Also how is this sentence different from the previous one? the author means "The emasculated society of Europe at that time." CK 1 50196 I was happy then. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Best approach to making a loaf of bread stale. The natives saw an airplane then for the first time. See you at lunch then. It only takes a minute to sign up. How hard is it to fly through the tail of a comet? Converse to Erdős' conjecture on arithmetic progressions. Thanks so much for the first three responses, but I guess I should have continued by telling you that this is part of a transcription, so I can't change the order of the words. "The then emasculated society of Europe,serves as a warning to conservatives, and reinforces their belief that America must reverse the trend of modern politics, which has involved the increasing assumption by the state of powers and responsibilities that belong to civil society.". Think of then as a result of if, where if always comes first: If she may not have a drink of your water, then … Then she walked away when I said, "No, you can't.". (EU). Has it been done? Take the first turn to right and then go straight on. ", My understanding is that the then here is a time indicator of the Europe at that time i.e. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "then" Use then in a sentence. Are these sentences correct in terms of punctuation and grammar? I understand that in some constructions, 'then' at the end of a sentence may be regarded as no more than an end-of-sentence marker, the kind you use to finish off a sentence e.g. What are the pros and cons with an overflowing horizontal scrollable nav bar? English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Should I be concerned about covering the same stuff in multiple self-help books? Every now and then she called home during the party last night. What did you do then? Book partly set on a prison planet where prisoners are simply dumped and left. What am I exactly lacking for making a good Guitar Solo? Not exactly . My wife's contributions are not acknowledged in our group's paper that has me as coauthor. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Then" in Example Sentences Page 1. Then indicates a consequence or a result, which is why it should go at the end of any group of sentences that describe actions that create that consequence. Are precipitation and crystallization both analogous between Chemistry and Meteorology? Given that information, is 'Then' best capitalized and starting its own sentence, or would you leave it lowercase as a continuation of the prior sentence? My point is that grammar is meant to serve the story, to make things more clear (or deliberately ambiguous), to create tension and release. . It reappeared in 1634, with the date of the dedication altered, as if then newly written. Want to improve this question? Last night, Mizuki was completely drunk and she was walking along the lake, and then she fell in the water. Consider this: We visited the Louvre. Do I need to file a tax return as a dependent if my net capital gains are close to $0 but my trading volume is very high? For instance, from definition 3.b from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary ()3.b: according to that : as may be inferred. Take a deep breath and then relax. spelling of then. Then she walked away. Many of the sentences have audio, too. Do I still need a resistor in this LED series design? When I said, "No, you can't," she walked away. And I think the original suggestion is well within the range of acceptability for "normal" English. I came across the following sentence in this article. 47013 See you then. How can I handle attunement for timebounded adventures that might not have short rests? Why is vote counting made so laborious in the US? I would count as grammatical a phrasing like *Then, when I said "No, you can't," she walked away - which I suppose is just an embedding of your second sentence into your third, and thus still follows your rule. I realized then that this awful cellar was the only place that could save our lives. Is automated and digitized ballot processing inherently more dangerous than manual pencil and paper. What am I exactly lacking for making a good Guitar Solo? Then, there was a friend standing outside.” correct? LOL trust me, it's not MY sloppy writing. What would be the hazard of raising flaps on the ground? Last night, Mizuki was completely drunk and she was walking along the lake, and then she fell in the water. The speaker paused and then went on talking again. I wish I could rephrase, but it's part of a transcription job. to make then in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for then His huge old saltwater aquarium had burst. She wasn't friendly with him then. [closed],…,…, Creating new Help Center documents for Review queues: Project overview, Is it true you should never put a comma after “then”? Using a comma after “then” is actually common. You could add an adverb before 'walked' to make the sentence more interesting. I said, "No, you can't." The second example is clearly superior because "then" is placed "incorrectly". By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. The natives saw an airplane then for the first time. Example sentences with the then, a sentence example for then, and When the velocity of the jet is gradually increased there is a certain range of velocity for which the jet is unstable, so that any deviation from the straight rush-out tends to increase as the jet moves up. How can I make a long wall perfectly level? Can a sentence start with relative clause (that, which etc.)? A type of compartment that rises out of a desk. 3. rev 2020.11.6.37968, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Why would a compass not work in my world? Then, could you please accept this answer sunny? In some of its meanings, it is perfectly grammatical at the end of a sentence. We see each other at the supermarket now and then. What’s ‘correct’ varies depending on the sense and composition of a sentence. sentence? Should I use more than one interrogative pronoun in a sentence? How do I prove that a certain price is price of European option in Black-Scholes framework. This is much drier. She asked, "Could I have a drink of your water?" How should I style my German doctoral title in English documents? Sorry, I was speaking in general, not accusing you of being a sloppy writer! Fitting interjection for "that's nothing". Is the sentence “We are invested” correct? If-then sentence examples. We were in the same class then. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. :(. His huge old saltwater aquarium burst.Then the room was flooded with saltwater. I see you every now and then. Then indicates a consequence or a result, which is why it should go at the end of any group of sentences that describe actions that create that consequence. But since @gnmorr is transcribing something, it doesn't matter too much! How can I debate technical ideas without being perceived as arrogant by my coworkers? Then the room was flooded with saltwater. Why is vote counting made so laborious in the US? I wish I had been with her then. Is this a common style? The word 'then' has many meanings. <---, Creating new Help Center documents for Review queues: Project overview. It only takes a minute to sign up. I was in Canada then. I wish I had had a camera then. Yes :) Comma placement is more art than science. The word then. He said that he was busy then, but that he would be free the next day. Read and Listen To Sentences Using the Word "Then" We were younger then. Yes, you can start a sentence with then. I hear you, but I can't rephrase. If you put the result at the end, I believe it flows better. The Interrupting Colon – ie a colon after a verb. Then she walked away. However, in my case, 'then' conveys consequence or result, following on from the previous sentence, and both positions seem to pop up in conversations. In these dispositions then has a different reference and significance.. Set off from the sentence with commas, as in your first sentence, then is still a sentential adjunct but it has the meaning “thus, consequently”, drawing a conclusion from the matter which has gone before. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. There is a rhyme and reason to where and when "then" appears. In the second example the placement of "then" gives us the impression that the room was flooded with tears, before we are told the more mundane cause. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. In these dispositions then has a different reference and significance. Sentences. I have to disagree that the "then" clause must be last as you describe. How practical is a spear-rapier (fencing foil) hybrid? Your first sentence may be paraphrased: So the emasculated society of Europe serves as a warning to conservatives ... Then preceding an attributive adjective, as in your second sentence, modifies the adjective with the sense “at that time”. Not now, then when? I have a friend to correspond with now and then. I see your point, but in the original suggestion, the word "then" is not really necessary. It's part of a transcription assignment. Since it is there, it is describing the result of saying "No, you can't," but it is describing the result before it tells you what triggered it. If you use “then” as a transition at the beginning of a sentence, you follow it with a comma. Why would a compass not work in my world? how do I use the word then in a sentence? I said, "No, you can't." You can find answers to your questions related to afterlife issues. how I hear from him every now and then. I ate a burger then went to bed. I'll never forget what Father said then. The then emasculated society of Europe serves as a warning ... To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. In your second sentence the comma after Europe should be deleted. I have not heard from her since then. CK 1 290944 He was tired then. (Accept answers by clicking the 'checkmark' graphic to the left.) What are good resources to learn to code for matter modeling? Should I speak up for her? She wasn't dancing with him then. What kind of ships would an amphibious species build. “I opened the door. CK 1 2273767 We were kids then… Seems like the answer is clear. . Stone Shape: can the stone extend past the original affected area? He read the letter and began to cry. CK 1 2549094 I'll see you then. What happens with your ticket if you are denied boarding due to a temperature check? Why do we say AWS service and not service of AWS? What are ways that I could have found out that "C'est correct d'être différent" means "It's okay to be different"? I was eating dinner then. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I was walking to the station then. I was taking a shower then. It's part of a transcription assignment! 0. Are there other ways to indicate the time of a particular instance/event and give additional details related to that instance/event like how it is being explained here.

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