It feels very solid, despite weighing only 245g. Additionally, a Nano Coating System (NCS) has been applied to the lens elements in order to reduce surface reflections and prevent lens flare and ghosting. Nano Coating System improves light transmission and suppresses lens flare and ghosting for more contrast-rich, color-neutral images. Reference ID: #df752560-3495-11eb-b44c-6f2b6c6d728d, If you think you were blocked by mistake, contact the site website administrator at Location : Around Saigon - Viet Nam Shoot in Slog2 & color graded in FCX Für Landschaftsaufnahmen stellt man eine Blende von … It’s built out of high quality plastics with a metallic lens mount. Serv. The Sony E-Mount Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens is a prime super wide angle lens designed specifically for Sony mirrorless cameras with APS-C sized image sensors. Not responsible for typographical or illustrative errors. 1 day test Samyang 12mm F2 mount E for Sony. This bright prime has a 12mm focal-length. The lens hood also snaps in place with a … Hd. It is super sharp even at f/2.0 with 98.9 degree angle and rectilinear image mapping function. 1 Comment on Ultra-Wide Angle Lens Tutorial: Samyang 12mm F2.0 – My Favorite Lens (Sony E-Mount, Fuji, Micro 4/3) The Samyang 12mm F2.0 is an ultra-wide angle lens . Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS レンズがなんと ¥27,955です!またアクセサリ等も販売しております。スペシャルオファーやレビューもお見逃しなく! バッテリーを搭載していない商品はたった500円でエコノミー配送が選択できます! The 12mm f/2 is available for Sony E-Mount, Fujifilm X-mount, Micro 4/3, Samsung NX and Canon EF-M mount. Photo & Video. 撮影に使ったのはα7RIIとSAMYANG 14mm F2.8。 今となってはどちらも手元にない、懐かしい作例をまとめました。 ちょうど星を撮り始めて2、3ヶ月くらいの写真なのでだいぶ粗も多いのですが、優しい気持ちで眺めていってくれれば幸い Just got the new Samyang 12mm f2.0 for my a6000 and I'm blown away by the image quality, there weren't to many reviews available yet, but I was expecting good quality as my Samyang 8mm f2.8 fish-eye is really top notch, but I wasn't expecting really the 12mm to be sharp wide open, it's very very sharp even at f2.0!!! On the APS-C cameras, the 12mm f/2 has a field of view similar to an 18mm lens on full frame, and the lens is still rather wide on Micro 4/3 (24mm equivalent). Joined Apr 23, 2014 Messages 786 Location Fort Peck, MT. Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 : 1000 euros with AF , but similar sharpness performance; Meike 12mm F2.8: 200 euros, also a manual lens, a little bit less good performances; 5 Conclusion. Image not available. $15.00 shipping. Providing a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm and a broad 98.9° angle of view, this lens is great for interior, landscape, and architectural images. A six-blade aperture closes to create a near full circle and the lenses minimum focus distance is 7.9". Einstellungen für Landschaftsaufnahme mit Samyang 12mm F2 und Sony Alpha 6000 Für Schnellleser: Blende 8 oder 9, Entfernung knapp vor unendlich, Schärfe über Fokus-Peaking kontrollieren. Opens image gallery. It's fantastic to have a superwideangle lens on the gimbal. Samyang 12mm f/2.0 Overview The black 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (APS-C) from Samyang is a wide-angle prime lens designed specifically for use with APS-C format image sensors. The black 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (APS-C) from Samyang is a wide-angle prime lens designed specifically for use with APS-C format image sensors. Speed up future orders, see order history, create wish lists, and more. Picture Information. Also, petal-shaped lens hood to shelter lens from unnecessary light is provided. Buy Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (APS-C) (Black) featuring Sony E-Mount (APS-C) Lens, 18mm (35mm Equivalent), Aperture Range: f/2.0 to f/22, One Aspherical & One Hybrid Element, Three Low-Dispersion Elements, Nano Coating System, Manual Focus Lens, Minimum Focus Distance: 7.9", Filter Diameter: 67mm, Includes Removable Lens Hood. Eine weitere Alternative zum Samyang 12mm ist das ca. WTS Samyang 12mm f2.0 for Sony E-Mount. 9 Comments on Ultraweitwinkel Tutorial: Samyang 12mm F2.0 – mein Lieblingsobjektiv (Sony E-Mount, Fuji, Micro 4/3) Das Samyang 12mm F2.0 ist ein Ultraweitwinkelobjektiv . Enter new zip code to refresh estimated delivery time. Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Lens Sony E-Mount Black *NEW* $199.00. **Note that the Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 can also be found listed as the Samyang 12mm f/2.0. 3x so teure Carl Zeiss 12mm*. If you have used the Rokinon 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye, this lens will feel remarkably similar and that’s a very good thing. 3 0 0. The build quality of the Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Lens is excellent. Make Offer - ROKINON 12mm F2.8 Full-Frame Fisheye Lens for Sony E/FE mount - Samyang Optics Venus Optics Laowa 12mm f/2.8 Zero-D Ultra Wide-angle Lens for Sony E Cameras $949.00 Samyang SY12M-MFT-BK 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Ultra Wide Angle Black Lens for Olympus & Panasonic Micro 4/3 Cameras. Create a B&H Account, America's Best Customer Service List-Newsweek, Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice. I use it already since April 2017 and I like it a lot because it creates unusual angles . Store #0906712 Elec. Samyang 12mm f2 NCS CS Lens (Sony E Mount) Add to cart. Powered by PerimeterX , Inc. Javascript is disabled or blocked by an extension (ad blockers for example). Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (APS-C) – Silver from Toby Deals Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (APS-C) – Silver This Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Lens is available to fit a wide range of mirrorless system cameras, including Canon M, Fujifilm X, Samsung NX, Micro Four Thirds, and Sony E mount compatible cameras. I'm Selling my Samyang Wide Angle Lens 12mm f2.0 Sony Emount. Trustworthy images can be captured even under inferior environment. SAMYANG 12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS FISH-EYE [ソニーE用]を、価格.comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、操作性・表現力・携帯性など気になる項目別に徹底評価!実際のユーザーが書き込む生の声は何にも代えがたい情報源です。 Ein direkter 12mm (35mm Equivalent Focal Length: 18mm). Setting this will mean that at least the correct focal length will show up in the embedded exif data. Samyang has additionally created 14mm and 85mm autofocus lenses in Canon EF and Nikon F mount options, but with a different design to the mirrorless lenses. Three extra-low dispersion elements, one hybrid aspherical element and an aspherical element reduce chromatic aberrations and distortions in order to produce sharper images from the center to the corner of the image frame. For limited time only, save 33% on the Samyang 12mm f/2.0 dropping from $399.00 to $269.00 when you buy this item at and Shipping is free! $1,061.06. It clicks firmly against the lens mount with no noticeable side to side play and only a slight amount of rotation play, no more than any of my other lenses. $36.36 shipping. : Elec. Gen. #0907906. Deal. SAMYANG 12MM F2.0 NCS CS SONY E BLACK. Samyang SY12M-E-BK 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Ultra Wide Angle Black Lens for Sony E Cameras. Samyang 12mm f2.0 Sony E-mount. Fast f/2.0 maximum aperture benefits working in low-light conditions. Select this then change the lens 5 option to 12mm. & Home App. Review Samyang null Rating - 100%. Samyang 12 mm 1:2.0 NCS CS gives wide angle of view amounting to 98.9 degree and rectilinear image mapping function. Providing a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm and a broad 98.9° angle of view, this lens is well-suited for architectural, interior, and landscape images. Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (HD) $584.00. Es ist ein Zoom-Objektiv, gross und schwer und hat nur F2.8 statt F2.0. Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Handling and Features The build quality of this lens is excellent. Samyang 12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS FISH-EYE는 F ナンバーが低いマニュアル絞り方式で多様な露出で自然に撮影できます。従って、写真を撮る際に繊細な操作ができ、暗い環境でも精密に撮影でき、焦点露出が強い光源でも写真が撮れ Samyang 12mm T2.2 Cine NCS CS Lens (Sony E Mount) $479.00 $699.00. This Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Lens is available to fit a wide range of mirrorless system cameras, including Canon M, Fujifilm X, Samsung NX, Micro Four Thirds, and Sony E mount compatible cameras. α Eマウント系 126枚 20人 12mm F2.0 NCS CS ブラック [ソニー用] 単焦点 α Eマウント系 110枚 14人 12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS FISH-EYE [ソニーE用] 単焦点 α Eマウント系 103枚 11人 8mm F3.5 FISH ですが、別に人柱にならなくても海外サイトでは普通に紹介されています。「samyang 12mm f2.0 review」で検索するとレビュー記事がたくさんヒットします。大半はSony Eマウント、Fujifilm Xマウント It's also probably the most affordable ultra wide angle offering for the Nex-mount and could be successfully used on a high megapixel full-frame A7-series camera in APS-C mode (giving an 18mm-equivalent focal length). Sell one like this. Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 : 1000 euros with AF , but similar sharpness performance Meike 12mm F2.8: 200 euros, also a manual lens, a little bit less good performances 5 Conclusion Le Samyang 12mm F2 NCS CS est une très SALE Samyang 12mm f/2.8 ED AS IF NCS UMC Fisheye Lens AE for Nikon F Mount. This may happen as a result of the following: Please make sure that Javascript and cookies are enabled on your browser and that you are not blocking them from loading. With low distortion and wide angle, photographers who want wide-angle photos such as landscape and architectural images can create satisfactory images. View in shop. The frame of Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS is compact and solid since it is made of high-strength aluminum alloy. Auckland Camera (108) Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E. $584.10 (Free shipping) View in shop. Adapted MFT Rokinon/Samyang 12mm f2 or e-mount Mar 8, 2016 As you can see the price of the same manual lens with a different mount is quite different. Samyang 12mm f2 NCS CS Lens (Sony E Mount) $389.00 $599.00. Samyang 24mm F3.5 Tilt & Shift Canon EOS Full Frame Lens. Its fast f/2.0 maximum aperture is beneficial to working in low-light conditions. Available for 5 camera mounts: Canon M, Sony E, MFT, Samsung NX, Fujifilm X – Samyang / Rokinon 12mm f/2 review (Fuji X-mount, Sony E-mount) 26/08/2016 By Mathieu 8 Comments Over the past few months, we have been sharing numerous articles that focus on Samyang CS lenses designed for mirrorless cameras. Free shipping. #0907905; Sec. Samyang 12mm vs. Tamron 15-30 F2.8 Das Tamron (Testbericht) wird von vielen als die neue Referenz im Weitwinkelbereich angesehen. The 12mm f/2.8 ED AS IF NCS UMC Fisheye Lens for Nikon F Mount from Samyang provides a 180º diagonal angle of view on full-frame cameras for an ultra-wide angle, distorted perspective that is useful for architectural interiors, landscapes and creative experimentation in any photographic application. Free delivery for many products! You have until Feb 01, 2021 to return or exchange items bought after Oct 19, 2020. α Eマウント系 128枚 20人 12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS FISH-EYE [ニコン用] 単焦点 ニコンFマウント系 114枚 13人 12mm F2.0 NCS CS ブラック [ソニー用] 単焦点 α Eマウント系 110枚 14人 12mm F2.8 Samyang AF lenses The email address you entered was an invalid email. Three ED and Two Aspherical Elements The black, Sony E-Mount Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens is a prime wide-angle lens designed specifically for use with APS-C sized image sensors. © 2000-2020 B & H Foto & Electronics Corp. 420 9th Ave, New York, NY 10001, Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Sony E-Mount (APS-C) (Black). Providing a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm and a broad 98.9° angle of view, this lens is great for interior, landscape, and architectural images. The compact and lightweight Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS prime wide-angle lens for Sony E mount APS-C sensor cameras provides a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm with a broad 98.9° angle of view. Samyang 12mm f2 NCS CS Lens (Sony E Mount) Add to cart Samyang 12mm T2.2 Cine NCS CS Lens (Sony E Mount) $479.00 $699.00 Covers APS-C Sized Sensors 24mm (35mm Equivalent) Aperture Range: T2.2 … Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Ultra Wide Angle Lens Samyang 12mm F/2.0 Overview - Sony E-Mount The Sony E-Mount Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens is a prime …

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