Once a candidate raises or spends more than $5,000 for their campaign, they must register with the Federal Election Commission. Including Washington, D.C.&rsquo;s three electors, there are currently 538 electors in all. }. In general, primaries use secret ballots for voting. accordionify({id: "item-212585"}); Though it's rare, electors have challenged those laws and voted for someone else. "text": "<p>In other U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. To become the presidential nominee, a candidate typically has to win a majority of delegates. "@type": "Answer", But the president and vice president are not elected directly by citizens. The last ones are now scheduled for August 11, in Connecticut. Learn where to find answers to the most requested facts about the United States of America. &nbsp;This happened in 2016, in 2000, and three times in the 1800s.</p><h4>What Happens if No Candidate Wins the Majority of Electoral Votes?</h4><p><a href="https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/faq#no270">If no candidate receives the majority of electoral votes</a>, the vote goes to the House of Representatives. The candidates then campaign across the country to explain their views and plans to voters. "name": "Presidential Primaries and Caucuses", Download the Grants.gov Mobile App to search and submit on the go. It&rsquo;s then&nbsp; confirmed through a vote of the delegates at the national convention.</p><p>But if no candidate gets the majority of a party&rsquo;s delegates during the primaries and caucuses, convention delegates choose the nominee. accordionify({id: "item-213546"}); Maine and Nebraska assign their electors using a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/faq#ecpopulardiffer">proportional system</a>.</p><p>A candidate needs the vote of at least 270 electors&mdash;more than half of all electors&mdash;to win the presidential election.</p><p>In most cases, a projected winner is announced on election night in November after you vote. The parties have different numbers of delegates due to the rules involved in awarding them. At the end, the number of voters in each group determines how many delegates each candidate has won.</p></li><li><p>Both primaries and caucuses can be &ldquo;open,&rdquo; &ldquo;closed,&rdquo; or some hybrid of the two.</p><ul><li><p>During an open primary or caucus, people can vote for a candidate of any political party.</p></li><li><p>During a closed primary or caucus, only voters registered with that party can take part and vote.</p></li><li><p>&ldquo;Semi-open&rdquo; and &ldquo;semi-closed&rdquo; primaries and caucuses are variations of the two main types.</p></li></ul></li></ul><p><a href="https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/primary-types.aspx">Learn which states have which types of primaries.</a></p><h3>Awarding Delegates from the Primaries and Caucuses</h3><p><a href="https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-presidential-nominating-process">At stake in each primary or caucus is a certain number of delegates.</a> These are individuals who represent their state at national party conventions. Find government information on energy, green technology, pollution, wildlife, and more. Find government information on education including primary, secondary, and higher education. A lock ( , Americans go to their polling place Polling Place: the location in which you cast your vote. Explains the presidential election process from beginning to end. But the tally of those votes—the popular vote—does not determine the winner. "@context": "https://schema.org", Each elector casts one vote following the general election. Find information and services from Pennsylvania state government agencies. "acceptedAnswer": { After the primaries and caucuses, most political parties hold national conventions. Though primaries and caucuses are run differently, they both serve the same purpose. "acceptedAnswer": { Find out how and where to look for a new job or career, get help if you are unemployed, and more. "acceptedAnswer": { Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. When the primaries and caucuses are over, most political parties hold a national convention. For information about your state's presidential primaries or caucuses, contact your state election office or the political party of your choice. The two main parties in the U.S. are Republican and Democrat. Each party also has some unpledged delegates or superdelegates. Primary: An election where voters select candidates for an upcoming general election. House members choose the new president from among the top three candidates. The last ones are now scheduled for August 11, in Connecticut. It is possible to win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote.

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