Throughout the OT we see that the word “horn” is used for strength or military might. The national purpose of Israel is to be a witness for God to the nations. vs 15 says those who are far off will come and build the temple. Those nations which have abused Israel will be judged by God. They come between bronze mountains. The four spirits of heaven are angelic instruments of judgment. The engraving - the only place where we have engraved stones is on the garments of the priests. But we do see that Israel’s repentance is necessary. Zechariah sees four horns and then four craftsman. There is the appearance in vs. 14 of a divine warrior. They are out to destroy her. Compare the parables of the Seats of Honor and the Great banquet in Luke 14) The Four Horns and Four Craftsmen (1:18-21) The Vision (18, 20) Zechariah sees four horns and then four craftsman. Where is Azel? He asks the angel what they mean. This is a symbol of judgment followed by blessing. Zechariah's prophecies often looked far into the future, a future in which the Jews would again be exiled from their homeland and scattered throughout the world. (13-17) - future - In Gen 10:2-4 the term “sons of Jabon” is used as a term referring to all the nations surrounding Israel. Satan is pointing out Israel’s unfaithfulness as being unworthy of God’s favor. God brought the nation through the Assyrian captivity, the Babylonian captivity, the book of Esther records how God preserved the nation from attempted extinction. He gave them the land of Canaan while judging the pagan inhabitants. That is why it is important that the lamps never went out. The Servant - is the Branch and different from the nation of Israel. The center of the chiasm was focused on the influence and honor of Joshua and Zerubbabel. How Can an Omnipresent God Be in Hell if that is Eternal Separation from God? (2) Though the true shepherd is rejected, the false shepherds will ultimately meet their doom. Zechariah gives two oracles which look forward to the Messiah who is initially rejected but ultimately enthroned as King of the Messianic kingdom. Yes! They then asked Zechariah, who was still mute, what name he wanted to give his son. We learn more about the Messiah in the postexilic prophets. Has Israel ever done this yet? The purpose of the scroll was to curse the land of those who swear and steal. I think this is wrong because he is spiritualizing the passage and I don’t know where he sees the church in all this. No. The Lord of Hosts is calling for the killing of a man who is the kinsman of the Lord and the Shepherd of the flock. The destination (9-11) - two women with stork wings come and fly away with the basket and put it in Shinar on a pedestal (where tower of Babel was built) . (Probably the fast of the 5th month which was for the destruction of the temple 2Ki 25:8-10) God answers in verses 4-7 with a question. ), (2) The population will increase in a setting of peace (4-5). When He is killed the sheep will scatter. #1 and #8 : The horse patrol goes out to examine the earth and finds the nations at ease and God is ticked. Did God keep his word as to what would happen if they didn’t? This includes Babylon, Persia, Syria, Assyria, Greece, Rome, etc. Maybe God will think it is catchy and when the trumpet sounds from heaven, He may make that sound. So do I get excited about 1948 (when Israel became a nation again)? These are the indefensible and the first to go. The one who comes will be in the line of David and will restore his kingdom. Zec 13:9; Hos 2:21-23, Isa 1:26 “as at the first” - that does not sound like a redefinition of Israel (i.e. Does this look like a heavenly city or an earthly city? Also see Swindoll - Grace Awakening, p. 217f. This fulfilled God's prophecy to Jehu of allowing Jehu's son, grandson, and great-grandson to reign as kings of Israel for destroying the dynasty of the evil King Ahab (2 Kings 10:30). The ultimate fulfillment of the Branch is Christ who will unite these offices of priest and king and rule on His throne in perfect peace, etc. Bronze is a picture of judgment (Num 21, Ex 27, feet of bronze Rev 1:). The dirty clothes is symbolic of their sinfulness and apostasy. 2:8 This is a difficult passage to understand. In spite of their sinfulness, God still desired to bring the nation of Israel back to Him and bless them and the nations through them. (4) Yahweh will re-gather Israel from among the nations (7-8). God sees it and will purge the land. We don’t know it will be a 1000 years yet. Even at the cross. Ps 118:22-23, Isa 8:13-15, Mat 21:42, 1Pe 2:7-8). 2: 6 The land of the north does not equal Russia because everyone who enters Jerusalem must come from the north. So God says, “I’ll go over the same route and destroy all these nations but Jerusalem will be spared.” All because of the grace of God. While he was offering incense in the Temple, the angel Gabriel appeared to him, and told him that his wife Elizabeth who had been barren for many years would give birth to a son, and the son's name would be John. What does He remember? (cf. (4) Return - Israel and the nations will be brought to God. Where will the final demonstration of Gentile power be when the Lord comes back? Pulled shoulders - Neh 9:29; Hosea 4:16 - is like a horse that pulls sideways, Stopped up ears - Isa 6:10; 59:1; Heb 5:11-14. A temple is built, a banquet is celebrated, there is a manifestation of universal reign anticipated, the appearance of the divine warrior and the result is a fertility of restored order and discipline. “Under the vine or fig tree” is a symbol for the day of Messianic blessing - 1Ki 4:25; symbol of peace Isa 36:16; and Micah 4:4 - a symbol of Messianic kingdom. Zechariah’s ministry began between Haggai’s second and third message. Joshua and his friends are symbols of what God was going to do through one called the Branch. (Eze 40-43; Hag 2). Messiah, the Branch will come to assume the offices of both the king and the priest. Nathaniel was sitting under the fig tree. This will take place IF you completely obey. The just shall live by faith and faithfulness. It was too accurately fulfilled. c) Annihilated shepherds (vs. 8) Some see it as the offices of prophet, priest and king, but I don’t think Zechariah did away with his own office of priest. Wickedness is personified with the commercial basket because the major thing you have the people crying about in Rev 17 and 18 is the loss of the merchandise. But they are too hard on Israel and then next craftsman comes along. Zechariah began prophesying during the same year as the prophet Haggai, in about 520 BC. The main task of Zerubbabel is to rebuild the temple. Zechariah 1:1 “Zechariah” means God remembers. Israel must be purged of her sin. To see the complete list,&... More, The Net Pastor’s Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 37, Fall 2020. Preexilic Day of the Lord could have referred to exile (darkness) and return (morning). Zechariah is telling those who remained in Babylon to get out of there because God’s judgment is coming on the Babylonians. Have you heard that at baseball games or basketball games, and other places? A universal reign in vs. 10. Who is the daughter of Babylon? It is something he can relate to and it is a good comparison. This prophet named Zechariah was mentioned by Jesus as being murdered by the rebellious Jews of his day (Matthew … Zechariah shows that the ultimate purpose for bringing peace and prosperity to Israel is so that God can bless the nations. There was national mourning in Israel because he was a great and godly king. The coming of the Messiah is not conditional, but their participation is conditional. The prophets Zechariah and Haggai wrote about the year 520 BC during the Restoration of Jerusalem and Judah. Why? Zechariah was written to comfort and encourage the returned remnant to repent of their evil ways, to return to the Lord and to rebuild the temple. Some people say adultery is a valid reason for divorce, but we learned in Hosea that Hosea’s marriage with Gomer was a model of God’s relationship with Israel. (1) Rebuke for not worshipping with pure heart - vertical relationship. Zechariah sees four chariots patrolling the four corners of the earth and representing God’s execution of the deserving judgment on the nations. His prophecies said that Jews would be persecuted worldwide, that Jerusalem would become a battleground of nations, and that Jerusalem would become the religious center of the world. Revelation 17 and 18 refer to the great harlot and Babylon where Christ will take care of wickedness, so there is some connection here. Judges 5:, 10: & 12: Royalty riding on donkeys 2 Sam 16:1-2 David rode on a donkey when Absalom usurped the kingdom and he felt rejection by his own people. Look it up in the dictionary and there is a ?. In vs. 9 there will be a victory shout with a procession. Joel 3:17; Oba 17 What is the significance of a change of name? How do you deal with a sinning professed believer who is not a church member? Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. The title comes from the prophets name, Zechariah, which means “Yahweh remembers.” Because God remembers, there is hope for the people of Israel. Where are your fathers? This probably refers to any nation who follows in Babylon’s footsteps of evil and oppression of Israel. Yes. Why did God choose Israel? (2) Many will seek the favor of the Lord (20-22) - Again and again we have seen that the Gentiles will be included in the kingdom. There is an emphasis on God being in control and God’s Spirit being the power behind the events. Q. Jerusalem is God’s choice for the temple and the center of the Messianic Kingdom. 1 Zion and Jerusalem = religious and political aspects of Israel. The Bible's book of Zechariah is the 11th book of the twelve minor prophets. Revelation. The rejection of the true shepherd 11:1-14, Zechariah mentions the three borders of Israel - Cedars of Lebanon (N), Oaks of Bashan (S) and the Jordan River (E). (The craftsman is the one who can fashion a horn.) There will be no natural explanation for this. The Messiah is portrayed entering Jerusalem with humility on a donkey and bringing salvation and peace. Zechariah, means "Yah has remembered". c) Regathering vs. 8-12 - not going on today. Has it happened yet? It is passages like this that help form my opinion on the issue of divorce and remarriage. and you trust God through it, you are a testimony to God’s faithfulness because most people bail out of their marriage when the going gets tough, commit suicide, etc. It says “My cities...” This is plural and therefore not a reference to the heavenly Jerusalem. Some of the things we know about the Branch: (1) The Branch will be a man. He makes it go eat grass. This is not a new fountain. One was an Old Testament prophet who foretold in the days of Haggai and who composed the book of Zechariah (Ezra 5:1; Zechariah 1:1). The meaning of the “Stone” has many different interpretations. Many fled to Egypt thinking that would save them, but they died there. They did not come to faith in far countries before 1948. When God dwells among them, there will be truth and justice and it will be safe enough for old women and young children to go out. I think it is three unspecified leaders in the post-exilic community that gave Zechariah trouble. It’s purely the grace of God. (Cf. #2 and #7: The horns were Gentile powers that humbled Israel and the craftsmen were other Gentile powers that disciplined the horns. Some say it is the church, but since the “stone” is a messianic symbol throughout the Bible, it seems best to see this as a reference to Christ. Today, we can see with our own eyes that Zechariah's prophecies accurately described the worldwide dispersion of Jews that has taken place during the past 1900 years, as well as the fact that Jerusalem has become a focal point of the international community (the United States and Europe, and the United Nations) and a religious focal point among Jews, Christians and Moslems.
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