Any increase in temperature might also cause an increase in bacterial growth, which again could cause the water to become unsuitable for consumption. Potential Source of Contamination ... water well terminates in creviced or highly porous formation--maintain greater separation distances than shown above----- Table 1. In these cases, only one separation distance need be specified. Creviced, shattered or otherwise fractured shale, limestone, igneous, metamorphic or similar rock types or sandstone, Clay, hardpan, till, shale, or similar material to a depth of 19′ or more. At the pre-construction phase the design team should be aware of what risk mitigation is required for the project, as appropriate to the scale and location of the site. In addition, drop pipe should be sufficiently sized and installed to accommodate potential working stresses considering well depth, pumping level, pump size, and pump setting. (3) The recovery period shall include observation of the water level in the well after cessation of pumping from the drawdown level back to at least 90 percent of the initial water level or for a period of 24 hours, whichever occurs first. While potentially significant for establishing new populations and for reducing genetic differentiation of populations, these rare, long-distance dispersal events should not be factored into separation distances. Maintain proper drainage away from the well; e.g. 5-B.3 Water Well Construction 4. We suggest going through these required elements before your contractor has left the site. Although some Elements may occur as truly separate populations at scales of separation less than 1 km, the practical value (for conservation planning and action) of delineating finer-scale EOs is often questionable. Well points commonly designated on the trade as 1 1/4" pipe shall be considered as being 2" nominal diameter well screens for purposes of these regulations. Without an adequate Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) there is no way to determine if the groundwater is potentially impacted prior to installing the geothermal; system. (17) Annular space between the well casing and borehole shall be grouted in accordance with Table 2. Also, it's important to note that while the DEC-Division of Water requires minimum separation distances for on-site disposal (septic) systems and other potential sources of contamination from private water wells, it is typically enforced only when a septic system is being installed by a certified installer. Regulated activities include, but are not limited to, filling or excavation within the pond, or any harmful thermal effect resulting from the ongoing operation of the system. If it is a State-regulated activity that you are concerned about, contact the appropriate program within the Department of Environmental Conservation or Department of Natural Resources. For most species, data from gene flow studies does not exist; thus, decisions on separation distances should be made on the basis of best information available. (a) The purpose of the water well yield test is to provide evidence that a water well will produce a sustainable flow rate for an extended period of time and to quantify that flow rate. 4 0 obj For some animals, home range is the average area occupied, utilized, and/or defended by an individual, either during its lifetime or for a given breeding season. Frequently, the area located between populations or patches may consist of a mixture of apparently suitable and unsuitable habitat, or a mixture of other natural or semi natural community types and/or cultural vegetation. Table 1 Required Minimum Separation Distances to Protect Water Wells From Contamination 2. Geothermal Closed Loop Bore hole and Horizontal Loop Separation Distances. Note the well decommissioning methods are required by DEC Drinking Water regulations 18 AAC 80.015(e). Thus, separation by unsuitable habitat is presumed to be more definitive. 5-B.2 Water Well Location and Protection 3. When pressure placement is used with a borehole diameter of only 2" greater than the casing diameter, casing shall be assembled without couplings unless installed per the "Casing and Grout Placement" technique described on Line "2" of this Table. Large readily recognizable stands that qualify as distinct EOs according to the separation distance guidelines may, nonetheless, be connected by smaller less apparent stands located within the prescribed separation distance. Also, owners of geothermal systems should obtain insurance in case of systems causing contamination. * Also, it's important to note that while the DEC-Division of Water requires minimum separation distances for on-site disposal (s… Variations of this system include using a “slinky” (coils) of pipes (as seen on the left) instead of straight pipe. Separation distances may vary, so it's best to review DEC Division of Water regulations. The types of heat transfer utilized should be non-toxic materials such as potable water, and Aqueous Solutions of Potassium Acetate or Propylene Glycol not to exceed 20% by weight. No buried fuel tanks or other sources of pollution may be located within 75 feet of the well. No DEP registration of this permit shall be required for such construction activity as long as it receives review and written approval by the town. (27) Any chemicals or other additives, including disinfectants, used during construction shall be of a specification acceptable for use in water wells and any excess not required for operation of the well shall be cleaned out of the well. In addition, a residential property owner receiving a well drilling permit for irrigation purposes, or other outside uses, pursuant to Public Act 02-102, must notify the community water supply system prior to the installation of the reduced pressure device in accordance with RCSA Sec. The pipes are connected to the heat exchanger and heat transfer fluid is circulated through the pipes. To promote consistency in the application of separation distances, they should be measured along the shortest route of expected travel of the Element between the edges of the known or minimally estimated occupied habitat, although this may not be a straight line (see Section 7, EO Spatial Representation). It is also unlikely that unsuitable habitat will become occupied over time, and therefore, the separation between two EOs will presumably remain.

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