Yet despite all their obstacles, they can’t seem to say goodbye, and for the first time in her carefully constructed life, Cecily follows her heart instead of her head. The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. Use this question to explore what made the setting of your reading selection so important, and how it affected the events of the story. Luckily enough, All Adults Here was our May book club pick and it didn’t disappoint in the slightest. As I mentioned in my review, I really like how Emma Straub tackles the family saga genre. What do you think was behind her decision to continue the affair with her high school boyfriend Jeremy? In many books, the setting is a significant part of the story, even acting as a character itself. Moreover, their timing couldn’t be worse—Grant is preparing to quit his job and move overseas. If you do live in a small town, what are some things you like and dislike about it? They're a space meant for lively arguments over plot twists, character flaws, and alternative endings. What do you think the title—All Adults Here—mean in context to the story? You might be surprised to hear how inspired, empowered, enraged, or even educated your friends are from a single reading experience. But the questions pile up fast: How well did she really know Grant? And is it possible to love a man who wasn’t who he seemed to be? Another question like the ones you used to dread in English class, talking about the actual structure of a book — the timeline, the viewpoints, the syntax — can be more revealing than you think. Many years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. Weaving together multiple strands and generations of this family, from the Deep South to California, from the 1950s to the 1990s, Brit Bennett produces a story that is at once a riveting, emotional family story and a brilliant exploration of the American history of passing. By discussing possible casting choices for a movie adaption, you can learn how others saw the characters in their minds versus how you created them in your own. She becomes quite fixated on Barbara—despite saying that she never really liked her. The perfect book club is made up of three key things: a great reading selection, yummy snacks, and a lively discussion. While the concept of open book discussion at your book club is easy to grasp, it is a little harder to practice. This is a huge scene in the novel—why do you think Astrid responded like this? Cecelia is Astrid’s granddaughter. How did they help see the best in each other? Unreliable narrators are among the most intriguing characters to discuss, so use this question as a starting point to really explore them. The first two things are easy to accomplish — just read anything by Gillian Flynn and have a good variety of cheese available — but getting a good dialogue going may be harder than you think, which is why you need a list of general book club questions that will work for any discussion. Suddenly, Astrid realizes she was not quite the parent she thought she’d been to her three, now-grown children. Jenna Bush Hager picked this for her book club and she said that “in a time when all we want is hope, it’s a beautiful book to reach for.” I can see what she’s saying there about the story— curious to hear what you all think about it! I love to read and review various genres with a focus on contemporary fiction, historical fiction with some mysteries/thrillers and also select nonfiction and memoirs. In one of my past book clubs, we literally ONLY read books that included discussion questions at the end of the book because we wanted to be certain we’d have a meaningful discussion. It’s 2 A.M. on a Saturday night in the spring of 2001, and twenty-eight-year-old Cecily Gardner sits alone in a dive bar in New York’s East Village, questioning her life. Do you think no matter your age, you always want your parents approval? I’ve found that the best book club discussion questions are ones that are open-ended and that get people to share their personal opinions. "You need a list of general book club questions that will work for any discussion," writer Sadie Trombetta recommends. It will give you a jumping off point to discuss what about the selection kept you turning the pages, and what made it difficult to get through, all information that will help you pick an even better book next time around. It’s also about second chances, love, and all the decisions we make for love. Some members may be shy, others might have a hard time openly disagreeing, and you just might not know where to begin. You can now purchase books directly from Penguin Random House on RIF. But who gets to decide, so many years later, which long-ago lapses were the ones that mattered? We learn quickly that Astrid is in love with Birdie, a woman. Fearing the worst, Cecily spots his face on a missing-person poster, and realizes she is not the only one searching for him. Luckily enough, All Adults Here was our May book club pick and it didn’t disappoint in the slightest. Elliot is the serious one and stressed out. Use the "If... then..." model when it comes to formulating book club questions, like "If the protagonist chose her other love interest, how might the book have been different?" He really wants to get the approval of Astrid but feels like he’s always falling short. Then Grant disappears in the chaos of 9/11. I really enjoyed this one! Book Club Questions for The Invisible Life of... Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by... Book Club Questions for Troubles in Paradise by... Book Club Questions for Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam, Book Club Questions for The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Astrid’s youngest son is drifting and unfocused, making parenting mistakes of his own. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. It’s a beautiful novel about a mother and her three adult children as they try to navigate life together and mend their tricky relationships. Why do you think Astrid blamed Barbara for her own behavior toward Elliot? My favorite book of the year so far is The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett! A popular question to end the discussion off with, talking about possible book-to-movie adaptations is always a fun game of make-believe.

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