The contamination level of land is seen from the intensity of chemical usage. According to the dictionary, air pollution is the contamination of air by smoke and harmful gases, mainly oxides of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen. municipal solid waste pollution Municipal solid waste (MSW) on a beach. Solid wastes are harmful to terrestrial plants and animals. Municipal solid waste consists of everyday items that we discard. 2. Her passion for science education drove her to start EarthEclipse with the sole objective of finding and sharing fun and interesting science facts. Ultimately, the land losses its fertility and vegetation cover. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. According to the 2001 report of the US Fire Administration, there are around 8300 fires a year in the USA. The maximum use of biodegradable materials and adopting methods such as recycling and reuse of resources are some ways of preventing land pollution. km. An excessive use of chemicals leads to a decrease in soil fertility. Consequently, some species have died while trying to adapt, some have gone extinct, and several are currently on the verge of extinction. 3. Soil erosion and nutrient loss have also led to decreased productivity in Calabar South and it is predicted that if erosion continues at the current rate, there will be an 87% drop in yield by 2020. Monoculture, overgrazing, and improper methods of irrigation are some of the main reasons why the quality of soil degrades. In the following post, we will only discuss the land pollution. Land pollution causes us to lose 24 billion tons of top soil every year. As an outcome, animals are driven further away and become vulnerable to harmful conditions and predators. Land pollution causes us to lose 24 billion tons of top soil every year. Releasing of chemicals will also pollute the land. • Extra, unnecessary lights around the home. A study across the country in 1995 indicated that about 3.62 million hectares of land was irrigated by polluted water and sewage. Some examples of land pollution include: • The use of pesticides and other farming chemicals, • Damage and debris caused from unsustainable mining and logging practices, Land pollution is responsible for damage done to natural habitat of animals, deforestation and damage done to natural resources, and the general up of our communities. We hope you enjoy this website. You're cool right? Deforestation is one of the major causes of this loosening, that further causes soil erosion. With the rise in urbanization and industrialization, the production of municipal solid waste has increased by 9% annually. Get in touch with us and we'll talk... Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! 90% of the tropical forest cover in West Africa has been destroyed over the last century. The introduction of chemicals on the land as well as the changes of natural soil is considered as the primary causes. The most common example is dumping of solid waste on land. Mostly, visual kinds of environmental pollution are annoying and ugly, although some may say they are also depressing, and they of course affect the surrounding landscape with the changes they cause. 3. Plastic and glass bottles, cans, rubber tires, and electronic items dumped in the soil are a common reason behind land pollution. The effects of agricultural, healthcare, and chemical wastes are the principal land pollution aspects causing soil pollution. How Does Photosynthesis Take Place in Desert Plants? Some examples of air pollution include: • The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or gas, • Harmful off-gassing from things such as paint, plastic production, and so forth. Garbage is carelessly dumped on land. Waste should be disposed in the right way and not allowed to stay in the soil, contaminating it. Environmental protection agencies indicate that the effects can even be more devastating if wastes in landfills are not separated into reusable, recyclable, or organic waste. This is a type of land pollution. We cannot afford to take Mother nature for granted. Seasonal Meal Plans: Learn all about the best meals season by season in this three-part ebook series. When the atmospheric balance is compromised, various atmospheric imbalances such as the greenhouse effect, climate change, and global warming are experienced. Do you want to comment on facts about land pollution? These landfills are contaminated with such kind of toxic chemicals that they can reach the human body via vegetables and foods that are grown in polluted lands.

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