Environmental Protection Act 1994 Page 5 Part 6 General 89 Regulation-making powe r for particular records and returns . Results: match 0 of 0 provisions. . Planning scheme and supporting information, The amount of aerosols, fumes, light, noise, odour, particles of smoke being emitted, The Characteristics and qualities of the emission, The sensitivity of the environment into which the emission may be impacting. The Environmental Protection Act 1994 states that an: Environmental nuisance is unreasonable interference or likely interference with an environmental value caused by aerosols, fumes, light, noise, odour or particles of smoke. . . 0 hits in page: First Last . yotXK�~s Ь���݉"�\�Һ{�S-��) ��8 endstream endobj 598 0 obj 126 endobj 599 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 598 0 R >> stream %PDF-1.2 %���� . 0000002197 00000 n . 0000002543 00000 n [ƈ�v�.���_c�*��������fOQI��'��������|��+G&��sG0P�b��6���Ƴ8;�[ endstream endobj 600 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Times-Bold /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 601 0 obj [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] endobj 602 0 obj 22421 endobj 603 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /I1 /Filter /LZWDecode /Width 626 /Height 589 /BitsPerComponent 1 /Decode [ 1 0 ] /ColorSpace /DeviceGray /Length 602 0 R >> stream . Environmental authority number: EPML01470513 Environmental authority takes effect on 23 September 2019 Name(s) Registered address ADANI MINING PTY LTD Level 9 120 Edward St BRISBANE CITY QLD … . . This provides Council with a history of the nuisance. There are some exceptions, so check the information below. 0000002003 00000 n 0000001845 00000 n . � The Environmental Protection Act 1994 states that an: Environmental nuisance is unreasonable interference or likely interference with an environmental value caused by aerosols, fumes, light, noise, odour or particles of smoke. ��c�o\#�G���@3 oo+ �����1y���.�U6�ȹ;p��H0g,�� Minister: Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science and Minister for the Arts Agency: Department of Environment and Science. Previous Hit Next Hit . . 0000001585 00000 n Criteria examples include: All content © 2020 Bundaberg Regional Council. . ?z�-�E? The object of this Act is to protect Queensland’s environment while allowing for development that improves the total quality of life, both now and in the future, in a way that maintains the ecological processes on which life depends ( ecologically sustainable development ). When investigating a nuisance complaint Council Officers make an assessment under the general emission and/or noise emission criteria under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 to determine an offence. 4How object of Act … . . View whole Act Subordinate legislation Turn history notes on ... Department of Environment and Science. ]�c��sܑ�[Y]����d�Cx�!��S��롵0��\-�����$��l�^���(㚢4�kbE�;�3�_x�2sPQh2C��tm��/�v~�Zv@,�An���QD����V���ۛ5þ� ��T�B=���Iw�Z#����������3q!��H �^��U�k6�Bo�Sz7j�V����W���O|�����w�`���_�I;I��/�8�(:��u�UJ- j�e�Q@l���,�I��� � h6�f��� }���X�NP�;�k}�w��ưa�0��. . . . In accordance with the Act, a review of the … . . �?Y%O��xsJ�*pQ��y���IE���Xs�2%J���"|�R@hȘõ�_M���I���u��X��z?� F������K�9bm�8q(�i�i2���q�?�>S�'Шw�E��E7�m�qJ�����Hn1K�#l,�� endstream endobj 605 0 obj 563 endobj 593 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 555 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F1 594 0 R /F2 600 0 R >> /XObject << /I1 603 0 R >> /ProcSet 601 0 R >> /Contents 595 0 R /CropBox [ 53 81 542 761 ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 594 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Times-Roman /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 595 0 obj [ 597 0 R 599 0 R ] endobj 596 0 obj 93 endobj 597 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 596 0 R >> stream . . . 0000001964 00000 n +��!^�T5�C�,}�_W�'���WX��������Z��D�� The complainant will then be issued with a Nuisance Diary for which they will be asked to complete for a two (2) week period. 0000000789 00000 n �S��X���Hpm��ԩ*(P�3�n���]��>��U��@;ۈ�4�nx�5����d��p߆�f����1oJCѾ,��Rh];Tͽ�#%��S&��7L/Q����+88/8�ӌ��.s@��N�ՄmE�O(�ɉ� 0000002425 00000 n Which complaints are not administered by Council? 75 122 Court may find defendant guilty of causing material environmental harm if charged with causing serious environmental harm . . . In 2018, the department completed its review of specific provisions of the Environmental Protection (Chain of Responsibility) Amendment Act 2016(the Act). 102 Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans and environmentally relevant activities Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 Key definitions for chapter 5 . 0000002585 00000 n 590 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 593 /H [ 934 673 ] /L 315373 /E 25479 /N 157 /T 303454 >> endobj xref 590 16 0000000016 00000 n . 0000000689 00000 n Council receives numerous enquiries regarding nuisance complaints throughout the Bundaberg Region. ��2N��7��W3� �cſ�I���g�|蹠��0֫�\"^��=Z�m��0�0t�3�Օ�E�H���:��|s�#2؇���ʆU��jQ�a�+�=5ġ"1ʮ�[��: E��4�3#��h|�{� �i��["G���w"�����w^m��ReX��J�|_]�36d��Van��Z�u�N>Ї/�7�e��0�3\׷)T��6����!K��|F�(:�t:=v�#fGY��ͭ�ښ 9�� �ףSo��K��#oHL�I~+�*X'���� O�mo�8���$a����hZ�-��a5���T�&5ES>��6*�x�)0�bz� ��S3�5 Its objective is to protect Queensland’s environment while allowing for development that improves the total quality of life, both now and in the future, in a way that maintains ecological processes (ecologically sustainable development). The Act commenced on 27 April 2016. 0000001607 00000 n These provisions provide the Queensland Government with additional tools to ensure that companies and associated parties meet their environmental responsibilities. Environmental Protection Act 1994 Environmental authority EPML01470513 This environmental authority is issued by the administering authority under Chapter 5 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994. . Once the completed diary is submitted to Council’s Environmental Health Services, an Environmental Health Officer will assess the information and determine any further action. . The Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) is a key element of Queensland’s environmental legal system. . All Rights Reserved. 0000002219 00000 n . Zom�v��KS�V�L��;����DCvѸu��5�S In Queensland, local governments are responsible for administering those parts of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 that manage environmental nuisance. Contents Environmental Protection Act 1994 Page 2 18 Meaning of environmentally relevant activity . 0000002609 00000 n ?���[TZ���� 0000002024 00000 n ;�)w�3DP�WՓwh��� �,�i��\E��>ϭ������� trailer << /Size 606 /Info 554 0 R /Encrypt 592 0 R /Root 591 0 R /Prev 303443 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 591 0 obj << /Pages 587 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 588 0 R /DefaultRGB 589 0 R >> endobj 592 0 obj << /Filter /Standard /V 1 /R 2 /O (�8ǹA���5�H&�Xc\r�m���\nM����\nC) /U (��jq�< �������#�{#) /P 65524 >> endobj 604 0 obj << /S 1503 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 605 0 R >> stream . 0000000934 00000 n Environmental Protection No. . 62, 1994 121 Offences of causing material environmental harm . It introduced new provisions to enable environmental protection orders to be issued to ‘related persons’. On receipt of a complaint regarding a nuisance, Council will generally write to both parties and inform them of the relevant provisions of the legislation. . Return to search results. . . *n\�?Gꚝ�r���A@��z}��8p}�:F��h�D��ADW���� [�)Ǻ�~-*$���!����m��R��x[�(�OocV그�0�p��”ص}��zλ���^�ޯ~! u�ȶ `֗�f���z� Ĉ���0yv��u�G@������,g���J\�ߨ'�UE�����|K��L7Ó����}���V(��Y+��>t�#75�;eD%L-`VD�i%=�a��a�f۷;E�P��ȭJg|tjB�F�����᜸��LQV��J����,��$[2�=������=ҭa�B�SbA{�-7��&��͑�`+>���;|�����7�����(zv��ն�Q�r��o����*z/U��;_�t��v�ّq�N;��+f��vW�v�! The following information aims to answer some of the more common questions asked by residents. . 76 .

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