And the only way I could have ever determined his heart and intentions was to encourage his pursuit of me and open up to him in return. )], In addition to; besides. [First attested around (1150 to 1350. In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface; over; — opposed to below or beneath. You 'll want to make sure nobody untrusted can read this file. especially, chiefly, most of all, principally, best of all. You can complete the definition of above all else given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster ... English-Simple Definition dictionary : translate English words into Simple Definition with online dictionaries. Surpassing in number or quantity; more than; as, above a hundred. Surpassing in number or quantity; more than. [First attested around (1150 to 1350).]. Too proud to stoop; averse to; disinclined; too honorable to give. I was dreadfully fearful of having my heart broken again. Heaven. [Leg.];[Tech.] Later that day, just minutes before walking out the door to meet him, the girl’s mom smiles and whispers, “Remember to guard your heart, dear.” To the mother, this is simple advice spoken from love and a desire to protect her baby. [First attested in the mid 20. { their intellect and spiritual sensitivity. (Passing into the adverbial sense; see adverb #4 below.). Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. You usually use over when one thing is at a higher level than another thing, and the first thing is moving. Define above all else. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. )], Above zero; above freezing. sebelah bawah hiasan singa dan lembu jantan itu, terdapat ukiran timbul yang berbentuk lingkaran. It’s so important that we fill our everyday with love, positivity and above all Christ (from what we watch, who we surround ourselves with, and even who we “follow” on social media). “The collapsing domestic and global economy which is devastating and affecting the livelihood of every Malaysian is the real enemy,” Shafie said in a statement today. In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface. as he/she is, with qualities and flaws. ... above all (else) More than anything. Advertisement. 2. If someone is above criticism or suspicion, they cannot be criticized or suspected because of their good qualities or their position. above all phrase. In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface; over; — opposed to below or beneath. above-average. If you hear one sound above another, it is louder or clearer than the second one. ], Being located higher on the same page or on a preceding page. You use or else to introduce a statement that indicates the unpleasant results that will occur if someone does or does not do something. [First attested prior to 1150. [First attested around (1150 to 1350. This is a love that has no borders or boundaries. love / accept smb. Eg. It’s a love that sacrifices and wants what’s best for the other person. Irish Translation. Above all else definition: Above all else is used to emphasize that a particular thing is more important than other... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples I’ll be honest, when Matt (my now husband) asked me to meet him for coffee for the first time, I was scared. As much as I love these words from Proverbs 4:23, “guard you heart” is quickly becoming my least favorite advice in Christian circles.

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