Rob Mallay Planned spending for 2015-2016 consisted of 171 million dollars for enterprise development, 89 million dollars for community development, 25 million dollars for internal services and 11 million dollars for policy, advocacy and coordination. 5 (1) In furtherance of the purpose of this Part, the Minister may exercise powers and perform duties and functions that affect economic opportunity and development in Atlantic Canada over which Parliament has jurisdiction and that are not by or pursuant to law assigned to any other member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada or to any department, board or agency of the Government of Canada. Account Manager Francis P McGuire is President at Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. (4) Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, the Minister may provide for the payment of reasonable travel and living expenses incurred in the performance of their duties and functions by members of advisory boards established under subsection (3). Act current to 2020-10-21 and last amended on 2015-02-26. Previous Versions. 8 Subject to any regulations, the Minister may acquire, exercise, assign or sell a stock option, share warrant, share or other similar financial instrument obtained as a condition of a loan or contribution made, a guarantee given or loan insurance or credit insurance provided under section 13 or in the course of the collection or enforcement of a debtor’s obligation to the Agency. Like Canada's other regional development agencies, ACOA is overseen by the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages. Average project duration is about two years. Sign up for NEIA's weekly email newsletter and stay informed on our activities and initiatives, cleantech business opportunities, and the latest green economy news relevant to firms in Newfoundland and Labrador. Business & Economy Website. (i) the establishment, development, support and promotion of enterprises, and more particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, in Atlantic Canada, (ii) the development of entrepreneurial talent in that region, and. Community See All. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency published this content on 05 August 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. 2 This Part may be cited as the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act. Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario, Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, Community Business Development Corporations,, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Official Website, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act text, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Report, Atlantic Innovation Fund Official Website, Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Canadian International Development Agency, Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment,, Canadian federal departments and agencies, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 October 2020, at 03:26. 10 There is hereby established an agency of the Government of Canada to be known as the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Log In. NEIA CONTACT ), in force September 15, 1988, see SI/88-152. (3) Each annual report under subsection 21(3) shall include full and complete information relating to funds undertaken to be transferred under this section in the fiscal year to which the report relates.

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