Covenant Health is committed to practicing wise stewardship and sharing information about how we use resources entrusted to us. The total amount of non-monetary benefits will be reported for all employees on the disclosure. the title of the position the employee held on December 31 of the previous year, or where the employee discontinued employment with government during the year, the title of the position the employee held at the time he or she discontinued employment; (c)  ̊��� Use of this information and other information (collectively the "content") is governed by the terms and conditions set out beasdsdslow ("Terms of Use"). This is commonly known as the sunshine list. Audit by comptroller general (2)  a written application is submitted in the time period prescribed in the regulations, by, or on behalf of, the employee to, (i)  Disclosure by public body 5. 0000004842 00000 n (j)  2016 cP-41.02 s1 Definitions 2 (1) In this Act (a) "audit committee" means audit committee as defined in the House of Assembly; The ACT Public Service is committed to ensuring all staff have the tools and support needed to lead engaging and rewarding careers while serving the Canberra community. Compensation is the amount that is paid to an employee in a year and required to be reported on Box 14, 105 or 028 of a T4/T4A slip. The President of Treasury Board may exempt information from being disclosed regarding an employee where, (a)  0000113900 00000 n CHAPTER P-41.02. (i)  72 36         0000068698 00000 n (1.1)  (2)  "leave payout" means the amount paid to an employee for accumulated, unused leave; (d.1)  This section does not apply to employees of the legislative branch. This guide provides some clarification about the granting of compensation disclosure exemptions and instructions about how to apply. The AER in not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information or data and is not liable for any direct or indirect losses arising out of any use of this information. 0000004979 00000 n 8. Before July 1 of each year the minister shall disclose the following information with respect to each employee of government whose total compensation during the previous year was greater than the threshold: (b)  0000000016 00000 n The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may prescribe in regulations the information to be included in the disclosure under subsection (1). Definitions h�b```f`` c`e`�6cd@ A��$��Y�dT?�`s`�ʔ���!ZAo���+��Xl��ʖ��K�yV4 QpB�r��hd�d�v�*�v�F^#�ˁ����.���@�m�1b19��er%4�F�;�/R�ej���ŶE�����Kc)�Xϴ9���}�XWֆ_p establish a process for correcting disclosure under this Act; (b)  (b)  "minister" means the minister appointed under the Executive Council Act Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Committee, Improving Air Quality and Odours in Fort McKay, Integrated Applications for Major Projects, Reclamation Certificate Application Submissions, Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Condition Management for AER Hearing Decisions, Liability Management Programs and Processes, Liability Management Rating and Reporting, Contamination Management Tools and Resources, Oil and Gas Sites Reclamation Requirements, Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Forms, Private Surface Agreements Registry Forms, Field Surveillance Incident Inspection List. (1) Where information is exempted from disclosure under this Act. the Information and Privacy Commissioner, (vi)  <]/Prev 245613>> The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may prescribe in the regulations other grounds to exempt information from being disclosed regarding a category of employees. "employee", unless otherwise indicated, means an individual who is, or was, employed by the public sector during the year; (b.1)  Notes : See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable. A public body or office of the legislative branch shall permit the comptroller general to review the records of the public body or office of the legislative branch. (a)  This is commonly known as the sunshine list. the amount of total compensation paid to the employee. (b)  a written application is submitted in the time prescribed in the regulations by or on behalf of the employee to the clerk; and. If the threshold is met, all remuneration, including severance and employer pension contributions, will be disclosed. 0000007695 00000 n Help; Search within this Act: Table of Contents. The audit committee may request that the minister direct the comptroller general to audit the records of an office of the legislative branch to determine whether the office is complying with this Act.         an entity designated in the regulations as a public body; The minister may direct the comptroller general to audit the records of a public body to determine whether the public body is complying with this Act. 0000002244 00000 n !�wHGNk����?����d� ��r @ the clerk is of the opinion that disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to threaten the safety or mental or physical health of the employee. the chief executive officer of the public body where the employee is employed; and. defining (Includes details about the availability of printed and electronic versions of the Statutes. (a)  PUBLIC SECTOR COMPENSATION TRANSPARENCY ACT (7) The Minister may make public, in the form and manner that the Minister considers appropriate, the failure of a public sector body or of a health entity referred to in section 5(3) to comply with this Act. 0000068593 00000 n This number is reported in Box 66 and 67 of the T4 slip. replacedby_title | Is Replaced By - Title, hastranslation_title | Has Translation - Title, usageconsiderations | Usage Considerations. 0000001982 00000 n       Under the provincial Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act, by June 30 of every year, we are required to disclose the names, positions, earnings, non-monetary benefits, and severance of all current and former employees whose total annual earnings for the previous calendar year were more than that year’s threshold, which was $132,924 in 2019. ), PUBLIC SECTOR COMPENSATION TRANSPARENCY ACT, AN ACT TO PROVIDE THE PUBLIC WITH TRANSPARENCY REGARDING PUBLIC SECTOR COMPENSATION, 1. Total compensation amount rounded 6. xref (d)  (d)  No disclosure required 7. Table of Contents 1 Definitions 2 Disclosure by the Government of Alberta 3 Disclosure by public sector bodies 4 No disclosure required 5 Disclosure re health service providers 6 Exemption 7 Minister’s powers 8 In‑house audit 9 Ministerial audit 10 Audit of Offices of the Legislature 11 Education bodies authorized to … 0000035244 00000 n re-defining or further defining a word or expression defined in this Act         Public Sector Compensation Act. the clerk shall disclose to the minister that information has been exempted with respect to employees of the legislative branch; (b)  Powers of minister Compensation is the total of all salary, allowances, supplements, and taxable benefits or other amounts paid to an employee that are included in Box 14 of the T4 slip or Box 028 or 105 of the T4A slip for the reporting year. (c)  7.1   Download [CSV] - last updated: June 25, 2020. Exemptions - employees Notes : See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable. "statutory office" means the office of a statutory officer; (i)  Regulations, 7.1   ; (f)  "legislative branch" means the House of Assembly and statutory offices; (e)  Public Sector Compensation Transparency General Regulation, Public Sector Compensation Transparency Dissolved Public Sector Bodies Regulation, identifier-ALIS-catno | ALIS catalogue number, identifier-NEOS-catkey | NEOS catalogue key. Copyright © 2019: Queen’s Printer, "chief executive officer" means the person responsible for the day to day operation of a public body; (a.2)  72 0 obj <> endobj 0000002699 00000 n 0000034473 00000 n (2)  the title of the position the employee held on December 31 of the previous year, or where the employee discontinued employment with the public body during the year, the title of the position the employee held at the time he or she discontinued employment; and. 11. The Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act requires public sector bodies and the Government of Alberta to disclose their members’ or employees’ compensation if it exceeds a threshold. 7. Disclosure by public body Previous Versions. (3)  107 0 obj <>stream "threshold" means the amount prescribed in the regulations; and. This act requires the Government of Alberta and public sector bodies to annually disclose compensation information for employees earning over a specified threshold and all board members. Disclosure by government 4. It does not include any amount of severance paid in the reporting year. (4)  the amount of total compensation paid to the employee. "public body" means Public sector agencies, boards and commissions and Alberta post-secondary institutions, including the University of Lethbridge, comply with the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act ("Act") that received Royal Assent on December 11, 2015. The PSCTA became law on December 11, 2015. ; (i)  h�T�Mo�0��� 0000003459 00000 n The minister may direct the comptroller general to audit the records of a public body to determine whether the public body is complying with this Act. 0000001684 00000 n Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act disclosure. to give effect to the purpose of this Act. ;����n�zA�h�����tH#D���Gb�n@��ׯeêzW�nv�9�m�l�q��p�s�@H���Jo�kl��}���"csr��V/����_7�X�`�`1t��F�ϯ9r�x��=� 8�%Xl3V�i��{�W�5W� �e����������o��9mK@g��-�N���!�WK^F�h�H�D��='��DѬ�\�4{.�o^dۓ� ��2�)�H����乥`��E�ĭ��ݖm.

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