If you’re a fan of the old TV program (now in syndicated reruns), then by all means use this spelling. It consists of 7 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Lo-re-lai. First, it’s the combination of an Old German word “lureln” meaning “murmuring” plus a Celtic word “ley” meaning “rock”. View the Lorelai Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Lorelai has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Lorelai to other names. Diesen Namen hörte ich das erste mal, als ich frisch nach Deutschland kam und nach der Vorbereitungsklasse in Schule kam (Juni 1997), wir hatten Unterricht , und hatten das Thema Rhein bzw. Variants of the name Lorelai include Loralee, Lorelei. These personalities will not tolerate injustice. The meaning of Lorelai is "alluring". All Rights Reserved. It may give you some insight about your new baby. Lorelai appeals to parents who seek a name with genuine depth. The spelling of Lorelai garnered notice due to the American comedy-drama TV show “The Gilmore Girls” featuring three generations of women who spelled their names Lorelai. The traditional spelling is Lorelei, a name with two theorized etymologies. Origin of the name Lorelei: Derived from Lurlei, the name of the rock "ambush cliff," which is derived from the Middle High German luren (to watch) and lei (a cliff, a rock). [ citation needed ] As such, various legends concerning the dangerous rock have sprung up around Lorelei by German poets (see the name Lorelei for more information). Ernährung, Befristeter Artbeitsvertrag Schwangerschaft. Meine Tochter ist inzwischen 11 Jahre alt und heißt Lorelai als Drittnamen, doch alle Welt nennt sie nur Lorelai oder Lori. Meaning Of Lorelai: Lorelai name meaning is Variant of Lorelei. Der Nachteil ist nur, wir müssen immer erklären wie wir zu diesen Namen kamen... Unsere Lorelei ist nun 8 Monate alt und ist ein echter Sonnenschein, strahlt und lächelt den ganzen Tag! Schreibe jetzt einen Kommentar zum Vornamen Lorelei! lure = der Hinterhalt, die Lauer; (Althochdeutsch); lei = der Felsen, der Schieferfelsen (Althochdeutsch), im Englischen auch in der Schreibweise Lorelai gebräuchlich. Otherwise, if you’re an admirer of the German mythology of Lorelei or the charmingly loveable Anita Loos character, then you should stick with Lorelei. Also Mädels, steht dazu, auch wenn man sich beim erklären vor der Verwandtschaft einbißchen schämt. Second, it could be derived from the Germanic "lauern" (meaning “to lurk or lie in wait”) along with the aforementioned Celtic word for rock. Vornamen. It is also showing some decline in more recent years. … Then take a look at the Numerological Report For Lorelai. They are compassionate people with a strong sensitivity to others. The Lorelei rock is located at the narrowest point of the river and is therefore subjected to strong currents and rocky conditions which have caused scores of maritime accidents (the heavy currents create the “murmuring” sound owing to the rock’s name). andere Anmerkungen?Wir freuen uns auf Deine Nachricht! Would you like to fingerspell the name Lorelai in American Sign Language? The number Nine personality represents the completion or ending of the cycle, and a need for perfection. The name Lorelai is of German origin. Mich hat es von Anfang an verzaubert, wie Liebe auf den ersten Blick ! Therefore, the name either means “murmuring rock” or “lurking rock”. © 2020 Eltern - Eltern haftet nicht für die Inhalte externer Websites, Eltern - Deutschlands grösstes Familien-Netzwerk. Lorelai remains a favorite due to its popular and elegant nature. Want to know how your name choice may effect your child? Our Baby Namer - Origin and Meaning of Baby Names, Books, Gifts. Heißt Du selber Lorelei oder kennst jemanden, der diesen Namen trägt? Lorelai is generally used as a girl's name. They are courageous and fearless, able to fight great battles on behalf of worthy causes. Rory / Lori / Lory / Lorry / Lore / Lolo / Lorli / Lor / Lei-Lei. Etymology & Historical Origin of the Baby Name. Lorelai is the spelling used for the character played by Lauren Graham on The Gilmore Girls, as … In contrast, the year before it ranked 546 in baby name popularity for girls with 564 occurrences. Second, it could be derived from the Germanic "lauern" (meaning “to lurk or lie in wait”) along with the aforementioned Celtic word for rock. Vor allem ältere Personen reagieren sehr positiv! Gibt es typische Vornamen der Oberschicht? The name was altered to Lorelei by Clemens Brentano, a German poet. Lorelai Origin and Meaning. Lorelai is a form of Loreley, the name of a rock headland, located at the Rhine River. Loreley. weiblicher Vorname, Variante von Lorley. According to a legend, a maiden named Lorelei lived on this rock and lures boats to their death with her singing. Legends say that a maiden named the Lorelei lives on the rock and lures fishermen to their deaths with her song. Erst durch Brentanos Ballade wurde er weiblich. The name Lorelai is a girl's name . Als ich das aller ersten mal diesen Name hörte, bekam ich nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Position in unserer Hitliste der beliebtesten

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