter as indicated below. Counties may require additional experience or education beyond that of the licensing exam requirements. Please be sure to CLEARLY list all relevant education and work experience as listed in the minimum qualifications. Enforcement of weights and measures or agricultural laws. Fees for all exams must be remitted with the electronic application via credit or debit card. The inspection, maintenance, repair or installation of weighing or measuring instruments or equipment. Applications received before or after the registration period will need to register for a future exam cycle. All rights reserved. A fee of $75.00 will be charged for the administration of each exam. (Reciprocity). Inspecting and testing of packaged goods for proper weights, measure, or count, using statistical sampling procedures labeling requirements; Inspection of petroleum products for compliance with advertising, labeling, registration, minimum quality requirements as well as product integrity; and complaint investigation. For questions or assistance regarding licensing exams, please contact the
If Florida requires a specific license, but not your county, you must register and be licensed with the state. Learn. If you believe you have applied and paid fees for an upcoming exam and have not received this notice, please contact the CDFA Licensing program at 916-653-5866 or as soon as possible. 80 hours of instruction in management and/or supervisory practices, obtained through organized classroom training, in-service training or accredited correspondence courses.
Written examination material will not be made available for review. Exam results may be appealed within thirty (30) days after the Notice of Exam Results has been sent to the candidate. Candidates currently employed by a county will be scheduled in that county. While the CDFA is tasked with overseeing the testing and licensing of potential candidates, each county is responsible for hiring and determining the qualifications of its own employees. To be hired, candidates must qualify for the licenses of eligibility exams and meet all requirements of the hiring county. To be considered, appeals must include the exam title, date of exam, and basis of appeal.
 CDFA County Licensing Program at If you believe you have applied and paid fees for an upcoming exam and have not received this notice, please contact the CDFA Licensing program at 916-653-5866 or as soon as possible. Check the Examination section of the job bulletin to see what the exam will consist of and Vague applications will not interpreted in applicants favor. Candidates must wait 30 days to retake any examination that was attempted, but not passed. California law requires that County Agricultural Commissioners and County Sealers of Weights and Measures possess licenses demonstrating job proficiency. A holder of a license of eligibility who is not employed in one of the above capacities, but who otherwise meets the minimum license qualifications, may apply to renew the license prior to its expiration upon passing a requalifying exam.