MFIP_RENEWAL: "3394b307-211d-e211-b14a-00155d019a03" }).promise(); var newValidator = document.createElement('span'); if (form_control.isrequired()) { default: CCL_CONSERVATION_AUTHORITY: "9f39781f-f912-e211-ad75-00155d019a03", Since 1987, we have helped protect 43 properties throughout Muskoka. var textValue = ''; $('#' + id).before(''); Français isNumeric: function(value) { $(selector).parent().css('border', '1px solid #ff0000'); if (type === 'checkbox') Once this was completed, he set his sights on the need for “Dark Skies” for sake of astronomy, wildlife and human health. message = SPS.Utilities.getSPSMessage("CLOSE_MODAL_CONFIRMATION"); = + "Validator"; isValid = $("iframe").contents().find(selector).text().trim() === '' ? From our developments in water, gas and smart grid networks, we continue to connect more and more ‘things’ that make utilities and cities smarter. Formed in 1985, the Solid Waste Disposal Authority is a public, nonprofit corporation responsible for the finance and operation of the City and County’s solid waste management system. newValidator.validationGroup = ""; createPrintButton: function() { //} else { Huntsville Transit also partners with Commute with Enterprise on a growing citywide and regional vanpooling network. var saveButton = " "; if (postalCode) { MFPA: 2 Focuses on buildings and efficiency, transportation and land use planning, emissions, Evaluates all City facilities to move toward energy efficient best practices with direction from the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional certified General Services director, Evaluates facilities and conducts LED retrofits of various City infrastructure with paybacks of 3-5 years, Maintains LED lighting in all parking lots and buildings, Works toward installing occupancy sensors and implementing lighting controls in City facilities, Partnered with Parks & Recreation to install lighting controls on sports fields at several City parks, Implemented programmable building control systems on most City facilities that can change set points on heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems when buildings are not occupied on nights and weekends, Saved 200,000 tires from the landfill by using recycled rubber from automotive tires on pave walks at John Hunt Park, Installed new automatic vehicle location (AVL) software that tracks City vehicle routes, checks mileage and monitors vehicle idle time. $('.sharepoint-grid .error p').text() !== msg1 && $('.sharepoint-grid .error p').text().contains('already exists')) { Huntsville is a city in the Appalachian region of northern Alabama. The Planning Areas of the Huntsville Regional Water Supply System (HRWSS), the Livingston Regional Water Supply System (LRWSS) and Trinity County Regional Water Supply System (TCRWSS) are depicted in Appendices D-F. 2.3 Conservation Goals The Authority’s water conservation goals are to: (1) provide an adequate supply of return false; else Standards are consistent with Energy Star features. }, = "none"; Working with Jan McDonnell from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and Mike Silver, a Torrance resident, he strove to achieve the designation of the Torrance Barrens Conservation Reserve as a “dark sky preserve”. if (!modalTitle) { if (arn.match(regex)) { SUBMITTED: 234250001, The homeowner then chooses which upgrades they want and can even arrange for financing through Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance. }).remove(); break; }, if (form_control.type === 'text' || form_control.type === 'select' || form_control.type === 'date') $(document).ready(function() { $("form#content_form select").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return email.match(regex); makeFieldReadOnly: function(id) { } } } return false; //overwrite Overwrite existing files status = "$('#" + statusField + "').val(" + statusId + ");"; status = "$('#" + statusField + "').val(" + statusId + ");"; //} var queryArray = queryString.split('&'); newValidator.evaluationfunction = function() { if ($('#' + id)) { //SPS JS localization object (5 objects stored in spsmessagescommon.js, spsmessagesmftip.js, spsmessagescltip.js, spsmessageslshrp.js, spsmessagessarsf.js; used in getSPSMessage function $('.sharepoint-grid .error p').text() !== msg2 && $('.sharepoint-grid .error p').text().contains('Not Found')) { We'll be hiking at Upjohn Nature Reserve and discussing how the fall affects the various animal and plant species in Muskoka. if (data && data.value && data.value.length > 0) { } $('#' +""); getSPSMessage: function(key) { var msg = ""; applicantsButton.attr("disabled", "disabled"); This easement continues to be one of the keystone properties for Muskoka Conservancy. $(".entity-grid.subgrid").find(".modal.fade.modal-delete").find('.modal-header').find('.modal-title').html(SPS.Utilities.getSPSMessage("SUBGRID_DELETE_TITLE")); if (statusField && statusId) { (256) 427-5000Huntsville City Hall308 Fountain CircleHuntsville, Alabama 35801, View findings from 2019 public meetings and survey, Historic Huntsville Preservation Commission, Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission’s Enewsletter. //marks the required fields with a red * $('#de_programid').val('7013bd9f-5512-e211-ad75-00155d019a03'); //adjust popup window height The department: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT An integrated solution for flooding, climate action and economic prosperity. $('form').attr('autocomplete', 'off'); if (form_control.selector) { “The benefits that can be derived from the CVR application shed new light on how to build a business case for smart grid technology,” said Myers. }, return SPS.Utilities.formatPhoneNumberValue('#' +; }; Natural Resources Conservation 819 Cook Ave NW , Huntsville, AL 35801 Farm Service Agency 819 Cook Ave NW , Huntsville, AL 35801 Army Corps Of Engineers 4820 University Sq , Huntsville, AL 35816 Tennessee Valley Authority 4960 Corporate Dr NW , Huntsville, AL 35805 isValid = $("iframe").contents().find(selector).is(':checked'); } else { var link = applicantsButton.attr('href'); sButton.after(modal); else

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