Setting aside everything else wrong with that mosaic of stock images, let’s take a moment to appreciate the fact that the photo of a train that our container-terminal promoter chose to illustrate the rail connection to haul containers from the container port does not, in fact, include a single container. In 2017, Mary Campbell reported for the Cape Breton Spectator on the Cape Breton Regional Police’s use of the tests. Halifax Transit’s Route 330 bus. I’ll just note Waye Mason’s answer to the living wage question: I think that should be a goal, but I think it needs to be phased in over 3-5-7 years, otherwise the budget impacts would be severe — don’t want to cause job loss due to having to contract out radically less. Augmented Chord Function, It was a recommendation of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls report that victim services be moved entirely away from the police. Does that olive oil come directly to Halifax from Piraeus? Some have compatible educations; others have related experience or life experience that makes them strong candidates. Copies of the following documents are required: You must meet the definition of an experienced police officer as outlined by Halifax Regional Police policy and Nova Scotia Department of Justice guidelines. To act on it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. ), The candidates for District 7 are Richard Arundel-Evans, Waye Mason, Jen Powley, and Craig Roy. A household in the Halifax Regional Municipality typically pays around C$28.39 per month for police services.[1]. Among their concerns arising from a review of the Halifax Regional Police budget, the Nova Scotia Police Policy Working Group is highlighting the large amount spent by the force on polygraph tests. I’ve been looking at this case for four years. Click here to read “The truth about what police value.”. As with polygraph tests, in 2007 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that witness testimony provided through the use of hypnotism is almost always not admissible as evidence at court, but the Supreme Court did not make that decision retroactive; the Examiner is aware of one conviction that still stands that in part involved witness testimony brought forward with the aid of the police hypnotist. Funny Status For Twitter, Justin Osteen, One, a councillor making $92K a year is telling people working at or near minimum wage that they’ll have to wait up to seven years to get a raise. All the BOPC Agendas and minutes are on line. (No photo of Arundel-Evans available.). They were discharged in February 1814, but quickly re-instated less than a month later when rioting resumed. You should be able to go into that government office and fondle the permits while you fantasize about giant container ships passing the giant fiddle, well, until the clerk calls security. Curtis Blaydes, Since then, 17 other HRP officers have served on peacekeeping missions in East Timor, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Haiti and Sudan. It just sounds like capitalism to me, dressed up with a bunch woo-woo. When it comes to shipping Chinese-made consumer goods to the farthest reaches of our galaxy, the Port of Sydney Container Terminal, being very proximate to the Canso Space Port, promises to save money and time! On Friday, As It Happens reported on Montreal-born Jamie Gagne, now living in a small town in upstate New York: Jamie Gagne insists it was his wife’s idea to carve a giant wooden penis with a chainsaw and erect it on their front lawn, but he’ll gladly fight for it in a court of law. The patrol division is divided up into three divisional areas: The patrol division has a special eight-car traffic unit, a park patrol unit, and a mounted unit (consisting of two horses, named "Sarge" and "Cruise"). Not to mention that the people that run these tests are almost always ex-cops or cop family/friend. And in District 6, Douglas Day did not respond. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Citation, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Education and Early Childhood Development. Hear about the many places her career has taken her & the reasons she joined. Recreation encompasses parks, trails, facilities, fields, youth programs, recreation programming, culture and heritage, beaches and more. Murder statistics in HRM are here with 54 murders in 2009 – 2012 and 107 murders from 2008 – 2018 : According to the 2020-2021 police budget, $260,600 was initially budgeted for the tests. When the police administer this budget, that means it’s not the government who is designating the resources that should go to these services. The special enforcement section is an integrated unit of HRP and RCMP officers. The town of Bedford did not have its own police force until 1982. Second Variety Quotes, Barbusci told the Cape Breton Post‘s David Jala (who described the former Montreal advertising executive as a “powerbroker,” you know, the kind of powerbroker who runs tree-climbing parks in Florida): Everything else is in our hands, we have all the necessary shipping lines and port operators, we’ve been in discussions for years — but the rail needs to be rehabilitated and running again before we put a shovel in the ground. 23:00: Augusta Sun, cargo ship, arrives at Berth TBD from Moa,. Keep holdin yer breath, Cecil! Cuba. They were the first officers from a municipal force from Atlantic Canada to serve on a United Nations peacekeeping force in Kosovo. 902.490.5020 or 902.490.7252 (TTY). Information for businesses such as licensing, development, land management and more. You can view our commenting policy, Nova Scotia RCMP Truth Verification Section (TVS),, Click here to go to listen to the podcast, Get an annual subscription, and we’ll send you a T-shirt, Open letter from Dalhousie researchers to Halifax councillors. Editor’s note: related to “dodgy science,” the Halifax Regional Police Department made use of a psychic in the Kimberly McAndrew case. Photo by spiralstares According to David Fraser, the issue of pre-employment polygraph (lie detector) screening has been raised in Halifax.Apparently, the police and fire services there are requiring potential employees to submit to a polygraph test (and pay for it). Editor’s note: related to “dodgy science,” the Halifax Regional Police Department made use of a psychic in the Kimberly McAndrew case. Victim Services volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds. The Halifax Regional Police recruitment page describes the use of pre-employment polygraphs here. Victim Services volunteers provide emotional support, crisis support and referral information to victims of crime. The Bedford Police Station was located in the current day Cascade Spa building on the Bedford Highway and later relocated to Sunnyside Mall.[2]. She has also been appointed to help create a committee to work with the Halifax Board of Police Commissioners to define “defunding” of police. But she notes the funding will not go far to address the need for better pay and to hire more permanent, front-line caregivers as recommended by the Association’s “Enough Talk” position paper last July. Supporters of the Mi’kmaw lobster harvesters gather on the rocks along the Saulnierville Wharf on Sept. 17, 2020. Because, according to his website, he has “all permits in place and major global shippers and international port operators at the table.”. The combined forces intelligence unit is responsible for investigating organized crime. You can view our commenting policy, Nova Scotia RCMP Truth Verification Section (TVS),, Click here to go to listen to the podcast, Eldercare advocacy groups and unions join forces to press for more nursing home funding, Lobsters quickly sell out in front of Nova Scotia legislature: ‘They have a treaty right to buy from the Mi’kmaq’, Police are being criminally investigated for their involvement in the wrongful conviction of Glen Assoun, but there is still no investigation into the unsolved murder of Brenda Way, Declassified: Redacted Halifax policing review finally made public.

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