Moreover, the demand for such inputs as fertilizers, better tools, implements, tractors, irrigation facilities in the agricultural sector will lead to the greater expansion of the industrial sector. Therefore in respect to poverty eradication and raising the welfare standards of the population; more focus should be put on agricultural activities.In Kenya agriculture is an important fundamental in economic development, it contributes 35% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and constitutes 40% of the export earnings. As it was already written above, agricultural sector is the main source of the nation's food and raw materials and plays the main role in providing the basis of subsistence. Making law school the best time of your life. [22]Such institutions are like Egerton University set mainly for agricultural research purposes. However, the progress in our rapidly changing world opens new perspectives with the help of technologies even in traditional agricultural forms, trying to do its best to slow down the urbanization and migration processes. As it was already written above, agricultural sector is the main source of the nation's food and raw materials and plays the main role in providing the basis of subsistence. GM Potatoes Rejected in Year of Potato. Agricultural researchers from the Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) have been working to produce drought-resistant crops to maximize crop outputs for smallholder farmers in Kenya’s rural areas. – The Huffington Post,, Improving Economy and Environment: Sustainable Agriculture in Kenya. Nowadays, only a small section of the agricultural production process is occurring on the local farms, while the agricultural sector is using industrial products such as - fertilizers, pesticides, machinery and equipment, the services of the tertiary sector like banking, insurance etc. Irrigation is carried out on individual or on group farms averaging 0.1-0.4 ha. The role of agriculture in economic development is multifaceted. Ergo, this leads to creation of a good atmosphere for overall economic development of a given country. Small farms grow most of the corn and also produce potatoes, bananas, beans, peas and chillies. Increased rural purchasing power caused by expansion of agricultural output and productivity will tend to raise the demand for manufactured goods and extend the size of the market. We always appreciate the thoughts of our readers and tend to improve the given material. There is lack of real purchasing power reflecting the low productivity in agriculture. Efficiency Over Expansion: Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia. Such articles are import substitutes and conserve foreign exchange. Greenhouse farming in Kenya enables farmers to use less agricultural inputs (including labor and fertilizers) and control pests and diseases. Farming in Kenya is mostly popular among small farmers, capable only to cultivate no more than five acres using limited technology. You already know, that agricultural sector provides population with more employment opportunities, it is obvious that it also contributes to country's economic development. The third possibility of increasing farm receipts is perhaps the best way for capital formation. When output expands with increased productivity, it increases the income of the farmers. The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)[17] is mandated with relevant research. Please, feel free to leave your message in the comments section below. [1] About one-half of Kenya's total agricultural output is non-marketed subsistence production. Agricultural sphere serves as the main source of the raw materials for industries like cotton and jute fabric, sugar, tobacco, and edible as well as non-edible oils. Retrieved 21 April 2008, from, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. The amount of money saved could be used by the country's government to import other essential products like machinery, raw-materials e.t.c. Every year, Africa pays a terrifying 36 billion dollars for food import, and according to the forecasts, the bill will increase to $110 billion by 2025 because of the population increase. The entire agricultural sector of the country is … [19][20] The new institution has an asset and equity base of KSh 28,000,000,000 and KSh 27,900,000,000 respectively, and 3,294 staff. After the Kenyan independence, the country's government with United Kingdom's financial help little by little transferred large areas to African ownership. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. According to the statistics, the average age among Kenyan farmers is over 60, and those are mostly commercial farmers, because small private farms are hardly taken into consideration. [11] GMs are currently illegal in Kenya, although the US continues to send modified maize to Kenya in the form of aid.[12]. This sphere was one of the first to fully transfer the function of service provision to the county authorities, emphasizing the importance of county governments' role in ensuring food security. This was due to weather related shocks, prevalence of pests/disease and dwindling knowledge delivery systems such as the lack of extension services on adoption of modern technology. According to the Trading Economics statistics, only 8% of Kenyan lands are under cultivation. This project saw tremendous gains in the area of environmental conservation by training farmers in sustainable farming techniques. It is not a secret that the agriculture sector plays a vital role in a country's economy, especially if the country is focused on agricultural development. Therefore, everyone depended on agriculture sphere and was interested in its future perspectives. Moreover, livestock also provides population with meat, skins, horns etc. However, there are still large almost entirely commercial agricultural lands owned by Europeans. [6] Kenyan flowers make up 30 to 35% of flowers auctioned in Europe. You are involved in the agribusiness and would like to share your experience or have heard some new interesting information about the influence of the agriculture on Kenyan economy? The main goal for Kenyan and African authorities now should be the popularization of the agricultural sphere among young people. To learn more about cookies, click here. It promotes and creates various off-farm activities such as transportation, research programmes that look for better and improved methods to be applied in farming and livestock activities, example Kenya Agricultural Institute (KARI).Agriculture ensures a constant food supply and food security for the population, this ensures that the work force fed with energy to supply labour to industries and other economic sectors.It also saves the country funds that would have rather been used in the importing of food from other countries this in turn has a positive effect on the country’s balance of payments and there is surplus money to invest in other areas(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); of the economy such as social overheads; roads, hospitals. Providing additional foreign exchange earnings through agricultural exportsUnderdeveloped countries mostly specialize in the production of a few agricultural goods for exports. Neema Ward of 4-H Kenya presents impressions from a group session. Intercropping improves crop yields by planting multiple different crops among each other in the same field. The country has seven large, centrally managed irrigation schemes, namely Mwea, Bura, Hola, Perkera, West Kano, Bunyala and Ahero covering a total commanded area of 18,200 ha and averaging 2,600 ha per scheme. Ace Africa has also been working to improve sustainable agriculture in Kenya by implementing what the organization calls Community Livelihood Programs. Kenya is the world's 3rd largest exporter of cut flowers. The Kenyan Highlands is best known for its milk, maize and wheat production, while other places produces mainly fruits, sisal among others. Engineering Division, Ministry of Agriculture. Note that currently, the African continent is not able to feed all its citizens, even though 60% of its population is busy in the agricultural sphere. "Planting rice between two sweet potato crops have long been suggested." In 2006, almost 75 percent of working Kenyans made their living by farming, compared with 80 percent in 1980. For example, cows are a source of dairy products which is a form of protective food. The report recommends policy reforms that could help transform the sector and deliver on food and nutritional security, including: Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development. The farms employ a workforce of about 70,000 persons which is 41% of the population directly active in irrigated agriculture.[8]. KARI promotes sound agricultural research, technology generation and dissemination to ensure food security through improved productivity and environmental conservation. According to a World Bank report in 2005, stated that about two thirds of the world population poor are mainly concentrated in rural areas, which are predominantly agriculture-oriented areas. 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