This week’s Employee Spotlight we’re focusing on Kerry Rogers, our Assistant Office Manager/Personal Account Executive based at our London office. We will always do our best to work from an understanding that Travellers are an ethnic minority with a distinct culture and that this should be taken into account in the provision of services. In working for equality, we work from the starting point that while people are not the same, they are all of equal worth and importance and are, therefore, equally worthy of respect and acknowledgement. What is your name? At this point submissions/observations should relate to Strategic Issues only, i.e. var addy_text8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4 = 'info' + '@' + 'edcentretralee' + '.' + 'ie';document.getElementById('cloak8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4').innerHTML += ''+addy_text8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4+'<\/a>'; This email address is being protected from spambots.
Our mission is to work towards developing a clear and pro-active position in relation to Traveller issues and rights… Submissions of a strategic nature only are invited at this time; site specific issues cannot be considered at this stage of the plan formation process. Every person and community can play an active role in creating conditions for a just and equal society where human rights are promoted and all forms of discrimination are challenged. Community in Kerry. The questions contained in this issues paper are designed to get you thinking. We will always make every effort to ensure the effective participation of Travellers at all levels in the organisation and to have over 50% Traveller membership on our Management Committee. View Kerry McBride, CDP’S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. 10 years What are your main job responsibilities? You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Submissions should be signed and clearly headed ‘Review of County Development Plan’.
Kerry. Kerry Rogers What’s your job title? Kerry. Chairperson, CDP Ireland Network page 3 Kerry Group: Stories of a Responder page 5 Commentary from EPA page 6 Commentary from SEAI page 7 Dublin City University: First Time Responder page 9 Irish Emissions Reporting 2019 page 10 We will always strive to be guided by Community Development Principles in our work practice. We recognise our responsibility to challenge the oppression and exclusion of individuals and groups by institutions and society that leads to discrimination against Travellers. This Issues Paper is intended to encourage dialogue on the key topics important to the County, as well as promote and support your involvement at this early stage. addy8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4 = addy8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4 + 'edcentretralee' + '.' + 'ie';
We want you to actively take part in shaping the future of your County. Site specific issues or the zoning of land for any purpose is not considered at this stage of the development plan process. We will always do our best to work from an understanding that Travellers are an ethnic minority with a distinct culture and that this should be taken into account in the provision of services. Kerry County Development Plan 2015-2021 Maps. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. Closing date for submissions/observations is 21st August 2020. Co. Kerry, Phone: 066-7184992 / 064-6670760 Kerry CDP Review Planning Policy Unit Kerry County Council 18th August 2020 Re: Environmental Health Submission Kerry County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 Issues Paper Dear Sir/Madam, Please find enclosed the Environmental Health Service consultation report in relation We at Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development Project believe: Kerry Travellers Health & Community Development Project, Star Pupil (Traveller Access to Education) Programme, Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee. Submissions/observations may be made via the following methods: Kerry CDP Review,Planning Policy Unit,Kerry County Council,County Buildings,Rathass,Tralee,Co. Assistant Office Manager/Personal Account Executive How long have you been with CDP? Submissions/observations received will be published online. We realise that the dominant settled culture needs to ensure that Traveller culture is valued and that the systems, policies and procedures do not deter, undermine or ignore Travellers from fully participating in all levels of the organisation. We view participation as a range of activity from information sharing through capacity building and empowerment to active engagement and meaningful participation in democratic processes. Lovely fun fact about her below! Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development Project have the vision of being a Traveller-led organisation, where Traveller ethnicity is championed, and where Travellers are proud of their identity and are actively engaged in community life. document.getElementById('cloak8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4').innerHTML = ''; Our mission is to work towards developing a clear and pro-active position in relation to Traveller issues and rights so as to improve the quality of life of the Traveller Community in Kerry. We will always aspire to have a collective more than an individual focus to our work, working with and supporting groups of people to identify (if it is not already evident) a common need; developing the Community’s capacity and confidence to address the identified needs, all the time ensuring that the Community takes ownership of the solution or process to effectively address its needs. Select a topic below for specific maps Settlement Strategy. CPD Continuous Professional Development courses and Summer courses for teachers in County Kerry var addy8fa1c7e839f98d1255523cd803808aa4 = 'info' + '@';
Create a free website or blog at Special Areas of Conservation Special Protected Areas Natural Heritage Areas.
You are free to submit any relevant comments you have on the Development Plan. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We will always be willing to work in partnership with the Traveller Community, Traveller Organisations, Service Providers and other Stakeholders to bring about positive change for the Traveller Community in the context of the findings of the All-Ireland Traveller Health Study and other associated research and learning.
We will always try to develop community-based activities that are needs-based, progressive and in line with the life cycle and experiences of the Traveller Community. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; We recognise that a partnership between Traveller and Settled people requires a deep understanding of power dynamics and equality. Working through a partnership model (Travellers and Settled people), brings at least two different cultures and ways of working and living together. Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development Project have the vision of being a Traveller-led organisation, where Traveller ethnicity is championed, and where Travellers are proud of their identity and are actively engaged in community life. Our work is about the empowerment of individuals and communities, working with people to enable them to become active participants in taking more control of the direction of their lives. We will always strive to be guided by Community Development Principles in our work practice. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; The Education Centre, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Public participation (including the interests of children) is an essential element in the planning process, and in particular in the formation of planning policies which will shape the future development of the county. Kerry CDP Review,Planning Policy Unit,Kerry County Council,County Buildings,Rathass,Tralee,Co. Kerry has 5 jobs listed on their profile. We view health in a holistic way as a “complete state of physical, mental and social well-being”. The County Development Plan review provides several opportunities for public participation and consultation throughout the process. With your active help and guidance, the new Kerry County Development Plan can create a more attractive, inclusive, competitive and sustainable county. By continuing to browse our site, you are consenting to the use of cookies. “the big picture”. PDST Primary Language Curriculum Admin Base, 20TRA579 Woodcock Johnson IV: Tests of Achievement (UK Ireland edition), 20TRA509 ADHD: Introduction to Understanding ADHD in Children and Young People, 20TRA510 Managing Anxiety in Children with ADHD - A Parent Guide, 20TRA632 Qualification: Professional Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET), 20TRA506 Supporting your ADHD child at home during CoVid19 - a parents guide, 20TRA511 ADHD Course Bundle: Understanding & Supporting children with ADHD at home and school (ages 6-13 years), 20TRA512 Administering Standardised Tests - A How to Guide for Teachers, 20TRA549 RACE - Reasonable Accommodations in Certificate Exams in Ireland, 20TRA631 ADHD: Self Regulation & behaviour Support Strategies for ADHD Children at home and school (ages 6-13 years), 20TRA633 Maths in Primary School Course Package: Understanding and Supporting Maths Skills, 20TRA636 Understanding How Early Maths Skills Develop, 20TRA637 Understanding Dyscalculia and Maths Learning Challenges, 20TRA639 WISC V: Administration and Scoring - a guide for psychologists, 20TRA638 Maths Assessment and Intervention, 20TRA640 Getting Started with Tele Assessment - a how to guide for Psychologists, 20TRA641 Administering Standardised Tests -BPS Assistant Test User Certificate Course, 20TRA634 Maths Development, Dyscalculia and Assessment, 20TRA615 An Introduction to Becoming a Trauma Responsive School: A Croke Park Hour Webinar, 20TRA522 Using the Ocean to get Creative with STEM in the classroom. We are aware that for Travellers to thrive as equals in this partnership model there must be ongoing reflection and organisational development to ensure that the structures, policies and practices of the organisation contribute to an equal partnership.