✪ Health & Safety at Work Act Presentation - Gordon MacDonald, Chief Executive, WorkSafe New Zealand, ✪ What WorkSafe New Zealand is looking for - Marcus Nalter (WorkSafe NZ). Celebrated on the fourth Monday in October, Labour Day commemorates the struggle for an eight-hour working day, a right that carpenter Samuel Parnell had famously fought for in 1840. The responsibility for this is shared by the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), its officers and its workers. businesses, undertakings and workers), Educating duty holders about their work health and safety responsibilities (e.g. Comments Off on WorkSafe Website Notices • Continue Reading → WorkSafe NZ Workshops 2016. It also contains our corporate publications and latest campaigns. Under the 1992 act, the top penalty was a $500,000 fine. This section contains information about WorkSafe New Zealand, including information about our role, our history and governance structure. It is now five years after the issuing of the first certificates of competences in the new regime consequentially The New Zealand Mining Board of Examiners (the Board) and Secretariat are currently experiencing a heavy workload of renewal applications which will continue into the first quarter of 2021. Underground mines emergency protocol . Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? Where did they come from and what sort of people were they? Over more than 30 years, we have worked hard with employers and workers to create safer workplaces. WorkSafe is New Zealand's primary workplace health and safety regulator. Corporate publications which include our Statement of Performance Expectation and Statement of Intent. WorkSafe is a great place to work. The Secretariat is attempting to schedule as many oral exams as is practicable in November to accommodate a backlog of new applications. Email BoE Secretariat to check it has the most up to date contact details so you can receive important information and renewal reminders. Newsletters. Read the full article. 1848, The Acheron arrives to survey New Zealand waters. Latest health and safety thinking and commentary from WorkSafe staff. These are some of the questions which this feature sets out to answer. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) was a name used for health and safety functions in the Department of Labour. Leading, influencing and leveraging the health and safety system (including other regulators) to improve health and safety outcomes, Promoting and supporting industry, organisation and worker leadership of health and safety. We enforce the rules relating to the use, handling and storage of hazardous substances, including 1080 and importation of pure form of 1080, in workplace settings. On average, between 50 and 60 people die each year from work-related injuries, and 600-900 people die from work-related illnesses. But what brought on this change? How do I report an unsafe or unhealthy work situation. NZ Mine Plans. Senior Advisor – Extractives Influencing attitudes and behaviour to improve health and safety risk management. Impact of COVID-19 on Certificate of Competence holders . New Zealand. On the 4th April 2016, the Health and Safety at Work Act … We can assure you WorkSafe understand the situation and will show tolerance to CoC holders and potential CoC holders who have submitted a new or renewal application. Receipt of your application will be acknowledged, however you will most likely not hear from us (unless there is an issue with your application) until you receive notification of your oral exam or receive your new or renewed certificate in the mail. The social and economic cost of deaths, injuries and ill-health arising from work is estimated at $3.5 billion a year. About us | WorkSafe. WorkSafe Website Notices. On 'Black Tuesday', 12 November 1912, in the midst of a bitter six-month strike by miners in the small New Zealand goldmining town of Waihi, striker Fred Evans was killed - one of only two fatalities in an industrial dispute in New Zealand's history. Supporting confidence in the effectiveness of the health and safety regulatory regime. The 1913 Great Strike was sparked off by two relatively small strikes. The watersiders’ militancy had isolated them from most unionists and Walter Nash’s Labour Party Opposition sat uncomfortably on the fence, denouncing government. Similar takeovers by ‘scab’ arbitration unions soon happened in other, Exploration of everyday life in New Zealand from 1900 to the mid-1980s. In a nutshell, New Zealand has a poor history of workplace safety, with an at-work death rate which is double that of Australia and triple that of the UK.

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