While data for total health spending, spending per capita and spending growth come from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, spending as a percent of gross state product for each state was calculated by Ballotpedia. For the 1996 to 2010 period, the average annual growth rate was 3.6 percent. Higher spending means that a province or territory spends more per person on health care than another province or territory, after accounting for differences in the age and sex of the population. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Communications: Kristen Vonasek • Kayla Harris • Megan Brown • Mary Dunne • Sarah Groat • Heidi Jung Healthcare spending as a percentage of the national gross domestic product (GDP) increased from 5 percent in 1960 to reach 17.4 percent in 2009, or over one-sixth of the nation's economy, where it remained steady through 2013. Many factors other than age, however, can explain differences in provincial or territorial spending. h�b```��,�O@(� ML�����H�-��CS��v= �3g? Ballotpedia features 318,740 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Quebec and Ontario are projected to have the lowest per capita spending on hospitals, at $1,466 and $1,676, respectively. Health spending per person varies among the provinces and territories, and it is highest in the territories. Total healthcare spending in both the public and private sectors amounted to $2.9 trillion in 2013. endstream endobj startxref 0 h�bbd```b``6�A$�6X��^ f_����*��$0;̞fׁ� r� �d��$�?�������6���(�?��� !�/ h�b```a``�``f`��� Ȁ �@�(�����A!���b�s^W�o�^^�����Z����Pcj�Pg8�*`�h`�h`p��``�h`��P� �-Sa�L���@� �>�A���ɗɍ� ��E�b��͙��N]��`�|�H3EnÝ�����H�鈀eY )S.m�bF� ;�3� The table also shows average annual growth in healthcare spending between 1991 and 2009. h��U[O�0�+~M�vl�"�H)!���-�Q�!�^-MP�N���� �Z�2Y'>���O����x@8�q@���Q�q����;"@N.=cT�A@��i�3]��|��C_��̪i^΀�����Z�=�C�Tef�+Tһ4�'�k�%��t9����t � �D� ��A�=>hگꩮ� al�1F� M��gt@/u֌��G0���A�dG�ĕ�ȗ΄�z�5i�ˆ�t��o0���iEeY5a��,3t⌹�$}8��l���4�����I�ΖD8f�~��=26�0�L���&�"/�:O�C�����I33��Ӆ�'������ed�йn�9=��EZՍmI2FMZ�YT� Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). 0 993 0 obj <> endobj Federal, state and local governments were responsible for about 43 percent of that spending. endstream endobj startxref As of 2018, Nunavut had the highest government health expenditures per capita among all territories and provinces with some 15,510 Canadian dollars being spent on health care per capita. On average, health care spending per person is highest for those age 80 and older. Healthcare spending and costs have become a top priority for both state and federal legislators amid growing concern from consumers and employers. Health spending measures the final consumption of health care goods and services (i.e. Figure 34: Provincial/Territorial Government Health Expenditure per Capita, by Age Group, Canada, 2011 . According to the OECD, the ten countries that spend the most on healthcare per person are: ]jt�.��+��˨\杜���9��u;�Sr��p������;�Q�Ҧ�QuU�NC ��ݵ Provincial and territorial governments’ health expenditure per capita is expected to average $3,920 in 2013. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. http://ballotpedia.org/Healthcare_policy_in_STATE, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, "NHE Summary including share of GDP, CY 1960-2013", https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Total_healthcare_spending_by_state&oldid=6148416, Tracking election disputes, lawsuits, and recounts, Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio. Figure 34: Provincial/Territorial Government Health Expenditure per Capita, by Age Group, Canada, 2011 . Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. h��S�n�0�I��!F۴�夨��b�6Y2$�h����$/��^ 1002 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[993 16]/Info 992 0 R/Length 62/Prev 595848/Root 994 0 R/Size 1009/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Similarly, Ontario spent $1,606 per capita on social protection, below the rest of Canada average of $1,942. endstream endobj 1502 0 obj <>/Metadata 70 0 R/OCProperties<>>>/Pages 1499 0 R/StructTreeRoot 88 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1503 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 1504 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.6 %���� %PDF-1.6 %���� California had the highest figure, $230 million. h�bbd``b`z$烈@�y=Hl������b ������\ d100���}�` K� � Find Out endstream endobj 1506 0 obj <>stream the provinces suggest that a one‐size‐fits all approach to ... of real per capita government health spending by province. %%EOF Twenty-three countries spend more than $3,000 on healthcare per capita based on 2018 data. Effect of the Affordable Care Act in the United States, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1517 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[1501 26]/Info 1500 0 R/Length 88/Prev 447739/Root 1502 0 R/Size 1527/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream H��T�j�@}�W��T���!�[hI�BL{��4���i���ٵDҴ�R����s挴pI~2��m���(?�f}�7��]��u�XtO�*/�JCiWZZ�5�(m�+ck�}�ߌ?z��7? [1][2][3][4], The table below shows total healthcare spending and spending per capita in 2009 for each state, as well as what percentage of gross state product can be attributed to healthcare spending. On average, health care spending per person is highest for those age 80 and older. However, per capita, Utah had the lowest spending at $5,031, and Massachusetts had the highest spending at $9,278. While data for total health spending, spending per capita and spending growth come from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, spending as a percent of gross state product for each state was calculated by Ballotpedia.[5][6][7]. current health expenditure) including personal health care (curative care, rehabilitative care, long-term care, ancillary services and medical goods) and collective services (prevention and public health services as well as health administration), but excluding spending on investments.

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