Comparative Commentary Between Two Poems About Loss and Death, Morals vs. Civil Disobedience study guide contains a biography of Henry David Thoreau, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. This popular idea has developed over the centuries and is commonly known today as civil disobedience. School Memberships, © 2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The open letter covered many points to King’s arguments for why the marches, protests, and other non-violent actions were necessary and justifiable. and how a society should be governed have dominated literature throughout human history. Though many, create a just, moral change. See in text (Civil Disobedience). On the other hand, such major anti-slavery statements as "Civil Disobedience," "Slavery in Massachusetts," and "A Plea for Captain John Brown," have been seen as evidence that Thoreau was deeply engaged in the "most important moral and political issues or his time" (Harding 418). This is a paradoxical statement, since Thoreau was the one who had not paid his poll tax. Drawing on his well-know disdain for organized politics and his focus of self-reform, some have observed that "Thoreau was no social reformer" (Goodwin 157). Since then, this popular idea has developed over the centuries into what is commonly known today as civil disobedience. Due to the works of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. civil disobedience is a well-known political action in the United States; Introduction: "Those who, while they disapprove of the character and measures of a government, yield to it their allegiance and support, are undoubtedly its most conscientious supporters..."  This is an example of a literary paradox. Although Civil Disobedience is one of the most radical, Thoreau, advocated his main idea of “simplify one’s living” the most. and how a society should be governed have dominated literature through out human history. "before they could get to be as free as I was. The concept of peacefully resisting laws set by a governing force can be first be depicted in the world of the Ancient Greeks in the works of Sophocles and actions of Socrates. See in text (Civil Disobedience). After reading numerous books, Thoreau heavily influenced early transcendentalism again with his collection of social actions archived in Civil Disobedience. Many assume that having more money makes life more fulfilling. Instinct in "The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. How can Thoreau the solipsistic hermit. Most people would not give such resistance any chance of success against muscle and weapons. Owl Eyes is an improved reading and annotating experience for classrooms, book clubs, and literature lovers. The purpose of paradoxes is witticism as well as the satisfaction of well-earned insights; readers must work to make sense of them. Strong evidence to support to claims and accepting that there will probably be consequences for unlawful actions is also crucial. This sentence contains a contradiction; we assume that the rich are free and unable to be “bought” or controlled by others due to their great wealth. Thoreau’s claim appears contradictory; we assume that a virtue sustains positive qualities such as goodness, not errors or negative qualities. Thoreau's paradox suggests that freedom is a state of mind and an expression of principles, and therefore unrelated to physical confinement. I did not for a moment feel confined..."  Thoreau, living in a time of slavery and the Mexican War in America, viewed the practice, What qualifies an author’s written work as American Literature? Civil Disobedience will never be legal and those who employ it should be willing to accept the penalty that comes with breaking a law. Considering some, of debate among scholars. See in text (Civil Disobedience). Thoreau claims to have felt free in jail, which is a contradictory sentiment because we assume prisoners to be captive. See in text (Civil Disobedience). Though Antigone knew that she would most likely be persecuted for her actions, she still did what she thought was right, thus exemplifying civil disobedience. Through this contradiction, Thoreau reveals a subtle point: many problems in society remain because otherwise virtuous people lack interest and choose to not address them. "I felt as if I alone of all my townsmen had paid my tax...."  This paradox suggests the opposite: in acquiring more money, life becomes less fulfilling because the opportunities to live a meaningful life diminish with the preoccupations of what can be bought and sold.

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