He was present at my wedding and performed the funeral services of my grandparents. All right. The Lord's Supper. Dr. Rogers left an astounding legacy that is ours to pass on. Now, what body is he talking about? Dr. Rogers was, Powerful, Spirit filled, Convicting, Annointed....Dynamic!After I went up to meet both speakers, the first guy, how can I put this, in the original Greek...He was a Jerk! 2. Our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, has given many examples of His open invitation to be replenished and restored, to remember, and to rejoice at His table. If you want, I believe you can find 'Now the Day is Over' in some hymnals.But a couple of other things I will never forget:1) the washing of feet when Dr. Rogers passed the mantle of leadership to Dr. Gaines - you could heard the gasps as this caught people off-guard, and yet, it shouldn't have.2) the memorial service at Bellevue that became a worship service; there was sadness, but who was blessed and rejoicing at this man's life when they left? And, one would bring a big feast, and they would eat a feast. What a wonderful homegoing it was!Adrian Rogers was a truly gifted and anointed man of God, pastor and teacher. Now some of them were rather threatened by that, and someone asked me, "Are you not afraid that somebody will say something that is false, and heresies will spread in the church?" I remember when his heart was broken over a family crisis. LOL!Stories Maxie Dunnam has told about living next door to the Rogers family for years. And when he says, "wait for one another" he does not necessarily mean at the Lord's Table, though that is a good thing to do. "This represents my body which is for you.". Thus we are surrendering our right to take credit for things, surrendering our right to have people praise us and affirm us, etc., in order that God, who is working in us, may have that glory and that praise. Covenant meals and meals of fellowship are frequent occurrences in Scripture. The last two verses simply indicate how God is concerned that this be done in such a way as to bring out the acts of love and courtesy one for another. Not to worship him but thank him for all he meant to us. But he then asked our son "Tell me this, if this turns out to be the worst, will your family be okay financially?" I then approached Dr. Rogers, wondering if I would receive the same treatment. 25In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." An invitation goes out to saints the redeemed of all of ages, those saved before or after the church age. one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. All Rights Reserved. Now any passage like that would bear looking at closely. bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. He taught me to always carry my sword!Dr. (Signal Hill, CA: Rogers Family Trust, 2017). AND, Thanks Lord for the last face-to-face meeting I had with my pastor. Reading through this thread has been a true blessing to me. Now, when we say, “in remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ,” we’re not talking about remembering someone who has died and has gone from us but to remember someone who is now present with us. No one had answered these heresies; no one had controlled these utterances, so they had broken into harmful divisions in their love feasts that were creating chaos within the church. That is why, written across the front of this auditorium, it says. But, try saying it this way: “Christ died because of my sins.” We say, “Christ died for me.” Say it this way: “Christ died instead of me.”, “This is my body, which is broken [because of] you.”. And this, as Paul tells us, is to go on through the whole age, from the first coming until he comes again. By sharp contrast, the apostle now goes on to draw the picture what he had taught them about the Lord's Table, Verse 23: For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, "This is my body which is for you. If that is all it means, if you are not going to manifest a concern and care for those who are without among you and be concerned to meet the needs of those who are hungry, then you might just as well stay home and eat and drink there. We are fellowshipping with the Lord Jesus Christ. Now not all sickness comes from the disciplinary hand of God. Jesus, You died to save me. Pray that we would be up for the task. My son's reply was "We are going to pay respect to a great man who showed daddy how to love Jesus" Now that is a legacy! It represents the union of all God's people; at the table of the Lord all human souls are on a level. RayStedman.org/permissions. The important thing is that you begin to act out of the central meaning of the Christian life. Verse 17: But in the following instructions I do not commend you, because when you come together it is not for the better but for the worse. Words cannot describe what will happen when Jesus comes for His bride. He graciously opened it up and took a big bite of one. Each taught me what it means to be a Christian, how to have a servants heart, how to praise and worship God (NOT how to worship praise and worship! He wrapped his arms around her and told her how precious she was. You can avoid this chastening of God by honest dealing with yourself because God will always give you a chance to change. He doesn’t say to examine yourself and then not eat. In one of the churches I pastored, we had a man who taught the men’s Bible class, and though he came to the church very faithfully and sat there every service, he never Those things are wrong. Just curious. Though I wasn't around him enough to hear a lot of his quotes...this is the one that stood out to me...and has stuck with me since.."The things of God are shallow enough for a child to wade in, and deep enough to drown a theologian. It may be impossible to pick one memory, but I would throw this out there as a "best of" memory:On those beautiful Bellevue Sunday nights after the invitation, the lights would dim, the choir's voices would rise, the Man of God would close the Word of God in the House of God, and bid us peace, reminding us that the God who watches over Israel never sleeps nor slumbers, and it is He who watches over us. Therefore, we have here what amounts to the earliest description of the Lord's Table when it was instituted in the Upper Room coming from none other than the lips of Jesus himself. Beloved, the wedding is not far off. We still miss him greatly and may God continue to bless Mrs. Rogers and her family by knowing how much he meant to all of us. Yet there he was looking into the boyish face of a College Sophomore, exibiting a humility that I have not seen duplicated in any " well known " minister since!That was the first time I met him, and I loved him beginning at that first encounter until now! They stay at home when they could come or they’re casual or cavalier or indifferent about taking the Lord’s Supper. Among members of God’s family, we find comfort and support, just as the disciples and the early church did. But Paul says when judgment comes it is the loving hand of your heavenly Father stopping you and telling you, "Look, you are mine. We are taking in our hands bread that represents wheat that has been crushed and ground fine and put in an oven and baked. Yes, we need to anticipate. I was under the understanding that Dr. Rogers did not prefer to be called "Dr." I recall a conversation with him that he enjoyed being called "Pastor" more than anything. Forgive my sin. I am sorry if anyone disagrees with this statement, especially a family member. Adrian had a tendency to care more about alliteration in his points than accurately representing the text. God doesn’t judge you because He hates you; He judges you because He loves you. his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken. I'm in jr. or sr. high school at this time and I always thought it was cool that this MAN loved the young people like me. You are actually injuring one another and destroying the character of the church by the way you are conducting yourselves at these love feasts which terminate in the celebration of the Lord's Table together.". It is for the redeemed. This is His table. He has in view the agape, the feast of love and of sharing they held that grew out of that atmosphere in the early church (described in the book of Acts), where no one counted anything as belonging to himself alone but shared with one another the resources and riches that God had provided so that no one was left out. That’s what he’s saying. In fact, it is healthy, he says, for it allows those who are approved, who are mature, to become manifest. Certainly not! Wow, my son still remembers what happened even today. (1 Corinthians 11:29 RSV). Each day you will begin with a nugget from one of his messages, a reading from God's Word, and a place to write your "Spiritual concerns and prayer requests." I truly have enjoyed reading all of these wonderful memories....this makes me wonder....Isn't it a BBC tradition for generations to end the Lord's Supper nights in that way??? The example that he set before us as a husband, father and grandfather is precisely the example that Jesus intended. This is from David B.I have many but one was back at the old church in the early 80's. Now, the Lord’s Supper is, therefore, a time of covenant and it is a time of communion. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers, Bob and Buena Sorrell and occasionally some others would come in and come over and talk to our table. What does "discerning the body" mean? We laughed, and now we remember, with both tears and laughter, but soon, very soon, only laughter. His ability to always remember a person and to speak to that person on a very personal level showed his true love and concern as a shephard of the flock. Just another example of this man's amazing humility. Attitudes of lust and of selfishness and misdeeds of dishonesty and lying and all these things are what we face when we come to the Table of the Lord.

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