Double representation in a bicameral legislature fosters the balanced representation of rival interests, a more just and inclusive goal than mere majority rule. For example, in the United States the constituencies which form the basis for elections to the lower house (Congress) are roughly equal in terms of population size, which means that sparsely populated states have few congressional representatives - while California has 53 representatives, Texas 36, Florida 27 and New York 27, the states of Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming have only one representative each. Cons of Unicameral legislature. It's less expensive and more efficient. The lower house can block legislature that it deems unfit or unsuitable given their interests and goals. (The Italian government’s recent proposal to make changes to the constitution which would have dispensed with the requirement for all legislation to be approved by the upper house (Senato) as well as by the lower house (Camera dei deputati) was rejected by the electorate in the referendum held on 4th December 2016.) Holistic Policies For instance, the Rajya Sabha in India has 12 nominated members with repute in the fields of art, science, literature and social service. The great variety of bicameral legislatures makes it difficult to draw any general conclusions – save to say that, except when, e.g., a system produces legislative deadlock or slows the passage of legislation which needs approval as a matter of urgency, the advantage of a bicameral system in offering greater legislative scrutiny outweighs the disadvantage of its relative slowness: that the legislative outcome should be as good as possible matters more than the swiftness of the legislative process. However, this state of affairs, which could lead to neglect of the interests of the minimally represented states, is mitigated in the upper house (Senate), where each state, irrespective of its population size, is represented by two senators. Lobbying & Wastage of Funds Currently, 3 states are in the process of deciding whether such a legislature is beneficial for them. This is clearly advantageous, since the greater the scrutiny to which a proposed law is subject, the more likely it is that any flaws in it will be discovered and possible improvements become apparent: two pairs of eyes are always better than one. This rationale may be elaborated in various ways. A bicameral legislature is a legislature with two houses or chambers, such as the Parliament of the United Kingdom (composed of the House of Commons and the House of Lords) or the Congress of the United States (composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate). As it is not capable of coping with powers on the rise, the delegation of power in lawmaking has been passed to the executive. This depends, but I’ll try to make some points for you, as these legislature systems can be different in different countries and provinces. 7. 3 hours ago. 2. Pros of Bicameral legislature. All these depends on the requirement at the state level. A bicameral legislature is a legislature with two houses or chambers, such as the Parliament of the United Kingdom (composed of the House of Commons and the House of Lords) or the Congress of the United States (composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate). Like the British House of Commons and House of Lords or the Senate and the House of Representatives in the United States, many countries have adopted bicameralism or a bicameral legislature. Lawmaking is the right and sole purpose of legislatives. 2. The process may be even slower when the bicameral system requires proposed legislation not only to be scrutinised but to be approved by both houses so that amendments proposed by the second house are referred back to the first house for its approval. List of Pros of Bicameralism. Bicameralism is a manifestation of representative democracy. In a unicameral legislature, it is quite possible that some people or some sections will not have true representation and may be excluded from the focuses of lawmakers. Physical Education should not be mandatory in schools! The bicameral legislature in the United Kingdom—the Parliament—originally formed in 1707, consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. In some countries there are regions with particular interests or concerns which may be unlikely to receive adequate consideration in the lower house – perhaps these regions are sparsely populated and so have no more than minimal representation in the lower house. By having every denomination represented through the larger lower house, whether it is House of Commons or House of Representatives, even the last hamlet with its last citizen can be represented. Kofi Annan: Importance of Youth Leadership, Youth Leadership in Community Development, Taking Youth Leadership to the Next Level, How We Are Helping Chinese Disabled Youth, Front Loading Washing Machines Pros and Cons List, Flat Organisational Structure Pros and Cons List, 22 Good Songs for 18th Birthday Slideshow, 35 Good Songs For 50th Birthday Slideshow, 57 Good Parents Entrance Songs for Wedding Reception, 6 Profound Pros and Cons of Legalizing Drugs, 34 Good Songs for 40th Birthday Slideshow, 23 Bible Verses About Death Of a Grandmother, 19 Primary Pros and Cons of Legalizing Weed. Such restrictions as there may be on eligibility for membership of the lower house typically do little to ensure that its members are well qualified by character and intellect to act as legislators. Bicameral legislature has its own benefits and drawbacks. Again, if membership of the upper house is by direct election, for a relatively short period of service, and re-election is permitted, this claim loses plausibility. Courtesy holistic policies, industry or commerce and the economy can grow parallel to the social programs meant for the poor or underprivileged. Though most bicameral legislatures have conventions for resolving protracted disagreement between the two houses, usually by allowing the will of the lower house to prevail, some do not – for example, the Italian parliament. Like all forms of governance or government, there are some substantial bicameralism pros and cons. The distinctive features of a particular bicameral legislature may enhance or reduce this advantage and mitigate or exacerbate this disadvantage. Instead of having one legislative, the whole apparatus is divided into an upper house and a lower house. They are not always seen as people from the grassroots although people with humble beginnings have made it to the upper house or senate. The upper House of Lords represents a smaller, more elite social class, while the lower House of Commons represents a larger, less-exclusive class. Bicameral legislature – Pros and Cons Since the time of formation of the Constituent Assembly, the question of whether a bicameral legislature at the state level should be formed is debatable. Sets Up New Standards The increase in the delegated legislation can likewise be attributed to the requirement of setting up new standards in social interest. Latest Group Discussion topics - GD topics with answers. The two houses or chambers, variously named in different national legislatures, are often distinguished as the lower house (or chamber) and the upper house (or chamber). Representative Democracy Large countries that have big states or provinces, which are populous and have people from various races or ethnicities, belonging to different strata of the society with diverse culture and financial strength, there should be enough elected people representing all the masses, each and every section. Bicameralism - pro and con. 1. Mental wellness is the way to stay happy, healthy and wealth... Should autistic children be sent to normal schools or specia... Social media is killing book reading habit! Thus, the power of the legislature has been enhanced considerably. It's consist of two Houses as a legislative assembly. When power is divided and diffused, as it is in a bicameral system, the professional representatives of powerful interests must win the support of a larger number of leaders, committee chairs, and members. It's avoid the unhealty competition in the legislative process. The senate or upper house has almost always comprised of people who are deemed to be from the elite or from the fraternity that has traditionally been privileged. If membership of the upper house is based on different principles, these regional interests may be more likely to be accorded adequate consideration there. 1. A bicameral legislature is not good for passing bills in times of emergency because of delays that result from having two chambers. There are many differences of detail between bicameral legislatures – e.g., in the nature of each chamber (its size, the composition of its membership, etc.) With bicameralism, one can find the balance between populism and pragmatism. Where there is ‘perfect bicameralism’, i.e., complete legislative parity between the two houses so that proposed legislation must be approved in identical form by both houses, there can be deadlock if the two houses take very different views with regard to a piece of legislation and are unable to reach agreement. While neither the upper house nor the lower house gets a free run to pass any laws they feel like and a balance is attained by compelling the houses to reach a consensus, this can lead to policy deadlocks. Far too much lobbying is invested in. Obviously, if there is not legislative parity between the two houses, and the upper house can only advise about legislation and/or delay its passage through the legislature, the problem of legislative deadlock between the two houses does not arise. This can lead to policy paralysis. However, many national legislatures enhance the value of scrutiny in a second chamber by having membership of this chamber determined in a different way from membership of the first (e.g., by appointment rather than election), the rationale being that the second chamber may consider proposed legislation from a different point of view and give weight to legitimate interests or concerns which the first chamber has failed to consider. These persons fields not otherwise be elected to the Lok Sabha whose membership is confined to elected representatives only. By contrast, members of the upper house tend to be older than members of the lower house – for some information about age limits for membership of each house see Senate – and have often had successful careers and attained eminence outside the world of politics or been members of the lower house for many years.

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