15% of Smith men worked as a Laborer and 7% of Smith women worked as a Maid. The first name Smith has been assigned to: The country where the first name Smith is the most common is: This first name has 5 letters including 1 vowel and 4 consonants, Full list of personalities with the first name Smith, The full list of actors and actresses with the first name Smith.
In 1940, Laborer and Maid were the top reported jobs for men and women in the US named Smith.
Smith is a surname originating in England. An unincorporated community in Harlan County, Kentucky. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. The spelling variations under which the name Smith has appeared include Smith, Smyth, Smythe and others. Smith (surname), a family name originating in England List of people with surname Smith; Smith Family (disambiguation) Admiral Smith (disambiguation) Doctor Smith (disambiguation) General Smith (disambiguation) Governor Smith (disambiguation) Hannah Smith (disambiguation) Judge Smith (disambiguation) Justice Smith (disambiguation) Mayor Smith (disambiguation) President Smith … In 1891 there were 60,270 Smith families living in London. Edit Search New search. View Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for Smith. I'm considering Smith for a boy because it's my maiden name and my dad only had girls.
5% of Smith men worked as a General Labourer and 61% of Smith women worked as an Unpaid Domestic Duties. English: occupational name for a worker in metal, from Middle English smith (Old English smið, probably a derivative of smitan ‘to strike, hammer’). To get better results, add more information such as First Name, Birth Info, Death Info and Location—even a guess will help. [17], Other variations focus on specialisms within the profession; for example Blacksmith, from those who worked predominantly with iron, Whitesmith, from those who worked with tin (and the more obvious Tinsmith), Brownsmith and Redsmith, from those who worked with copper (Coppersmith and Greensmith; copper is green when oxidised), Silversmith and Goldsmith – and those based on the goods produced, such as Hammersmith, Bladesmith, Naismith (nail-smith), Arrowsmith which in turn was shortened to Arsmith,[18] or Shoesmith (referring to horseshoes). Jarvis Smith, English convict from Leicester, who was transported aboard the "Ann" on August 1809, settling in New South Wales. Mr. Douglas William Charles Smith (1917-1941), Australian Engine Room Artificer 4th Class from Port Pirie, Mr. William Harrison Randall Smith (1913-1941), Australian Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class from East Richmond, Victoria, Australia, who sailed into battle aboard, Mr. Ernest Edward Frederick Smith (1920-1941), Australian Able Seaman from Subiaco, Western Australia, Australia, who sailed into battle aboard, ... (Another 7 entries are available in all our, Thomas Gregory Smith (d. 1942), British Cook S aboard the HMS, Joseph Smith (d. 1942), British Sick Berth Attendant aboard the HMS, John William Smith (d. 1942), British Able Seaman aboard the HMS, Harry Smith (d. 1942), British Marine aboard the HMS, Allan Cameron Smith (d. 1942), British Chief Stoker aboard the HMS, ... (Another 1 entries are available in all our, Ronald Smith (d. 1945), British Ordinary Seaman aboard the HMS Dorsetshire when she was struck by air bombers and sunk; he died in the sinking, Frederick Thomas William Smith (d. 1945), British Leading Stoker aboard the HMS Dorsetshire when she was struck by air bombers and sunk; he died in the sinking, Allon Smith, British aboard the HMS Dorsetshire when she was struck by air bombers and sunk; he survived the sinking, Allan Nesbit Smith, British Sub Lieutenant (A) aboard the HMS Dorsetshire when she was struck by air bombers and sunk; he survived the sinking. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Smith surname lived. Mr. John Richard "Jago" Smith (d. 1912), aged 35, English Postal Clerk from Truro. The name was originally given to a metalworker (the blacksmith). This is the most frequent of all American surnames; it has also absorbed, by assimilation and translation, cognates and equivalents from many other languages (for forms, see Hanks and Hodges 1988). Smith is an Anglo-Saxon name. [11], The name refers to a smith, originally deriving from smið or smiþ, the Old English term meaning one who works in metal related to the word smitan, the Old English form of smite, which also meant strike (as in early 17th century Biblical English: the verb "to smite" = to hit). and Elizabeth." [1], "Wootton Hall [in Wooton-Wawen, Warwickshire] was early the seat of the Smythe family, of whom was Lord Carrington, who, at the battle of Edge-Hill, bravely redeemed the royal standard, as is recorded on his monument in Christ-Church, Oxford. Over the front entrance of the Hall are the arms, finely executed in relief, of Lord Carrington. " The most Smith families were found in the USA in 1880. You've only scratched the surface of Smith family history. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press.
Smith is an occupational name meaning 'Blacksmith'. There are 2 million military records available for the last name Smith. Though Smith was in fairly regular use until the 1920s--reaching as high as Number 326 in 1885--it would make a totally distinctive, sophisticated … However, there is some debate as to why the occupation of blacksmith would lead to such a populous surname. *We display top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs. One relatively recent invention that did much to standardize English spelling was the printing press. By 1838, the British New Zealand Company had begun buying land from the Maori tribes, and selling it to settlers, and, after the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, many British families set out on the arduous six month journey from Britain to Aotearoa to start a new life. Miss. The addition of an e at the end of the name is sometimes considered an affectation, but may have arisen either as an attempt to spell smithy or as the Middle English adjectival form of smith,[15] which would have been used in surnames based on location rather than occupation (in other words, for someone living near or at the smithy). The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. Mr. John Smith, English convict who was convicted in London, Mr. Joseph Smith, English convict who was convicted in. Ann Smith, Irish convict who was convicted in Dundalk. Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items.
Search Australian census records for Smith, Operated by Ancestry Ireland Unlimited Company. As metal worker was such a common and important profession in Medieval times, this name and its cognates are extremely widespread throughout the British Isles and Europe. You've only scratched the surface of Smith family history. [7][dubious – discuss] 2,442,977 Americans shared the surname Smith during the 2010 census,[8] and more than 500,000 people share it in the United Kingdom. Mr. Michael Smith, Australian settler travelling from Hobart, Tasmania. You can see how Smith families moved over time by selecting different census years. Some of the Smith family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt.Another 88 words (6 lines of text) about their life in Ireland is included in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.
(by extension) One who makes anything; wright. The surname Smith was first found in Durham, in present day Northumbria (North-Eastern England) where an Olde English version of the name is cited in circa 975, almost 100 years before the Normans would invade this part of England. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. On the last available year for each country, we count 108 births. It allows you to go beyond the similarities of a name, which can provide a lot of inspiration! For the veterans among your Smith ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. This name was common to every village in Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales, as it was a popular tradition to use the name of the occupation of blacksmiths and armorers. It is the most prevalent surname in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, and the fifth most common surname in the Republic of Ireland. Synopsis : En 2035, les robots sont devenus de parfaits assistants pour les êtres humains. There are 18 million census records available for the last name Smith. [16] Athersmith may derive from at the Smith. Historically, "Smitty" has been a common nickname given to someone with the surname, Smith; in some instances, this usage has passed into "Smitty" being used as a surname itself.[21]. On the last available year for each country, we count 96 births. The reviews are mixed, but I'm happy with my choice :), I always thought this sounded like a first name, no one agreed with me, but it IS a name! One might expect that Farmer, also an occupational name, but with far more people involved in the profession in the Middle Ages, would today be a much more populous surname than Smith.
À l’aube des années 90, presque dix ans avant le tube de Naomi Klein, No Logo, la Maison Rautureau lutte elle aussi contre la tyrannie des marques. [1], "The extensive manor of Mitchell-Morton, which stretches into the parishes of Kilkhampton, Moorwinstow, and Jacobstow, in Cornwall, and Week St. Pancras in Devonshire, is generally denominated from this parish. "The church [of Mount Thoydon] is a handsome edifice, containing many fine monuments to the family of Smyth, among which is one to Sir Thomas Smyth, chancellor of the garter, and principal secretary of state, in the reigns of Edward VI. For example: A popular misconception holds that at the beginning of the 20th century, when many new immigrants were entering the U.S., civil servants at Ellis Island responsible for cataloging the entry of such persons sometimes arbitrarily assigned new surnames if the immigrants' original surname was particularly lengthy, or difficult for the processor to spell or pronounce. Some less common occupations for Americans named Smith were Truck Driver and Teacher, View Census data for Smith | Data not to scale. The name Smith is a boy's name of English origin meaning "blacksmith". Smith is an Anglo-Saxon name.
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