As often happens when someone we have trusted is no longer before our eyes, it suddenly seemed quite clear and obvious to him that the sergeant was an impostor, that he had lied, and that the whole Russian attack would be ruined by the absence of those two regiments, which he would lead away heaven only knew where. It is distinguished from the common porpoise externally by its black hue and the absence of a dorsal fin. In the emperors absence,, Rimini, Imola and Foril joined the league, which now called itself the Society of Venice, Lombardy, the March, Romagna and Alessandria. Wishart had returned to Scotland, after an absence of several years, about the end of 1544. After thirty years' absence, he returns to his home in Italy; his son Hadubrand, believing his father to be dead, suspects treachery and refuses to accept presents offered by the father in token of good-will. These words, which revealed the absence of any stipulation in regard to the protection of Italian interests in the Mediterranean, created lively dissatisfaction in Italy and corresponding satisfaction in France. Apart from this feature the Trichoptera also differ from the typical Neuroptera in the relatively simple, mostly longitudinal neuration of the wings, the absence or obsolescence of the mandibles and the semi-haustellate nature of the rest of the mouth-parts. A feature of the upland districts is the total absence of hedges, and the substitution of limestone walls, put together without any mortar or cement. He was regent of the kingdom during the king's short absence in France in 1308, and took a very prominent part at Edward's coronation in February of this year. The members were called "justices," and in the king's absence the chief justiciar presided over the court. During his patron's absence, Biren, a handsome, insinuating fellow, succeeded in supplanting him in the favour of Anne, and procuring the disgrace and banishment of Bestuzhev and his family. Instead of the present boat, with its heavy black cabin and absence of colouring, the older forms had an awning of rich stuffs or gold embroideries, supported on a light arched framework open at both ends; this is the gondola still seen in Carpaccio's and Gentile Bellini's pictures (c. 150o). ~ Do not make jokes while writing a formal message.~ Remember to keep messages for family and friends separate.~ It is extremely important to check short messages for grammatical mistakes, lest they be misinterpreted. In her absence Nicholas allowed himself to give his little daughter a gallop round the room. Thanks to the friendly intervention of the marechal du camp, baron Duteil, Bonaparte once more gained leave of absence for three months and reached Corsica in September 1791. The suspended needle is, in the absence of disturbing causes, directed solely by the horizontal component of the earth's field of magnetic force H E, and therefore sets itself approximately north and south. Johannesburg was in a ferment, while General Sir William Butler, who acted as high commissioner in Milner's absence, had allowed it to be seen that he did not take a favourable view of the Uitlander grievances. The part played by Egypt proper in the ensuing anti-Assyrian combinations is not clearly known; with a number of petty dynasts fomenting discontent and revolt, there was an absence -of cohesion in that ancient empire previous to the rise of the Ethiopian dynasty. This detective stuff comes roaring back after an absence—like bike riding and swimming. Here he remained unmolested for a few days, fop Blucher was struck down by sickness, and in his absence nothing was done. When recording such a message on the phone, keep it short, sweet, and to-the-point. Daughters, in the absence of sons, had sons' rights. Instances of dogs having saved the lives of their owners by that strange intuition of approaching danger which they appear to possess, or by their protection, are innumerable: their attachment to man has inspired the poet and formed the subject of many notable books, while in Daniel's Rural Sports is related a story of a dog dying in the fulness of joy caused by the return of his master after a two years' absence from home. 's absence was charged with the defence of the realm) had no organized force in the north of England, but James wasted much precious time among the border castles, and when Surrey appeared at Wooler, with an army equal in strength to his own, which was now greatly weakened by privations and desertion, he had not advanced beyond Ford Castle. But how do you start or finish this one-sided conversation? Her features had gone from drawn and pale to glowing, the result of his return from Europe after an extended absence and the child growing in her womb. In the absence of such consent, the bishop may hear the cause with three assessors, of whom one shall be a barrister of seven years' standing and another the dean of the cathedral, or one of the archdeacons, or the chancellor. Post the Definition of in someone's absence to Facebook, Share the Definition of in someone's absence on Twitter. The army was visited by a plague, and the fleet was prevented from sailing by the total absence of wind. In his absence the administration was entrusted to a justiciar, a regent or lieutenant of the kingdom; and the convenience being once ascertained of having a minister who could in the whole kingdom represent the king, as the sheriff did in the shire, the justiciar became a permanent functionary.". This in itself was a serious matter; according to the assizes, the barons maintained, the king must either personally reside in the kingdom, or, in the event of his absence, be replaced by a regency. ~ For any urgent matters, please contact [name] at [email address]. He managed the dictator's private affairs during his absence from Rome, and, together with L. But the dean and chapter objected to the absence of a structural choir, nave and aisles, and wished to follow the medieval cathedral arrangement. In the absence of water, it forms salts of the type (CH 2: NOH)3 HC1 with acids. In the absence of express agreement or custom or statutory provision (such as is made by the Agricultural Holdings Act 1883), a tenancy from year to year is determinable on half a year's notice expiring at the end of some current year of the tenancy. At a later stage the shade of the large trees compensates to a considerable extent for the absence of cover on the ground. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? In 1855 he was elected a member of the second chamber; and as the government refused to allow him leave of absence from his official duties he resigned his post in the public service. Thus the occurrence of blind animals in caves and in the deep sea was a fact which Darwin himself regarded as best explained by the atrophy of the organ of vision in successive generations through the absence of light and 1 Weismann, Vererbung, &c. (1886). The absence of a gap between the lower canine and first premolar and between the latter and the following tooth is regarded as an essentially tapir-like feature. After gaining a further extension of leave of absence from his regiment he returned to Ajaccio and spent six months more in the midst of family and political affairs. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This is [name] at [department, organization]. In the absence of face-glands and in the structure of the horns the species approximates to the goats. (I) During his enforced absence from Athens he had evidently acquired a far more extended idea of the future of Athens than had hitherto dawned on the somewhat parochial minds of her leaders. In some cases, especially if you are a service provider or have something pending with the contacting party, your absence might not be well-received. The absence of Coregoni is a characteristic feature of the fish-fauna of the steppes; the carp, on the contrary, reappears, and the rivers abound in sturgeon (Acipenseridae). The absence of rain here is ascribed to the action of the lofty uplands of the Andes on the trade-wind, and to the influence of the cold Humboldt current sweeping northward along the west coast of the continent. This was inevitable in the absence of trustworthy information on an adequate scale, and from the immediately practical aims of the writers. Minnesota has the characteristic climate of the North Central group of states, with a low mean annual temperature, a notably rarefied atmosphere that results in an almost complete absence of damp foggy weather, and an unusual dryness which during the rather long winters considerably neutralizes the excessive cold. For some years Natal, in common with the other countries of South Africa, had suffered from the absence of anything resembling a strong government among the Boers of the Transvaal, neighbours of Natal on the north. 'While the necessary operations were in progress, the fleet occupied temporary bases in Skye and Mull and in the defended harbour of Lough Swilly in Ireland, and the absence of the fleet was successfully concealed. Political parties were forming without very evident basis for differences outside questions of political patronage and the good 'or ill use of power; and, in the absence of the laws just mentioned, the Moderates, being in power, used every instrument of government to strengthen their hold on office. [phone number; extension] or by email at [email_id].RegardsYour Name, Thank you for your email. Here again both capital and labour are short, and the cultivation of the soil suffers from the fact that, owing to the absence of timber, dry dung is used for fuel instead of being employed as manure. The greeting should be generalized for anyone who may try to contact you. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. They are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Eastern Time [timezone].~ If you need immediate assistance, feel free to contact [details].~ Should the matter be important/should you have further queries, do not hesitate to contact [email address] in my absence. The absence of swamps, the porous nature of the soil, and the extent of cultivation account for the freedom of the island from miasma.
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