However, next day appointments must be scheduled by midnight the previous day. Dump Locations.
Menu > Zoom > +, In the View menu, select Zoom. There are only Special Waste Disposal sites for items such as batteries, paints, and motor oils. This will let people know not to take the items from the trash. Human Rights campaign affirms New Yorkers’ right to live, work, and pray free from discrimination. You can schedule an appointment up to four weeks in advance. You do not need to schedule an appointment for debris such as rocks, bricks, and glass that can fit into a bag. Rules and reports of noisy neighbors, vehicles, dogs, and more. You can also submit your media inquiry in writing to: NYC Department of Environmental Protection Public Affairs & Communications 59–17 Junction Boulevard 19 th Floor Flushing, NY 11373
For example, to increase text size using: In the menu to the right of the address bar, select and set Zoom level. You can get free curbside removal of bulk items from residential buildings.
You can throw out metal or rigid plastic trash or recycling cans or bins with your recycling items. Don't put construction or renovation debris out for collection unless you have done the work yourself and did not hire anyone to help. Affordable housing, homelessness, SNAP (food stamps) cash assistance, child care, volunteering, donating.
Do not bring bulk items to Special Waste Disposal sites.
Put small (4 feet by 3 feet and smaller) non-recyclable items out the night before any trash collection day. Mayor de Blasio Celebrates Opening of Marcy Houses Community Center, Mayor Bill de Blasio, City agencies and elected officials today cut the ribbon on the Marcy Houses Community Center, Mayor de Blasio Announces City has Reached $680 Million in Labor Savings, New agreement with Council of School Supervisors and Administrators will save $45 million in FY21, Recovery Agenda: De Blasio Administration Cuts Ribbon on Major Protected Bike Lanes in Brooklyn, Major projects along busy Vision Zero corridors bring protected lanes along Flatbush Avenue near Prospect Park, Completes continuous protected lane from Bay Ridge to Barclays Center, Mayor de Blasio Launches Next Phase of Policing Reinvention Collaborative.
By continuing to take precautions, New Yorkers can slow the spread of COVID-19.
Please complete the information below for the account you would like to view. Common browsers are included in this page; mention of a specific browser does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Non-recyclable bulk items are collected on trash collection days and may require an appointment depending on the size: Place the items at the curb between 4 PM and midnight the evening before your service or appointment day. Sign up for news from City Hall to keep in touch with everything that is going on in City government. #nyc #parking #bronx #brooklyn #manhattan #queens #statenisland #alternatesideparking. See the amended regulations and upcoming scheduled suspensions at the link in our bio. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is a city agency of nearly 6,000 employees whose primary responsibility is to manage the city’s water supply. However, if your trash collection day falls on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020, please hold your items back until your next scheduled trash collection day. No appointment is needed. My DEP Account. If a holiday occurs on your recycling collection day, you normally put your items out after 4 PM the day before your next scheduled recycling collection day. A bulk item is something that is too large to fit into a trash bin or bag. Schools and learning opportunities for all ages.
View > Text Size > Largest, In the View menu, select Zoom In. In general, there is no trash or recycling collection on sanitation holidays but that is subject to change.
The Official Website of the City of New York. Place a label on it that says "Sanitation, please take this can away" so that the Department of Sanitation knows to take it.
In addition, items that are left out on private property are "unserviceable” and cannot be picked up by Sanitation.
Schedule an appointment for non-recyclable items larger than 4 feet by 3 feet.
Common browsers are included in this page; mention of a specific browser does not imply endorsement or recommendation. You can check back near the date of the holiday to confirm the collection schedule. If you have your Service Request number, you can cancel or reschedule your bulk item pickup appointment up until 4 PM the day before. You can dispose of do-it-yourself home improvement waste including: If you are doing a major construction or renovation project in your home, you need to get a dumpster through a private trash removal service.
However, dimensions for these sizes may vary.
By Account By BBL Find out when and how you can safely reopen your non-essential business.
There are some exceptions and additional disposal rules for certain bulk items. If you put them out, first empty them and remove the head. If you put any other items out the evening before a non-collection day, you could be given a violation. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection Police, also known as DEP Police, and formerly known as the Bureau of Water Supply Police and the Aqueduct Police, is a law enforcement agency in New York City whose duties are to protect and preserve the New York City water supply system maintained by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the nation's largest single … The City does not collect used compressed gas tanks such as propane, oxygen, and acetylene because they can explode in the garbage truck. Bulk metal and rigid plastic items are collected on recycling collection days.
New York City Department of Education. Disposal, collection, street cleaning, sanitation violations, illegal dumping.
You don't have permissions to view these records. If you do repair work in your own home and do not hire anyone to help, you can schedule construction debris and furnishings for a bulk pick-up appointment. You need your Service Request number to check appointment status.
For example, to increase text size using: In the menu to the right of the address bar, select and set Zoom level. Appointment status cannot be checked using a customer's name, address, or any other information. If you have the Service Request number, you can check the status of your bulk item pickup appointment. Tickets, tows, driving, parking, public transportation, taxis, airports, bikes, accessibility.
With COVID-19 still around, protect yourself from getting the flu and needing medical care. DEP Water Charges is the fast and convenient way to view your current water and sewer charges.
If you hire a contracting company, it should arrange for private disposal of debris, such as heaters, sinks, and tubs. To change the text size on you can use your web browser's settings.
See the amended regulations and upcoming scheduled suspensions at the link in our bio.
Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Announce Start of Construction on Rockaways - Atlantic Shorefront Resiliency Project, $336 million coastal resiliency project spanning from Far Rockaway to Neponsit is part of Army Corps-led efforts to reduce coastal flood risk on the Atlantic Coast and along Jamaica Bay. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. You can get them at department stores, home improvement stores, and moving supply centers. Items not properly disposed of will not be collected and may result in a $100 fine.
Menu > Zoom > +, In the View menu, select Zoom. You can schedule up to 10 items for disposal per appointment.
You can also make a one-time payment for your sewer and water bills. You must place your items in the designated area (curb or alley) in order for them to be collected. If you place non-recyclable items larger than 4 feet by 3 feet out for disposal without scheduling an appointment the evening before your collection day, you can leave those items curbside and schedule a bulk item pickup appointment. In Public Access, you can: Look up information about a property, including its tax class and market value. If you’re a restaurant or bar apply for sidewalk or curb lane seating. Visit the online public benefits screening and application tool.
Work on income properties (on three family homes and larger), fee for service, and contractor material must be serviced by hiring a private carter or dumpster. You can place up to six items (bags, bundles) curbside for home repair debris. 2020 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. NOV READ MORE, NOV 5, 2020-Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that the City has reached $680 million in labor savings in fiscal year 2021, NOV 5, 2020-Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the completion of two major protected bike lane projects, OCT 29, 2020-The City is beginning the next phase of intensive community engagement to develop a concrete set of additional, OCT 29, 2020-Mayor Bill de Blasio announces the start of construction on the Rockaways - Atlantic Shorefront Project, Mayor Bill de Blasio Visits New Medical Supply Factory in Brooklyn Navy Yard. You should make an appointment to have non-recyclable bulk items larger than 4 feet by 3 feet removed. Jails, inmates, tickets, legal cases and assistance, jury duty, marriage, domestic partnership. There are no longer public dump sites in New York City. The City does not provide mattress or box spring bags or covers. Most browsers include functionality to let you increase or decrease the text on a web page.
If the item you are throwing out is recyclable (made of metal or rigid plastic), you do not have to schedule an appointment, regardless of size. Most browsers include functionality to let you increase or decrease the text on a web page. Auto parts (containing no hazardous materials or chemicals), Aluminum lawn furniture with plastic webbing, Furniture, including couches and dressers, Large radio (If mostly metal or rigid plastic, discard with metal recyclables), Lawnmower (empty fuel to be used in new lawnmower or bring to SAFE disposal event), Porcelain coated metal bathtubs and sinks, Broken rock or dirt (weighing less than 60 pounds), Bundles of processed wood (nails removed, tied in bundles no more than 2 feet high and 4 feet long), Live Christmas trees (after special collections end), Rugs (cut to 4-foot widths and tied into bundles no higher than 2 feet), Small radios (If mostly metal or rigid plastic, discard with metal recyclables), Sofas (remove metal frames from sofa beds and pullouts, discard with metal recyclables), Carpets and rugs (no larger than 2 feet high and 4 feet long bundles), Lumber (no larger than 2 feet high and 4 feet long bales), Place your additional items curbside along with the others on the scheduled appointment date, OR, Schedule a separate appointment for your other items on a different date.
Welcome to the NYC Department of Finance's Property Tax Public Access web portal, your resource for information about New York City property taxes. If your appointment was cancelled due to snow operations, the Department of Sanitation will work with you to reschedule your appointment for a day when snow operations are not in effect. 2020 All Rights Reserved.
Housing options, building and property maintenance, construction. View > Text Size > Largest, In the View menu, select Zoom In.
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To empty an extinguisher, spray it into a damp paper bag.
Parks, park maintenance, places to go and things to do for visitors and locals.
2020 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. View > Zoom InMacintosh Shortcut: Command+. This is being done in an effort to help the City fight against bedbugs. You must take these tanks back to where you bought them.