Administrative Regions (BC Stats) GIS Data, including contours and roads, Kamloops Publicly available animal, ecology and plant data available for free download, Digital Geology Data (Ministry of Energy and Mines) All web maps are intuitive and easy to use. Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley (1995) [in Abacus] (requires UBC login)

Prince George To obtain files, please provide the BCGS grid codes to Paul Lesack in Koerner Library, or for Faculty of Forestry requests, please contact Jerry Maedel at city name, state name or zip code) and can be integrated with additional sources of data. A users guide and YouTube webinar are available. General basemap data for the province. Datasets also exist for earlier years. Use the locator map [PDF] to determine which zone you need. Web Mapping Solutions: Is It Possible To Please Everyone. Work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools. 6911 No. TransLink Bus and Rail routes, including stops, effective on March 9, 2010. VanMap Open Data Catalogue (City of Vancouver) The accuracy of these datasets isn’t great, but the shapefiles do cover all major built-up areas of the province. GIS datasets are available for free download, including boundaries, infrastructure, contours, aerial photos and more. Canadian Climate Normals Remote Sensing/Satellite Imagery Census of Canada Road Network File, 2011 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login)
Vector data based on original raster data. Orthophotos covering the city of Vancouver in ECW and MrSID formats. Off-shore oil and gas-related shapefiles, Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Program (BC Forest Service)

Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. The City of Surrey develops web maps to provide more effective services and to reach out to the citizens in new ways. Open Data portal for the township of Langley. V3T 1V8, Engineering Requirements for Building Permits, Open Data for Democracy Award & Open Data Excellence Award, 2008 SAFE Software Case Study: City of Surrey's Self-Service Data System, Create and maintain 85% of Corporate spatial data (property, infrastructure, etc. Download 2009 orthophotos for the RDCO area. Canadian digital elevation data at a variety of resolutions (in ASCII format), Ministry of Energy and Mines View (but not download) cadastral data for BC through their online viewer.

Datasets also exist for earlier years. Tel: 604-276-4000

This item is managed by the ArcGIS Hub application. COVID-19: Restoring Richmond TRIM (Terrain Resource Information Mapping), Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Program, Forest Cover (VRI – Vegetation Resources Inventory), Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley (1995), Regional District of Central Okanagan Orthophotos, Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) Public Web Map, TransLink Transit GIS Data, 09 March 2010.
Urban is a single land use category. We can be reached at or 604-591-4146 from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Includes base data, orthophotography and natural areas data, Regional District of Central Okanagan (Kelowna area) Administrative Regions (BC Stats) Download GIS shapefiles for economic regions, regional districts, municipalities, health boundaries, school districts, college regions and provincial electoral districts. CanMap RouteLogistics 2010 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login) Canadian Open Data and Free Geospatial Data Resources: Almost anyone in the geospatial community would agree that a major part of any GIS project would be the data sets involved.The data can be in the form of vectors, rasters, aerial photography or statistical tabular data and most often the data component can be very costly or labor intensive. Base Data (boundaries, cities, rivers, roads, railroads, etc.). DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY THIS ITEM.

Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Open data website with files covering the physical environment and civic infrastructure. 3 Road, Richmond, British Columbia, V6Y 2C1. About our Richmond Maps We offer a variety of map options on this site. The GIS data is referenced by spatial or geographic coordinates (i.e. Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Mapping (Restrictions apply. Discover, analyze and download data from ArcGIS Hub. Mineral resource assessment and mineral potential geology compilations in .e00 format. Click on Geospatial Data Downloads to access GIS datasets. “A composite table comprising the polygon table attributes joined to the attributes from the non vegetation, non tree, land cover component, tree layer, tree species and tree volume tables.”. NatureServe VISION: To be the most appealing, livable, and well-managed community in Canada. The BC Economic Atlas (BCEA) is a user friendly, web-based mapping application that integrates and displays economic and natural resource data on a map to support investment opportunity identification, business case analysis and decision-making in British Columbia. Vancouver’s open data site.

Census Data and GIS indicates that access to the resource is limited to UBC students, faculty and staff. This extensive dataset from DMTI Spatial, Inc. includes shapefiles for transportation, points of interest, administrative boundaries, land use, physical features, building footprints, and more. Baseline Thematic Mapping Land Use (ILMB – via GeoBC) TransLink Transit GIS Data, 09 March 2010 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login)

Sample attributes in this dataset include: age, species, volume, height. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online account. Open data website with properties and infrastructure files, North Vancouver (District of)

(see also Orthophotography), GeoBase Satellite Imagery To see a description of the types of cadastral data available to UBC students, faculty and researchers, see the ICIS website. Nanaimo

2008 SAFE Software Case Study: City of Surrey's Self-Service Data System; 2007 ESRI Canada ArcNorth News Article; 2003 ICIS Member Profile: City of Surrey; Conference Presentations by GIS. Hours: 8:15 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Comprehensive road network for all of Canada. Datasets also available for earlier years. Land use shapefiles are available as part of this dataset. These files can be accessed through the BC Stats website directly. CanVec View and download worldwide satellite imagery (requires free account setup), National dataset that includes 20-meter contour geodatabase (_FO.gdb) within the data package. Provincial Biogeoclimatic Subzone/Variant mapping, Forest Cover (VRI – Vegetation Resources Inventory) VanMap Open Data Catalogue (City of Vancouver) CRD (Capital Regional District) Atlas (Victoria area) ), Various custom applications (see Web Maps below), 2000 ESRI Canada - Award for Innovation In the Field of GIS, 2012 ESRI Vancouver User Conference presentation by Sean Simpson, GIS Manager. Our team provides Geographic Information System (GIS) services to City staff and citizens in the most efficient and effective method possible. Surrey Use the back button to return to this page, Major & General Roads Map - Richmond West Side, Major & General Roads Map - Richmond East Side, Richmond Parks,Trails, & Recreation & Cultural Facilities Map. See a complete list of feature codes on the GIS Reference page of this website. Direct links to MrSID format for 2006, 2008, 2009. Prince George’s open data portal. Kelowna Search for CanVec products in GeoGratis. To acquire any of these datasets, please contact Paul Lesack at UBC Library. Canada-wide land cover, circa 2000. New “metadata and service discovery tool” to find remote sensing and earth science data. Langley (Township of) © 2020 City of Richmond, Taxes & Utilities • Collection Schedule, To view PDF maps use the zoom feature in Adobe Reader to adjust your view and use the hand on your cursor to pan the map. This extensive dataset from DMTI Spatial, Inc. includes significant roads, minor streets and address range data . Why We Focused On Spatial Data First 2012 BC Open Data Summit presentation by Sean Simpson, GIS Manager

Download GIS shapefiles for economic regions, regional districts, municipalities, health boundaries, school districts, college regions and provincial electoral districts. Please see the web maps listed below to see some of our custom applications. TRIM files are divided using the BC Geographic System grid. ), GeoBase Digital Elevation Data Note that there is no assessment or ownership information available via the UBC Library, only property boundaries and basic identification information. CanMap RouteLogistics 2010 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login) SPOT, Landsat and RADARSAT images for Canada, Global Visualization Viewer (USGS) Downloadable shape files include Development Regions, Census Divisions, Census Subdivisions, Health Boundaries, School Districts, and College Regions. Average monthly precipitation and temperature, plus other variables, by weather station, for all of Canada. Open data for the City of Kelowna. Download shapefiles from the city’s open data site. ArcCanada British Columbia 2005 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login) General basemap data for … You may choose to view a dynamic interactive map system with viewing options and several information layers that can be turned on as needed, as well as imbedded aerial views. 30- and 90-meter resolution ASCII files (with accompanying .prj files) that can be converted into DEM rasters. DataBC

CanMap Streetfiles 2010 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login) VRI Data Download Geospatial forest inventory dataset updated for depletions, such as harvesting, and projected annually for growth. Links to the CRD Web Map Service (WMS) are provided. Geographic Information System (GIS) is a database management system (DBMS) for capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial data and related information. To make changes to this site, please visit Find out which City Services & Facilities are open. Digital Elevation Models [in Abacus] (requires UBC login) Download landsat data (only some images are free), Reverb/ECHO (NASA) Online map tool and open data website. Connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. GeoBase Land Cover Traffic Data Program (BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure)

Richmond City Hall: 6911 No. ALR boundaries for the province provided by the Agricultural Land Commission. Surrey, BC, Canada Includes non-urban land use for British Columbia, such as old-growth and new-growth forest, agriculture, recreation areas, mining, glaciers and estuaries. Visit Maps & COSMOS to access all of our services and products. Includes many parts of BC, including the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Complete 1-meter coverage of Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley in GeoTIFF format. 3 Road, Richmond, British Columbia, V6Y 2C1

Includes freeways, highways, major and minor roads with road names and address ranges. TRIM (Terrain Resource Information Mapping) (UBC Library) See this UBC Library web page for information on how to download and format Canadian census data to be joined to census boundary shapefiles. Positional files include 20 meter contours, roads, rail lines, water features, and more. (Ministry of Energy and Mines) Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps. GIS Articles and News. Learn about what the Geographic Information System (GIS) team does at the City of Surrey. Click the “download data” button to order the dataset through GeoBC.

Traffic counts for BC highways. DEM files include an elevation point file and breakline file that can be converted into a TIN or DEM raster.

BC Stats maintains files for translating various data across administrative regions.

Regional District of Central Okanagan Orthophotos (Kelowna area) 13450 - 104 Avenue ArcCanada British Columbia 2005 [in Abacus] (requires UBC login) BC Provincial Government Data Catalogue. Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) Public Web Map

CRD (Capital Regional District) Atlas (Victoria area) Positional accuracy ranges from 1:2,000 to 1:50,000.

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