Coat the outside of the fish with a good layer of breader. Thank you!!! Most Brook Trout are fairly small but the North Carolina record for the largest one caught was recorded at 7lbs.
Some folks also place just a single drop of water in the pan to see if the oil is hot. Her eyes immediately lit up as she started telling me about a very special dish that her grandmother always made for her as a child. Grab a fork or whisk and mix all the dry ingredients together. Rainbow trout are almost always cooked and served with the skin on for added flavor.
Since it is a lean, white, flaky fish, with mild flesh that doesn’t have the richness or oils of other fish like salmon, so it tastes less fishy than most fish.
Needless to say, my brother and I both were flabbergasted with her offer. Follow step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions on how to prepare our Pan Fried Brook Trout Recipe. Reach under the spine with the tip of your knife and sever it from the flesh, then pull it out with your fingers. 7ozs. Let the oil heat up until it’s ready for frying.
I’m a new fisherperson at the age of 56.
In a large nonstick frying pan, heat the cooking oil over moderately high heat. Looking forward to trying this simple recipe next time, but might add a touch more cayenne to pop up the flavor. Pat the trout dry with clean paper towels. Serve with lemon wedges for squeezing over the top of your pan fried trout. Butternut squash might be fall's most versatile (and beloved!)
Variation: Crisp Lime Brook Trout with Fresh Herbs: Add 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, parsley, or chives to the dressing. This was exactly as presented in the intro--simple, yet elegant.
Rinse trout, and pat dry. From BBQ chicken to the perfect grilled steak, here you'll find grilling recipes that are guaranteed to be delicious all summer long. Five hours away from home, we reached our destination and delivered the cooker. So much for that. Cooking From the Heart: My Favorite Lessons Learned Along the Way. This thin coating of seasoned flour protects the fish from burning in the pan and creates a wonderful texture without making the trout taste battered and fried. Spread open the fish and pull out the guts and discard. Sprinkle the trout with the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Will definitely make again. Remove from skillet and place on folded paper towels to drain off excess grease. He is constantly dreaming and scheming about his next fishing trip with his own dad or another fishing buddy. ★☆ The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast.
Lightly coat fish on both sides, shake off any excess breading and set aside. I picked it up at the local auction I visit and I love it.
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Then to butterfly the trout, start at the tail and slide the knife between the flesh of the fish and the bones that make up the fish’s ribs. My grandpa always insisted we eat the trout with a piece of bread to help get down any little bones if they got stuck in our throats. Don't overcook the fish! Season insides of fish with remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing. Dredge the trout in the flour by pressing it down on both sides and shaking off the excess flour.
Thank you for sharing your comments with us today and for trying the recipe.
Leaves from 4 sprigs fresh parsley, chopped.
Well worth the price.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Add the olive oil slowly, whisking. I have prepared my trout in this manner, browned in butter till crispy, for a long while and it is absolutely delicious. Hi Linda, Thank you so much for your comments on our Newsletter. It was delish pan fried with warm corn bread. Rainbow trout are almost always cooked and served with the skin on for added flavor. If it sort of sizzles and dances around, the oil should be hot enough for frying. Easy . The Brook Trout had already been cleaned and skinned. The hardest part is cleaning the fish, which some stores will do for you if you aren’t catching the trout yourself on the banks of a river or a lake. This post is a continuation of Colorado Week in my American Eats series where I explore the flavors of each state, one at a time. Our fall-focused indoor and outdoor decorating ideas are guaranteed ways to make the perfect first impression when family and friends come calling on Thanksgiving—or any day during the season.
Brook trout are among the tastiest and most-prized pan fish. His articles have appeared on numerous home and garden sites including GoneOutdoors, TheNest and eHow.
Carefully place the fish pieces into the skillet. In a shallow pan, season a little flour with salt and pepper.
Just remember, all of our comments are moderated. Despite all the rules and regulations, getting out and catching a few fish is always a good day. Place two parsley (or dill) sprigs and two lemon slices down the middle of each fish. And then, it was suggested that I might prefer to do one based on Brook Trout, as the Mountain Issue would also contain a story about those. I highly suggest that you carefully pick through it if serving it to smaller children. Since it is a lean, white, flaky fish, with mild flesh that doesn’t have the richness or oils of other fish like salmon, so it tastes less fishy than most fish. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it.
You have to catch them. Brush or spray the trout lightly with cooking oil, or brush them with melted butter for a richer flavor. Most cooks use these two common and tasty ways to prepare fresh brook trout, but there are many others. Trout cooked this way is called müllerin, "the miller's wife's" fish, because it's made from filets of mountain trout fished from the stream that powers the flour mill. Easy and quick - only 30 minutes from start to finish! For the record, my fly fisherman husband used to scoff at this type of fishing but since becoming a dad has done this himself for our girls many times so they can experience the joy of catching their own fish as well. So, just cook it in a large skillet on stove top with olive oil and butter, … A lot of folks wonder why you would want to even eat trout this small because of all the bones. 4 butterflied trout, beheaded, scaled, and pinbones removed. My brother had a newspaper in his truck and promised me they would make it home just fine if we wrapped them up in newspaper. Some of my earliest memories are of fishing off a bridge in Island Park with my dad putting worms on my hook or baiting it with marshmallows or cheese and salmon eggs. Hopefully before the year ends though. Insert 3 slices of lemon inside each fish, and dredge in flour; shake off excess. Season both sides of the filets with salt and pepper and lightly dust with flour. Place the filets, skin-side down, and cook until the skin is brown and crispy, 3–5 minutes.
18 ratings 4.7 out of 5 star rating. When oil is hot, place breaded fish in the pan. Heat a large cast iron skillet or other nonstick pan over medium high heat and melt the butter in it. Heat 1 1/2 teaspoons butter, 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil, and 1 1/2 teaspoons sesame oil in an 11-inch skillet over medium-high heat. I do appreciate your visit and trust that you will stop by for another visit with us… real soon.
Your email address will not be published. Special thanks to the “W” family for sharing of their bounty and providing the fish for this recipe. Tags: brook trout, fish recipe, main dishes, our state, skillet fried fish, Steve Gordon, Taste of Southern, trout. She handed me three foil wrapped pieces of fish and told me how her family enjoyed cooking them around the camp fire. Start by carving out a designated work area in your space.
I married a man who is just like my dad in so many ways. If the fish start to curl or bow up a bit, the pan is probably too hot. Combine 2 teaspoons salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and flour on a plate. Oven Baked Trout with Creamy Sauce Magic Skillet. Be sure to check out the Crock Pot Pork Green Chili and Rocky Mountain Avalanche Bars that I also shared along with this pan fried trout to represent Colorado in this series! Should you ever decide you’re just no longer interested, it’s even easier to un-subscribe, so I hope you’ll join us today. Lift the fish up out of the bowl and gently shake off any excess flour mixture. Add a couple of Tablespoons of good old Lard to your skillet. Serve with lemon wedges for squeezing over the top of the pan fried trout. Just exactly what would make a good “mountain” recipe was the question. Brown trout, brook trout, cutthroat trout all work just as well as rainbow trout for pan frying. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
Repeat twice with remaining trout, butter, oils, and lemon slices. Not bad for a weeknight dinner.
When Paul and I started dating, my dad decided Paul was a keeper when he impressed him with his ability to tie his own flies. They are fun to catch but taste like the dog food that they feed them. I won't make it again but if you're looking to quickly fry up some fish for dinner it's a good way to go. If in doubt, use a fork to see if you can flake up a bit of the fish from one of the sides.
If you want to cook the trout whole, it's now ready to use. Cook whole trout for 3 to 4 minutes per side, or until the flesh lifts easily from the backbone. If the fish had been butterflied open and filleted, they would cook a bit faster.
Hopefully, if we do it right, you’ll be able to easily remove most of the bones after the fish are cooked.
All Rights Reserved. Cut toward the backbone, separating the meat from the bones as you go, then flip the fish over and repeat on the other side. Turn fish, and cook until it has a golden crust and is flaky and moist, about 5 to 6 minutes more. 8 medium brook trout, gutted and cleaned, about 9 or 10 ounces each. Depending on the size of the trout, you may want 1 whole trout person, or less if they are particularly large.
Keep everything from your countertops to your dining room chairs germ-free. Carefully flip with a thin, wide spatula and cook on the other side for another 3-5 minutes until golden brown, nearly opaque and the fish flakes easily with a fork. Simply slide a fork or butter knife down the spine of the trout, then lift the fillet from the skeleton. If you don’t get the chance to fish for your own Brook Trout, I hope someone might be generous enough to share some with you as well.
We always get into various conversations about cooking with the new pig cooker owner on these trips, and we always have a lot of fun meeting and talking with the customers. Put half the fillets in the pan, skin-side down, and cook until golden, about 3minutes. Hi, I’m Amy! -Steve.
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